HomeMy WebLinkAbout1681Resolution No. 1681 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] CON0=0122-Police & Fire Departments Passed -8/3/2004 Advanced Life Support Services -Exploration of Dual Provider Alternative RESOLUTION NO. I lo i I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the Ctty of Kent, Washington, supporting the position on Advanced Life Support Services. RECITALS A. In April 2003, the Kent Fire Department and the Federal Way Fire Department received support from King County Emergency Medical Services to conduct an Advanced Life Support Feasibility Study for south King County to determine whether control and operation of the south King County Medic One program should transition over to local municipal fire service departments or districts. B. During this process, the Kent Fire Department and the Federal Way Fire Department leadership teams formed an alliance and developed a solid dual provider alternative to the current Advanced Life Support system in south King County. C. After extensive financial and operational review, the City of Federal Way Fire Department and the City of Kent Fire Department determined that a dual provider model could be a viable alternative to the delivery of paramedic services in south King County. D. Thereafter, the two cities composed a position paper on the provision of Advanced Life Support Services based on the Advanced Life Support Feasibility Study 1 Advanced Life Support Services - Exploration of Dual Provider Alternative for south King County. This position paper identified several key points supporting the dual provider option. It also identified challenges and legitimate concerns regarding a transition of the south King County Medic One program over to a localized dual provider program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Support. The City of Kent supports the position on Advanced Life Support Services, as described in the position paper on Advanced Life Support Service, attached and incorporated as Exhibit A. The dual provider alternative appears to be financially viable, and because it is not binding on the City, it merits further exploration. SECTION 2. -Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining porttons of this resolution. SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 4. -E(foctive Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PAS SED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this day of August, 2004. 2 Advanced Life Support Services - Exploration of Dual Provider Alternative CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this r day of August, 2004. ATTEST: ~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY --...................... ____ .. - ---.. . --. ... _ :' . ' ---,....._-~-./- .... --,.~...::.._ .... .... .... .. ...... I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. / b i I passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the -~IlL day of August, 2004. A~ .. e(l. ~~~ BRENDAJACOBER, CLERK '-.......... --....... ..._ v _... --'- ~ .· ---...,... ..._ :"'"' "' ;. :-~: .:._ ~-_ .... .._ -~~ --... -.... -... - ...r ... -• .... -............. -~--~_ ... ' .............. "'/ ..... .,,/...:::, .............. - 3 Advanced Life Support Services- Exploration of Dual Provider Alternative June 22, 2004 To: All Interested Officials from: Chief Allen D. Church, federal Way Fire Department Chief Jim Schneider. Kent Fire Department Re: PositiOn on Provision of ALS Services Introduction We are writing this paper to explain our posttion on the completed ALS Feasibility Study for south King County. First, we would like to thank all of those who tirelessly participated in this process. This study attempted to answer the long asked question of whether or not the south King County Medic One program should transition into the fire service. This feasibility study was the result of a change to the King County Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan prior to placing the last EMS levy on the ballot. In that strategic plan the Cities of Federal Way and Kent requested and received support for this study to occur. The Federal Way Fire Department, a ftre district, and the Kent Fire Department, a municipal fire department, have been working together to provide emergency services to the citizens in south King County for over 50 years. Both organizations have strong histories of serving our citizens. That service tradition continues today with a resolve to ensure that the citizens of south King County are provided with the most efficient, cost effective, and well coordinated emergency services that we are able to provide. Thus, our mutual interest in the provision of ALS (advanced life support) in south King County is that which bas driven the ALS Feasibility Study over the past year. Process . The ALS Feasibility study began in April of2003, and over the past year all of the study participants have increased their fundamental knowledge of how the south King County Medic One program operates. At times this has been a frustrating process. We knew from the outset that a study involving the transition of a program with such a critical mission to our public would cause some uncertainty, especially by the paramedics within south King County Medic One, and we appreciate the fact that our long standing partnership with the south King County Medic One program remains intact. As explained throughout the ALS Feasibility Study report, several alternatives were discussed with some receiving more support than others. The Federal Way and Kent Fire Department leadership teams formed an alliance and developed a solid dual provider alternative to the cwrent ALS system in south King County. After extensive financial and operational revtew the Federal Way Fire Department, the Kent Fire Department, the City of Federal Way and the City of Kent feel that the dual provider model is a v1able alternative to the delivery of paramedic services m south King County. Rationale It is not the intent of this paper to restate the ALS Final Report. However, we do feel that several key points are worth highlighting in support of the Federal Way and Kent Fire Department dual provider option. • Both agencies primary focus is emergency services. • Both agencies are operationally and administratively able to provide paramedic service. • Both agencies are committed to maintaining the current medical model and medical control. • Together with other fire departments in Zone 3, both agencies provide the highest quality of emergency services regardless of political boundaries. • The dual provider model reduces administrative overhead costs, plus the fire service has a limited FLSA exemption which will dramatically reduce overtime costs. • The dual provider model allows paramedics to enroll in the LEOFF 2 pension plan, thus allowing for potential retirement at age 53 instead of their current PERS plan that allows full retirement at age 65. (It should be noted that to access the LEOFF 2 system, current paramedics who are in the PERS program must apply to transition to LEOFF by June 301h of 2008 in order to qualify under "portability" legislation.) • The Cities of Federal Way and Kent, along with all cities of 50,000 in population or more, are part of the EMS levy approval process. The Federal Way and Kent "dual provider'' option provides local input, as more of a local stakeholder, into the ALS program • Paramedic services throughout the rest of King County, as well as in Pierce County, are managed by the fire service (except for private ambulance companies who employ paramedics) Hurdles There are challenges and legitimate concerns to a transition of the south King County Medic One program. We feel the points below are important to acknowledge because they represent the EMS stakeholders who demonstrated resistance to a transition of ALS into the fire service. 1) The King County Medic One Employees Union. Clearly at the end of the process the Paramedic Labor Union was against the transition. 2) The Medical Directors because they appeared to oppose adding any new physicians to the current ALS Program Directors, although the dual model proposal did not suggest adding physicians. 3) The fire department opinions in the region were mixed. It was clear that fire departments participating in the study, which already provided ALS in King County, were not supportive of the dual provider model. 4) The King County Emergency Medical Services Division was opposed to any transition away from King County to the fire service. All of these obstacles can be overcome through a clearly defined transition process, wherein negotiations with both King County and the Paramedic Union representing the employees of Medic One would take place. Summary We have been willing partners in the provision of emergency medical services (EMS) in South King County, and we will remain stanch partners in the delivery of emergency care to our patients. The next months and years will be challenging for all of us whether a BLS (basic life support) or BLS/ ALS provider. With the growing pressures on property taxes all of our needs are changing and adjustmg to the desires of the public. We have learned a great deal about the Medic One program. In the years to come questions like the one we just studied and more will continue to challenge all of us. The Citizens in South King County are not that much different than the citizens in Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond and the east-side, Shoreline~ and the north end, Tacoma, Lakewood, University Place, Gig Harbor, Central Pierce County, or any other area where ALS services are provided via their local fire department. Paramedic's services in the fire service are also supported nationally by the IAFF (International Association of Firefighters); unfortunately, the King County Medic One Union (an IAFF.bargaining unit) does not currently support that position as related to this current ALS Feasibtlity Study. However, we know that we can be effective in managing the program. In fact, the current study has clearly defined the following statement: The Federal Way Fire Department and the Kmt Fire Department have proven that it is feasible to have an efficient a11d cost effective fire service based ALS program it1 South Kittg Cou11ty. Furtl1ermore, the Federal Way and Kent Fire Departments have shown that a "dual provider" program would work, and sl10uld be given stroug consideration to ensure the long term success of the ALS program in South King County. In closing, we look forward to continued dialog on the provision of ALS and BLS services in South King County.