HomeMy WebLinkAbout1675RESOLUTION NO. It, 1 b A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washington, regarding Kmg County Countywide Planning Policies adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council pursuant to the Growth Management Act. RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210, the Growth Management Act requires the adoption of Countywide Planmng Policies to provide a countywide framework from which local comprehensive plans are to be developed. King County, the City of Seattle, and the incorporated suburban cities and towns in King County established a process for the development, adoption, and ratification of Countywide Planning Policies by an mterlocal agreement. This agreement established the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC), a group consisting of elected officials from Kmg County, suburban cities, and the City of Seattle, who were authorized to develop a set of recommended countywide planning policies for consideration by the King County Council. B. The GMPC met on September 17, 2003, and voted to pass an amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies to designate downtown Auburn (the Auburn Central Business District) as an Urban Center (GMPC Motion 03-2). The Kmg County Council approved and ratified this amendment on behalf of King County on March 8, 2004, pursuant to King County Ordinance 14844. The Kent Planning & Economic Development Comm1ttee rev1ewed this amendments at its meeting on April 19, 2004. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: ' \ / 1 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2004 RESOLUTION SECTION 1. The City of Kent, act1ng pursuant to the interlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and incorporated suburban c1ties, hereby ratifies the proposed amendment to the Countywide Planning Polices as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in King County Ordinance 14844 SECTION 2. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted here1n shall be filed with the City Clerk and in the planning services office and made available for public Inspection. Ll Passed a~ meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton this _:]__day of ~ , 2004. ~urred in by the Mayor of -~-=-<-=:......::.,f.----' 2004. JIM ATTEST: ~J2o-~~ BRENDAJACOBER,CI CLERK APPROVED AS TO Fl;~ )1M!\ 0u TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY the City of Kent, this Jf day of -··"'--,.. .......... _./ -. / ~--~-. : _,.. -... _,.. . :v -:....:;/_,.. -~ -. ..._ ~ --..._ : -'~ -. . --~ ~ .· I hereby certify that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the I IP zs, passed <f day of '"WI4Hf ' 2004. , _ _,. ~ ~ -~ct.~ (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBE~TY CLERK 2 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2004