HomeMy WebLinkAbout1668RESOLUTION NO. fbh y A RESOLUTION of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, regarding the vacation of a port1on of 1451h Place SE 1n the City of Kent, and setting the public hearing on the proposed street vacation for June 15, 2004. RECITALS A A petition, attached as Exhibit "A," has been f1led by Schneider Homes, Inc, to vacate a port1on of 1451h Place SE in the City of Kent B. The petition is signed by the owners of at least two-thirds of the real property abutting those portions of 145th Place SE to be vacated. C. The petition IS in all respects proper. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. A public hearing on the street vacation pet1tton requesting the vacation of a portion of 1451h Place SE, legally described 1n Exhibit "A," shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00p.m., Tuesday, June 15, 2004, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. SECTION 2. The city clerk shall g1ve proper notice of the heanng and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Ch. 35.79 RCW. 1 Street Vacation - 1451h Place SE SECTION 3. The planning manager shall obtain any other necessary information from appropriate departments and shall transmit the information to the council so that the council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meetmg on June 15,2004. PASSED at a mlar meeting of the city council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington this .tj day of 4cf , 2004. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent, this f dayof ~- 2004. ATTEST: ~£,./~~~ 'BRENDAJACOBER,C~CLERK ~ ........... ---................... _ "-... w " .. --...... :"' .-- ~~~--.:.::. ... .:..'.:.-........ APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No /6 6 ~. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, on the _if __ _ day of ~ , 2004. ~f...,. tl},.,' BRENDA JACOBE 2 <t.~(SEAL) CITY CLERK Street Vacation - 1451h Place SE WAaHINGT C1lY of Kt~CUstomer5Servlces 1!211 Foa jlvtnlll! outh Kent, llfMf'=-~-5495 IaVAf#t..,_ __ ...!i!!~:E!!:Q,.-..:=--.1 Mayor Jim Wldte ·MAIL TO: =============-=====:== DEPTih 284 street Vacat1on Appl1c&t1on Fee 158. 88 151!.811 U&97 CITY OF KENT ~4Iaf11r.atJon · Property Management 8.88 8. 88 220 S. 4& Avenue =er. IDES, IN~ 158.118 Kent, Washington 98032 Total: • 1511.91 Attn· J .. ....., McCaughan =-~-.....-========= ·= ·=== . -·J Chedt 158.111 =,t,W 4/e/eBB-t 13:38 lh'ad PHONE: u'-Zff-z.lf1j ColllliCbng for s~cess STREET AND/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent City Council: We, the underaigned abo~jg-owners, boroby respectfully requeat that ccmin §but t I~ ~e.. .s.~. hereby be vacated. · Legal Description of Street/ Alley Sought to be Vacated (Must Contain Total Square Feet of Area Sought To Be Vacated) BRIEF STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT A ''CURREW"' ownership and encumbrance report must be submitted with this application that covers all the abutting properties contiguous to alley or street sought to be vacated. When Cotporations, partnerships, etc. arc being signed for, and then proof of individu.al • s auth.ority to sign for same shall also be submitted. RECEIVED APR 0 5 2004 PRop~~~~~a Attach a color-coded map of a scale of not less than 1" • 200' of the area sought for vac~ti:,a. (NOTE) Map must coaespond with legal description. · ~..... ,N ... I -~ 4::_ ~ Z'Z. .~--zz t-1 lfZ-~ ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TAX LOT# ~~ADDRESSES ~~CK&bL!-1~~1'~Yllf~ ·~tl1S:JJ, ,.... s ... J6..t 'lfd'l,2 (:>,n'( ~ p.{ ~2. ~4\zl\ ~E. '2J1b1! \)\ IL..J\ ~'{I% ~4 /))1C Z~Uif . j§-,;" /'!.. ~. K@.,c/.IA lito'fz, ' EXHIBIT "A" . LEGAL DESCRIPOON THAT PORTION OF 145th PL S.E. WITHIN THE PLAT OF LOE ESTATES DIVISION NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 160 OF PLATS, PAGES 26 THROUGH 30, IN KING COUNll', WASHINGTON, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF' LOT 12. SAID PLAT. 6 1 655 SF ClffOF KENT CITY ClERK RECEIVED APR 0 5 l004 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 3 CIT'f OF KENT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RECEiVED TR.A 1~100' , ... '" ... · Ill II\ Ill 'II g I Q u I (I ~ + _L .. •• .tjjr "> g 1 ~ IU ' 115 SE 247TH ST ,., ~·ooCI •oa li l!.56.G8 105 ae 14 ~ TR. B co~Mew t!'II~IR7)1 1YN.:tr , 82 15 ~ 1\J 16