HomeMy WebLinkAbout1685Resolution No. 1685 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] CON0=0102 -street Vacation Passed -gn /2004 McMillin Street and Alley Vacation ~ _ =:,}'~_.::.~ ......... ~~~,~----, '-~ :._..Jtw.-;}J.:..cft x·~ .. ,;;:. ______ ~-L~. ~---~---_ RESOLUTION NO. I' 8 5 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding the vacation of the portion of McMillin Street between State and Kennebeck Avenue and the alley directly north, in the City of Kent; and setting the public hearing on the proposed street vacation for November 2, 2004. RECITALS A. A petition, attached as Exhibit A, has been filed by the Kent School District to vacate the portion of McMillin Street between State and Kennebeck Avenue and the alley directly north, located in the City of Kent, Washington. B. The petition is signed by the owners of at least two-thirds of the real property abutting that portion of McMillin Street between State and Kennebeck Avenue and the alley directly north to be vacated;. C. The petition is in all respects proper. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION 1 McMillin Street and Alley Vacation SECTION 1. -Public Hearing. A public hearing on the street vacation petition requesting the vacation of a portion of McMillin Street between State and Kennebeck A venue and the alley directly north shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 2, 2004, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. SECTION 2. -Notice. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Chapter 35.79 RCW. SECTION 3. -InfOrmation. The Planning Manager shall obtain any other necessary information from appropriate departments and shall transmit the infonnation to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on November 2, 2004. SECTION 4. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 5. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PAS SED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this day of 2004. 2 McMiUin Street and Alley Vacation ~ CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ~ day of September, 2004. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: zt'lMA._ ~~~ k__ TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No.f6Zpassed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 7 day of September, 2004. 3 McMillin Street and Alley Vacation EXHIBIT "An Page 1 of 2 KIVA#: "-.€ S\/ ... "2-o 4 '2..b :.o ID) I APPIJCANT: Mayor Jim Whit IE \C IE I ~ IE ~ MAIL TO: l\f\1 AUG 9 3XJ4 NAME: &otj:=bco}l>i-Skd *YIS' ~er::= cmontNt ~DRESS: \d0'&35Bdflott&f-B~ 220 S. 4th Avenue L--__.!:!tm:!.!.:Cl~tRK!:---' KmJ-. WI/ 18QSo - Kent, WA 98032 ATI'N: JmyMcCaughan PHONEt253)573-]~J/ STREET AND/OR ALLEY VACATION APPUCATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent City Council: We, the undersigned abutting property owners, hereby respectfully request that certain 19( Alley }q" Street hereby be vacated described as follows (include square feet). T The Alley lying within Block 20, Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to the Town of Keot and also McMillin Street lying between Block 19 and Blotk 20 In said plat. BRIEF STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT A "CURRENT' ownership and encumbrance report must be obtained from a Title Company and submitted with this application that covers all the abutting properties contiguous to alley or street sough to be vacated. When Corporations. partnerships, etc. arc being signed for, and then proof of individual's authority to sign for same shall also be submitted. Attach a color-coded map of a scale of not less than 1 .... 200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must comspond with legal description. AUBUITING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES AND ADDRESSES ~nt&hool J>tWrctau.ms SlSO.OOFcePaid A£ff-~' ?fftJlf Appraisal Fee Paid Land Value Paid Deed Accepted Trade Accepted ... .... ... .., , .... ... ........ TAX LOT# LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC.TOWN.R.G. 4q\J%o-;)llo :+cul'ivO-l'llfS.; , *~ l]q<oO-dldD.' ~ q 17'1lt!0-191D5./ # 'll)qlDO-$2~,' "'Fq (7'1tpO-Itf5"S:· ~9 \lGLRo ... '¢o9o: *ot 1/Ciloo-~\~ I -:fP S'JBS"'o-oaas= Treasurer's Receipt No.:----- Treaaurcl''aReceiptNo.: ____ _ Treasurer's Receipt No.:----- Date: _________ _ Date: _________ _ -I -~. I t 11 17 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 ... ~ .. I .. g 1.. .~ t·' J ' ·. .. .· .. .. ..