HomeMy WebLinkAbout1654RESOLUTION No./6S'f A RESOLUTION of the City Council ofthe City of Kent, Washmgton, adopting the 2004-2009 Six Year TransportatiOn hnprovement Plan. WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council at 7:00p.m. on September 16, 2003, to consider public testimony on the city's proposed 2004-2009 Six Year Transportation hnprovement Plan and, having considered public testimony to the plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The 2004 through 2009 Six Year TransportatiOn hnprovement Plan, set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and herewith filed with the city clerk, IS hereby adopted. 1 2004-2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan PASSED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton this Jk_ day of September, 2003. -tt-- CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent, this £day of September, 2003. ATTEST· ~~~ BRENDA JACOBER, ITY CLERK --' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY .... -........ _ .. . -.. - . . . .... .:.. .:. -~.: _. ' I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I {:,5 '/, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the _!k_ day of September, 2003. Au.-£. '2t.'C·~ (SEAL) BRENDAJACOBER~TYCLERK 2 2004-2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2004-2009 KENT WASHINGTON Mayor Jim White Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Director of Public Works EXHIBIT .... A....__ 67 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Pro jed Number 1 2 3. 4 5 6. 7 8. 9 10 11. Project Name Pro;ect Locatwn and Extellt Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-North Phase South 252''d Street to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes -South Phase South 272"11 Street to South 252'111 Street Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements V1cm11y of 4111 Aven11e North and Ramsay Way 41h A venue North and West Smith Street Intersectwn Improvement Second Avenue North and West Smith Street IntersectiOn Improvements Central Avenue North and Pioneer Street Intersection 1mproveme11ts and w1denmg of P1oneer Street Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection Improvement South 2281h Street Corridor Project-Phase I M1l!tary Road South to 54 1h Avenue South Central Avenue/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Crossings Signals Intertle Interconnection of mtersectwn traffic szgnals along Central Avenue Wuh BNSFRR grade-crossmg s1gnals South 2281 ~ Street Extension/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade separatzon crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe RR South 22s'h Street Extensioo/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade SeparatiOn Crossmgs at Umo11 Pacific Railroad Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 68 69 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Project Name Number Pro1ect Locatron and Extent Page 12. Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Intercoooect with West Meeker 12 Street and West Smith Street Signal Systems 13 South 2121h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project 13 Green Rtver Brzdge to West Valley Hrghway (SR 181) 14 84 1h Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Project SR 167 to South 2121h Street 14 15. 72nd Avenue South Extension IS South 20fih Street to South 196111 Street 16. South 2771h Street Corridor Extension 16 11 (jh Ave Southeast Wrdenmg Kent-Kang/ey Road (SR 51 6) to Southeast 25fl' Street 17. Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation 17 Green Rtver Br~dge to East Wllhs Street (SR 51 6) 18. Military Road South Widening-Phase I 18 Reith Road to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) 19 Willis Street (SR516)/Uuion Pacific Railroad Grade Separation 19 Project Grade Separatwn Crossmg at Umon Pacific Rat/road 20 Willis Street (SR 516}/Burlington Northern Santa Fe 20 Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade Separatron Crossmg at Bwlmgto11 Northem/Sama Fe Rmlroad 21. 80th Avenue South Widening 21 South }96th Street to South /88th Street 22. South 272nd Street Widening-Phase I 22 26'h Avenue South to Mzlttary Road South 23 South 272"d Street Widening-Phase J[ Pacific Hrghway South (SR 99) to 2(/h Avenue South 23 ll 70 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Project Name Number Pro;ect Locatwn and E-.:tent Page 24 South 272nd Street Widening· Phase III 24 Pacific Hzghway South to Mlllfary Road South and I-5 HO V Loop-Ramp 25. South 2281h Street Corridor Project • Pbase III 25 84'h Avenue South to JOIJh Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) 26 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements 26 Ongomg CJtywzde Program 27 Guardrail and Safety rmprovements 27 Ongomg CJtywzde Program 28 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongozng Otywzde Program 29 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Project 29 Ongomg Cltywule Program 30 MAP OF THE PROJECTS 30 Ill CITYOFKENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Pacific Hi,Shway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes -North Phase South 252 Street to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR S 16) Wtden Pactfic Highway South to provide a patr ofHOV (High Occupancy Vehtcle) lanes from South 252nd Street to the Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516). The proJect will also provtde a seven foot Wide concrete Sidewalk and modtfy ex1stmg traffic s1gnal systems at South 240'h Street, and at South 252"d Street The project will mclude construction of full w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs and gutters, landscapmg; storm dramage, utlhtles; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . .. . $1,200,000 Right of Way Acqmsttlon . $530,000 Construction . .. $6,720,000 TOT AL ..................... M ....... _ ........ $8,450,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, TIB, TIA, City ofKent, WSDOT Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect will reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehicle tnps by encouragmg htgb occupancy vehicle usage Pactfic Highway South (SR 99) JS a regionally stgntficant north-south artenal heavtly used by commuters for access from South Kmg County to the employment centers m South Seattle, and provides alternative access to I-5 and Sea- Tacauport AlP· Artcrtdllmprmcmcnt Program [State], CMAQ-Coogcsuon Mtttgauon and Atr Qu4hty [Fedcrdl], FA5T-Fretght Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle· Tacoma Comdor; FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit Admmtstratton [Federal], 1/ES-Haz.trd Ehmmatoon [Federal], iTS-Jntelhgcnt Trdnsportatmn Systems (Federal], UD- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund lean [State]. 'iTP-Surface Transponatton Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatJOR Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportauon Partnership Progr 4m {State] I 71 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Pacific Hi!hway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-South Phase South 272 Street to South 252nd Street W1den Pacific Htghway South to provide a pair ofHOV (Htgh Occupancy Vehtcle) lanes from South 272nd Street to South 252"d Street The proJect will also provtde a seven foot wide concrete sidewalk, and mod1fy existmg traffic signals at the Fred Meyer Shoppmg Center, South 2601b Street, and South 272nd Street The proJect will mclude construction of full width paVIng, concrete curbs and gutters; landscapmg; stonn dramage; utthtJes; and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng .. . $900,000 $1,600,000 $6,100,000 Rtght of Way AcquJSihon Construction TOT AL ........................................ $8,600,000 FUNDlNG SOURCE (S): STP, TIB, AlP, TPP, City of Kent, WSDOT Funds Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The proJect Will reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehtcle tnps by encouragmg htgh occupancy vehtcle usage Pactfic Htghway South (SR 99) 1s a regtonally sJgntficant north-south artenal heavily used by commuters for access from South Kmg County to the employment centers m South Seattle, and provtdes addthonal access to 1-5 and Sea- Tac Airport AlP-Artendllmprovemcnt Progrdm [State], CMAQ-Congcstmn Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal), rAST-Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMS/8-Freight Mobthry Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transtt AdmmJstratton [federal], l-IES-HazMd Ehmmatton [Fedcral],ITS-lntelhgent Tr.tnsportatJOn Systems [Federal], L/D- Locallmprovement Otstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [Stale], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportatton Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportation Partnership Progr<~m [State] 2 72 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements V1cmJty of 41h Avenue North and Ramsay Way W1den 2nd Avenue North to prov1de two travel Janes w1th left tum pockets at mtersect1ons, and on-street parking between West Smtth Street and West Temperance Street. Construct the north half of West Temperance Street between 2nd Avenue North and 1st Avenue North Construct Ramsay Way from West Temperance Street to 4th Avenue North and mstall a traffic s1gnal at 4th Avenue North and Ramsay Way. W1den 1st Avenue North to three lanes from West Temperance Street to West James Street The proJect Will mclude full wtdth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, landscapmg; stonn dramage; ut1ht1es, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng R1ght of Way Acqutsthon Construction . . $390,000 0 . $1,930,000 TOT AL ........................................... Sl,3l0,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): CMAQ, Ctty of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Thts proJect prov1des the necessary transportation mfrastructure for development of Kent Stanon and adJacent properttes The proJect 1s coordmated wtth trans1t and commuter nul Improvements m and around the V!Cmlty of Kent Stat10n and the Kent Trans1t Center sites The prOJect mcludes street 1mproven1ents requtred for the development of the s1te, as well as m1t1gat1on measures (traffic s1gnal) to accommodate access to the C1ty artenal street system AlP-Artcndl Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mmgauon and Atr Quality [Fedcr<~l], FAST-frCJght Act1on Strategy for Everen-Seanle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fn:1ghl Mobohl)' Strategic Investment Board [Stale}, FTA-Federal Trans11 AdmomstraiJon [Fedcrdl], H£S-Hazard Ehmtnauon [federal], ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems (Federal], LID- Locallmprovemeat D1stnc:t, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransponatJon Program (Federal), TlA-Transportallon Improvement Account, TlB-Transportation Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportation Partnership Progr.tm [State) 3 73 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 4'h Avenue North and West Smith Street Intersection lmpronments IntersectiOn Improvement Reconstruct the 4th Avenue North and West Sm1th Street mtersect10n by w1demng each approach to add a left tum pocket wtth appropnate left tum storage and upgrade the traffic s1gnal. Th1s proJect w11l mclude constructiOn of full w1dth paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; landscapmg, storm dramage, ut1ht1es, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . . ..... $185,000 Right of Way Acqms1t10n Construction . ... $140,000 . $635,000 TOT AL ......... , ................................. $960,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): FTA, Ctty of Kent, ITS Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The mtersectton currently has four Janes on each approach Volumes are such that 1t 1s necessary to operate the stgnal to serve only one approach at a time Thts proJect Widens each approach to provide for a separate left tum pocket w1th appropriate storage Th1s allows a much more effictent operation of the s1gnal at th1s mtersecl!on, and sigmficantly enhances the traffic s1gnal progression along both of these heavlly traveled artenal comdors Th1s proJect also Improves traffic operations and provtdes arterial capac1ty for urban revttahzatlon and serves as a key transit comdor. AlP-Artcn~J Improvement Program (State], CMAQ-Congcsnon M•t•gatton and A.r Quahty [Federal), r.AST-Fre•ght Act1on Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fre•ght Mob•hty Strateg•c ln•estment Board [State], FTA-Federal Trans11 AdmJnlstrallon (Federal), HES-Hazard EhmmaiJon [Federal), ITS-Intelhgcnl Transportation Systems [Federaq, LID- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal), TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, T/B-Transportation lm)ll'ovement Board [Stille), 11'P-Transportat1on Partnership Program [State] 4 74 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Second Avenue North and West Smith Street Mmor w1demng on West Sm1th Street to provide separate left tum lanes, traffic sJgnahzatlon, traffic s1gnal mterconnect, and an mtertte to the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad grade crossing s1gnal PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. $200,000 . .... $0 $800,000 Rtght of Way AcquisitiOn Construction . . TOT AL ........................................ $1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): Ctty of Kent, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The s1gnal prov1des access to/from the Kent Transit Station winch mcludes the bus center plus connect:Jons to each of the commuter ratl platforms and the downtown Park & Rtde parkmg structure Th1s mtersect10n also prov1des the pnnc1pal pedestnan connect1on between the htstonc downtown area, the Kent Transit Stahon, and the planned Transit Onented Development (TOD) referred to as Kent Statton AlP-Artenallmprovcmcnt Progr.1m [State], CMAQ-Congestion M1t1ga110n and Au Quallty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre1gh1 Mob!llly Strategic ln>estment Board [Stale], FTA-Federal Transrt Admm&stratJOn [federal), liES-Hazard Ehmmatlon [Federdl), ITS-Jntelhgcnt Transportation Systems (Federal], UD- Local Improvement 0Jslrlct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transpmtauon Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIR-Transportation Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportallon Partnership Program [State] 5 75 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Central Avenue North/Pioneer Street Intersection improvement and WJdemng ofP1oneer Street W1demng of Central Avenue North and P10neer Street mtersect1on, wtdemng of Pioneer Street, and traffic s1gnal1mprovements PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Rtght of Way AcqulSltiOD ConstructiOn . $100,000 $0 $336,000 TOT AL ........................................... $436,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Improvements to the comer radn and w1demng of Ptoneer Street w11l enhance t rans1t access tot he Kent T ranstt Center. The s 1gnal upgrade mcludes traffic s1gnal mterconnect to the traffic s1gnal system. Th1s project ts crucial to providmg adequate access for the regional trans1t servtces to maneuver the1r buses mto the Kent Transtt Center and cuculate through the Transit Center wtth mtmrnal conflict from pedestnan or vehtcle traffic AlP· Ancrl~llmprovemcnt Progrdm (State), CMAQ-Congestion M111gat1on and A1r Quahty [Federal), rAST-Frc1ght Act1on Strategy for Everen-Seallle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre1ghl Mob1llty StrategiC Investment Board [Slate], FTA -Federal Transit Adnumstrat1on [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmatlon [Fedcr41), ITS-Jntelhgent Tr4nsportatton Systems [FedcraiL UD- Local Jmpro"Vemeot Orstrrct, PWTF-Pubhc: Works Trust Fund Loan {State], STP-Surface TransportaJIOn Program (Federal), TJA -Transponatmn Improvement Account, TIB-Transponat1on Improvement Board [SI:ite), TPP-Transportatton Pannersh1p Program {State) 6 76 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection Improvement Wtden all approaches of MIIttary Road South at Retth Road mtersectlon to provtde exclustve left tum lanes for each approach, and exclusive nght tum lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on MJ11tary Road South and westbound traffic on Re1th Road Mod1fy the extstmg traffic signal The proJect wJll mclude the construction of full w1dth pavmg, paved shoulders, street hghtmg. storm dramage, ut11JtJes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeenng. $100,000 $50,000 $900,000 Right of Way Acqutsltlon ConstructiOn . TOTAL ....................................... .$1 ,050,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, CttyofKent, STP Partially Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Htll, coupled w1th the growth m the Puget Sound area and the regularly occumng congestion along both Pac1fic H1ghway South and Interstate 5 results m s1gmficant congestiOn at this intersectlon in the monnng and evemng peak hours AlP-Artcn~llmprovemcnt Program [Stale], CMAQ-Congcst10n M1t1gat1on and A1r Quahty [FcdcrJI], FAST-Frc1ght Achon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor, FMS/8-Fre1ght Mob1hty Stra1eg1c: Jn,estment Board [State], FTA-federal Transit Adnumstrataon [Fcdcrol], HES-Hazard Ehmmat1on [Fedcroi],JTS-Jntclltgent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID- Lo-cal Improvement D1stnc1, PWTF-Pub he Wooo Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], T/A -Transportat1011 Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board (State], TPP-Transportauon Pnrtnersh1p Program [State] 7 77 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCR1PTION: 2004 South 228th Street Corridor-Phase I Mtlttary Road South to 54111 Avenue South Prelinunary engmeenng and constructiOn of a new five-lane roadway from SR-516 along Mt1ttary Road South to approxtmately Bolger Road, then from Mthtary Road South to 54th Avenue South, mcludmg a new bndge over the Green River. The proJect wtll mclude the construction of full- width pavmg; a bndge, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and/or paved shoulders; street hghting, storm dramage, landscapmg, uhhttes and appurtenances. The proJect may mclude the mstallatJon of traffic stgnals at the Comdor's mtersechons w1th M1Jitary Road South and Lakestde Boulevard. PROJECT COST: Prelumnary Engmeenng. $4,800,000 $1,800,000 $20,400,000 R1ght of Way Acqutsthon ConstructiOn .. TOT AL ...................................... $27,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, City of Kent, LID, TIB, FMSIB, PWTF PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: James Street and Meeker Street 'corridors' are not feastble to wtden suffictently to accommodate forecast traffic volumes and future development West Meeker Street currently represents the only east-west artenal that crosses the Green Rwer between SR 516 and South 21th Street Thts project will provtde requtred east-west capactty AlP-Artcnallmprovemcnt Program [State], CMAQ -Congcsuon M111gat1on and A1r Quality [Fedcr.lf], FAST-Fretght ActiOn Strategy for Everett·Seanle· Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1bly Stratrgtc Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transll Admmtstrat1on [Fedcr.ll), liES-Haz.trd Elumnauon [.Feder,!l], ITS-Intelhgent Transportatton Systems [Federal], UD- Locollmpro~ement Otstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportal! on Program [Federal], TIA -Transponallon Improvement Account, TIB-Transponatton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transponatton Partnership Program [State] 8 78 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECf: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Central Avenue and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Crossings Signals lntertie Improvements to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Ra1lroad grade crossmg s1gnals Includes mstallatton of detector loops near the grade crossmg and the mtert1e cable m underground conduit between the railroad grade s1gnal and the correspondmg traffic s1gnal on Central Avenue at five artenals (East James Street, East Sm1th Street, East Meeker Street, East Gowe Street, and East WJ!hs Street). PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ... $20,000 ..... $0 .. $120,000 RtghtofWay Acquisttlon Construction . TOT AL ................... -...................... $140,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These 1 mprovements to the r atlroad grade c rossmg s tgnals enhance the safety of the artenal street crossmgs of the Burlington Northern!Santa Fe Railroad, a requ1rement of the Washmgton Uhltt1es and Trade CommiSSion (WUTC) to allow mcreased train operatmg speeds for passenger and freight rail The mcrease m operatmg speed (with appropnate safety upgrades) IS essential to mcreasing the number of trams through the reg~ on, 1mprov1ng mob1hty and capac1ty for fre1ght rail and passenger ratl. Central Avenue JS a Pnnc1pal Artenal street, roughly parallel to the BNSFRR and approximately 480 feet easterly of the center] me of the BNSFRR tracks AlP· Artcno~l Improvement Progro~m [State], CMAQ-Consesuon M111gat1on and A1r Quahly [Fcdero~l], FAST-Fre1ght At11on Strategy for Everett·Seanle·Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty StrategiC Investment Board (State], FTA-Federal Transit Adrmmstrat1on [Feder<~l], liES-Hazard Ehmtnallon [Fcderdi],ITS -Jntelhgcnt Transportation S)'litems [Fedml), LID- Local Improvement OJStnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [Slate], STP-Surface Transportation Program (Federal], TIA-TtanSportatJon Improvement Account,17B-Transportation Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportat1on Partnership Program (State] 9 79 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 South 228th Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade SeparatJon crossmg at Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Ra1lroad Construct grade separatiOn of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mamhne tracks at South 228 1h Street. The proJect will mclude the construction of a ratlroad bndge, road underpass, full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, and s1dewalks, street hghtmg, ut1bt1es and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng. $2,250,000 $1,000,000 .$13, 750,000 R1ght ofWay Acquis1t1on Construction TOT AL ...................................... $17 ,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, TIB, PWTF loan, FAST, FMSIB, Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Rallroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The proJect wdl lead to a seamless connectiOn between maJor fretght handlers and the1r pnmary destmanons Thts proJect w1ll support freight movmg through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Sea-Tac Auport and the freeway system Grade separatmg the artenal Will mcrease both raJ! and roadway capac1ty, decrease congestion, enhance safety, and unprove fre1ght mob1hty m thts comdor and throughout the reg10n Thts proJect w11l prov1de reg10nal connectiOns between thousands of busmesses, employers, and 40 mllhon square feet ofwarehouse/mdustnal space The level of fretght and passenger ratl traffic on the BNSF Railroad mamline IS rismg as a consequence of 1 ncreased traffic m the Puget Sound area, and new Sound Transit and Amtrak servtce AlP· Artcnallmprovemcnt Progr.1m [State), CMAQ-Congestion M1t1gat1on and Au Quahty (federal), FAST-Fretgbt Achon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategtc lmestment Board [State). FTA-Federal Transtt Admomstraflon [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehm.natlon (Federal], ITS-lntelhgcnt TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Publ.e Works Trust F1111d Loan [State], STP-Surface Transponahon Program [Fedetal], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, T/8-Transportation Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [State) 10 80 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 South 2281 • Street/Union Pacific: Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade Separation crossmg at Umon Pacific Railroad Construct grade separatiOn of the Umon Pactfic Railroad mamhne tracks at South 2281h Street The prOJect w1ll mclude the construct10n of a railroad bndge structure, a bicycle and pedestnan bndge, and a road underpass; full-w1dth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters and Sidewalks; street hghtmg, utJht1es and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ...... $3,000,000 R1ght of Way Acquts1t1on ConstructiOn .$1,000,000 $17,000,000 TOTAL ...................................... $21, 000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, TIB, PWTF loan, FAST, FMSIB, Umon Pac1fic Ra!lroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The prOJect w11l lead to a seamless connection between maJor fretght handlers and the1r pnmary destmatlons Th1s project wtll support fretght movmg through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Sea-Tac Auport and the freeway system. Grade separatmg th1s artenal w!ll mcrease both rat! and roadway capactty, decrease congestion, enhance safety, Improve fre1ght mobtbty m thts comdor and throughout the regiOn. This proJect Will prov1de reg1onal connections for thousands ofbusmesses, employers, and the 40 m1lhon square feet of warehouse/mdustnal space m the valley 11./P-Artcn.LIImprovcmcnt Program [State), CMAQ-Coogcs11on Mitigation and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Frc1ght Ati\Dn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [Stale), FTA-Federal Trans11 Admmtstrat1on [Federal), liES-Hazard Ehmmallon [Federal), ITS -lntelhgent Tr.msportatiOn SySiems (Federal], L/D- Locallmprovement D1stn~t. PWTF-Pub he Workli Trust Fund Loan [Stale], STP-Surface Transponallon Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement A((Ounl, TJB-Transponauon Improvement Board (State], TPP-Transportat1on Partnership Program l State) 11 81 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Smtth Street Interconnect the existing traffic stgnals at the Interurban Tratl crossmgs at West Meeker Street and West Sm1th Street to the Union Pacific crossmg stgnals at satd streets PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. . . . $30,000 .$240,000 . $-0- Constructton Rtght of Way Acquisthon TOT AL ........................................... $270,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, Ctty of Kent PROJECT JUSTlFICA TION: This project IS requrred m order to mterconnect the eXIstmg street stgnals wtth the railroad crossmg signals It will ehmmate potential conflict where traffic could backup across the ratlroad tracks AlP· Artenal Improvement Program (State], CMAQ-Congcs11on M1t1g&l10n and A1r Quahty [Fcdcrdl], rAST-Frc1ght Act1on Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Taroma Comdor, FMS/B-FreJght Mob1h1y StrategiC Investment Board [State], FTA -Federal Transit Adm•ms1rat1on [Federdl], liES-Hazard Ehmma11on [Federal], ITS -lntelhgent Transportat1011 Systems [Fedenl], UD- Locallmpro•ement D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Fedenl], TIA-TransportatiOn lmprovement Account, TJB-Transportation lmprovement Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOII Pannersb1p Program [State] 12 82 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2004 PROJECT: South 212 1h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Green R1ver Bndge to West Valley H1ghway (SR 181} DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabJlttate the exastmg roadway pavement to add addJtJOna] servtce hfe to the asphalt roadway between the Green Rtver bndge and West Valley Htghway (SR 181). Tlus project wtll include the removal and replacement of the upper two mches of the ex1stmg asphalt pavement m the curb lanes m both dtrections, and a full-w1dth asphalt pavement overlay of the entire roadway Tius project will also mclude the selective replacement of catch basm mlets and driveway approach aprons, and secttons of concrete curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Preltmmary Engmeenng. $45,000 $-0-R1ght of Way Acqwsttlon .. Construction. .. . . . ..... .. .. $635,000 TOTAL •.•..••..•.•..•• ._ ........................ $680,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, C1ty of Kent F11nded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The extstmg asphalt pavement along th1s sect1on of South 21th Street IS exh1b1tmg s1gns of d1stress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", longitudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the concrete curbs and gutters The end of the serv1ce hfe of th1s roadway has been reached Reconstruction of the pavement to extend the serv1ce bfe of the roadway and prevent further degradation as required lllP-Artcnallmprovcmcnt Progr.om [Stale}, CMAQ-Conges110n Mmgat10n and A1r Qual1ty [Federal), FAST-Frt~gbt Act1on Strategy for Everett-Seattle· Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Frc1ght Mob1l11y Strategic Invesmtent Board (State], FTA -Federal Transit AdmmJstratJon (Fcdcr~I],//I:S-Hazard Elumnat1on [federal], ITS -lntelbgcnt Transponatton Systems (Federal], UD- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportallon Program [Federal], TIA-Transponatmn Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [StateJ, TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [State J 13 83 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 84tb Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation SR 167 to South 212th Street Remove and rehabilitate the extshng roadway pavement to add additiOnal servtce hfe to the roadway between SR 167 and South 2121h Street Thts proJect wtll mclude the removal and replacement of the extstmg pavement m the curb lanes m both duecttons, and a full-wtdth asphalt concrete overlay of the entue roadway, and will also mclude the selective replacement of catch basin mlets and dnveway approach aprons, curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .. $145,000 . . $-0- .$585,000 Rtght of Way Acqu1sthon Construction TOTAL ............................................ S730,0{)C) FUNDrNG SOURCE (S): STP, C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The extstmg pavement along thts sectton of 841h Avenue South IS sbowmg stgns of structural dtstress as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", Jongttudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters An mverted crown section also occurs at the former curb lme along many of the secttons of tb1s street. Thts mverted crown section results m the pondmg of stonnwater m the street along the seam hne, wh1ch mcreases the fat lure rate of the roadway pavement AlP-Artcndllmprovcmcnt Program [State], CMAQ-Congcsuon MtiJgat•on and Atr Quahty (Feder.1l], rAST-FTCJght ACIIon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSTB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc ltwestment Board (State], FTA-Federal Transtt AdmmtstratJon (Federal], H£8-Hazo~rd EhmmatJon [Feder• I), ITS-lntclhgent Transportatton Systems [Federal), LID- Local fmprovcmcnl D>stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Ttust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal), TTA-Transponatton Improvement Account, TJB-Tronsportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportatton Partnershtp Program [State) 14 84 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 72"d Avenue South Extension South 200lh Street to South l961h Street Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 2001 h Street to South 1961 h Street. The project wall mclude the crossing of Mall Creek and construction of full-w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street hghung, storm dramage; landscapmg; utthtaes and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. .. $160,000 $680,000 $580,000 Rtght of Way Acqmsatton Constructaon TOT AL .......................•................ $1 ,420,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1tyofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Contmued development m the northern Kent mdustnal area, and h1gh levels of congestton along West Valley Haghway between the South 180"' Street and South 196lh Street comdors, mandate addttaonal north-south artenal capacaty. This prOJect prov1des some rehef for South l801h Street, South 1961h Street, and South 212lh Street mtersectJons along West Valley Haghway It also prov1des Improved access to the South 1961h Street comdor from mdustnal development along 72Dd Avenue South AlP-Anenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congesnon MKtgauon and Atr Quahty [fcdcr~l], FAST-Fretght Actton Slralegy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corrtdor, FMSIB-Fte~ghl Mobtllty StrategiC Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transtt Adrrnmstratton [Fedcral),/J£S-Hazard Elnnmatmn [Federal], ITS-lntclhgenl Trmsponauon Systems [federal), UD- Locallmpro>emenl Dt!ilrtct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust food Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [federal], TIA-Transponatton Improvement Account, TJB-Transponatron Improvement Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOn Pannershtp Program [State) 15 85 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 South 2771k Street Corridor Extension Widen 116\h Avenue Southeast from Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street Widen 1161h Avenue Southeast to provide a five-lane roadway, mcludmg four general-purpose travel lanes, a two-way left turn lane and a bicycle facthty. Also mcluded m th1s proJect will be the w1demng of the mtersect10n ofKent-KangleyRoad and ll61h Avenue Southeast to add an additiOnal left turn lane to prov1de dual left tum Janes westbound on Kent- Kangley Road to southbound 1161h Avenue Southeast The proJect will mclude the construction of pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; bicycle lanes; paved shoulders; street hghtmg; storm dramage, utihtJes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. . ... $300,000 ...... $210,000 $1,450,000 Right of Way AcquiSihon . Construction TOT AL ••.•.......... .-....................... $1 ,960,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TIB, C1ty of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect extends the South 2771h Street Comdor northward to Southeast 256'h Street. Traffic studies have mdtcated that traffic demand wtll contmue to 1ncrease on th1s section of ll61h Avenue Th1s roadway facilitates traffic from Southeast 2561h Street to the 272nd/277 1h Street Comdor AlP-Arten,lllmprovemcnt Program (State], CMAQ-Congestion M111gat1on and A If Quahty [Federdl), FAST-Frc1ght Actton Strategy for Everett·Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobility StrategiC ln\-estment Board (State), FTA-Federal Trans1t Admtmstrat1on [Federal), HES-Hazard Ehmmat1on [Federal), ITS-Intelhgtnt Transportation Systems [Federal), UD- Locallmprovement D1s1nct, PWTF-Pub he Worlts Trust Fund toan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program !federal], nA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportallon Improvement Board (State), TPP-Transportation Partnersh1p Program [State) 16 86 CITY OF KENT . SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2005 PROJECT: Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green R1ver Bndge to East Wdlts Street (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabdttate the extstmg roadway pavement to add addd•onal serv1ce hfe to the roadway, between the Green R1ver Bndge and East Wtlhs Street (SR 516. Th1s proJect w1ll mclude the removal and replacement of the upper two mches of the extsting pavement m the curb lanes in both directiOnS, and a full-w1dth asphalt concrete overlay of the entue roadway, and w1ll also mclude the selective replacement of catch basin mlets, and driveway approach aprons, as well as curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Prel1mmary Engtneenng. Right of Way AcqmsttJon Constructton .... $50,000 . .... $0 . $550,000 TOT AL. .......................................... $600,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFlCATION: The ex1stmg pavmg along this section of Central Avenue South IS exlnb1tmg signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", longitudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters. The servtce ltfe o fthts roadway has been reached, necessttatmg reconstructton of the pavement to extend the servtce hfe of the roadway, and prevent further pavement degradation AlP· Artenallmprovemcnt Program [State), CMAQ-CongestiOn Mmgat1on and Arr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fmght Action Str!ltegy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre~gbt Mob111ty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transu Adrrnmstranon (Federal], IJI:S-Hazard t::bmmauon (Federdl], /TS-Intelhgcnt Tr.~nsponauon Sys1ems [Federal]. LID- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Publ1c Works Trust Fund loan [State), STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program (Federal], TJA-Transportation Improvement A~ount, TIB-TransportlJt•on Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [Stale) 17 87 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2006 Military Road South Widerdnl-Pbase I 38th A venue South to South 248 Street W1den and re-channehze M1htary Road South to prov1de an mtenm three- Jane roadway, mcludmg two general-purpose travel lanes, and a two-way left tum lane. The proJect will include the construction of full w1dth pavmg, street channehzation. street hghtmg, uuht1es and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering .. . .$55,000 . $-0- $135,000 Right of Way AcquJSJtJon Construction .. .. . . . . TOT AL ............................................. $190,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1tyofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along thiS section of Military Road South has reached the pomt where a three-lane roadway section 1s required to accommodate through traffic and prov1de safe left tum access into the commercial center southwest of the National Guard facility. AlP-Anendllmprovcmcnt Progmm (State], CMAQ-Congestion Mmganon and A1r Quahty [Federal], TAST-Fre1ght Act1on Strategy for Evereu-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mob1hly Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit Admmlstratwn [Federal], H£S-Hazard Elnnmat1on [Fedcr<~l], iTS -lntclhgcnt Trdnsponatlon Systems [Federal], UD- Local Improvement DJStnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan (State], SfP-Surface Transponat1on Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement AccoWJI, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportatton Partnership Program [State] 18 88 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2006 Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade Separation Crossmg at Umon Pac1fic Ra1lroad (UPRR) Construct grade separation of the Umon Pacific Rrulroad's mamhne tracks at Wtlhs Street (SR 516) The proJect w1ll prov1de more effic1ent movement of goods and serv1ces and will relieve congestion due to train traffic on the UPRR of approximately 20 trains per day. Th1s results tn an accumulated delay of more than 32 mmutes per day at thts mtersect10n alone The project w11l mclude the construction of a ra1lroad bndge, a roadway under crossmg, full-w1dth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and Sidewalks, street hghtmg; utihhes and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ... . $4,000,000 . $0 $16,000,000 Right of Way Acqu1sit1on . Constructton . .. TOT AL ............................. _ ....... $20,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): Ctty of Kent, FAST, FMSIB, Umon Pactfic Ratlroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Tlus project supports east-west freight and commuter mob1ltty m the Green Rtver Valley. More than 27,000 vehicles per day travel on Wtlhs Street, mcludmg over 800 fretght-bearmg trucks The level of fre1ght traffic on the UP Ra1lroad mamhne IS also increasmg as a consequence of economtc cond1ttons m the Puget Sound area. Grade separatiOns prov1de the solution to the costly problem of congestion. The RR crossmg will no longer 1mpede fre1ght and other traffic flow Reductions m traffic congest1on on adJommg streets and reduced environmental tmpacts caused by traffic congestion is also expected Th1s proJect will enhance Kent as an economic generator and prov1de regional connections for thousands ofbusmesses, employers, and commuters AlP-Artenallmprovcmcm Progr.un [State), CMAQ -Congest1on M1t1gat1on and A1r Quality [Federal], FAST-Fmght ActiOn Strategy for Everett·Seatlie-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Trans1t Ad1111mstrat1on [federal], HCS-Hazard Ehmmahon [Federai],/TS-lntelhgent Transportation Systems [federal), LID- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Flmd Loan (State), STP-Surface Transportallon Program [Federal], TIA-Transportatllllllmprovement Ae~:ount, T/8-Transportallon Improvement Board [State], TPP-TransportatlDn Pannershtp Program (S~te] 19 89 CITY OF .KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT: Willis Street (SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade Separallon Crossmgs at Burlmgton Northem/Santa Fe Railroad (BNSFRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Ra1lroad mamhne tracks at WI1l1s Street (SR 516) The proJect wJll provide more effictent movement of goods and services and wtll relieve congestion due to tram traffic on the BNSFRR of approximately 40 trams per day. Th1s results m an accumulated delay of an hour each day at th1s tntersectlon alone The proJect Will mclude the construction of a ratlroad bndge; vehtcle under crossmg, full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lightmg, uhltties and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . .. . . $3,000,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition .. $3,000,000 Construction .. . . .. . . ..$11 ,000,000 TOTAL ........................................ 17,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, FAST, FMSm, Burhngton Northern/Santa Fe Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s proJect supports east-west fre1ght and commuter mobility m the Green River Valley More than 27,000 veh1cles per day travel on W1lhs Street, mcludmg over 800 fre1ght-beanng trucks The level of freight and passenger ra1l traffic on the BNSF Ratlroad mainline is also mcreasmg as a consequence of economtc condtt1ons m the Puget Sound area Grade separation prov1des the solut1on to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossmg w1ll no longer 1mpede fre1ght and other traffic flow ReductiOns m traffic congest1on on adJotmng streets and reduced envtronmentaltmpacts caused by traffic congestiOn IS also expected Th1s proJect Will enhance Kent as an economiC generator and proVtde reg10nal connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters AlP· Artcno~J Improvement Progr"m [State], CMAQ-Congcsuon Mmgauon and A1r Quahty [Fcderdl], TAST-Fre1ght ActiOn Sttntegy for Everett·Seanle· Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fmght Mob1lrty Strateg1c ln\eotment Board [State), FT A -Federal Transit Admm•strat1on [federal], lfES-Hazard Ehmmat1on [federal), /TS-lntelhgent Transportation Systems (Federal], LID- Local lmprovelllt"nt D1stt1ct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund 1M111 [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA -Transportauon Improvement Account, T!B-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [Slate] 20 90 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2007 80111 Avenue Sauth Widening South 196th Street to South 188th Street W1den goth Avenue South from South I 96th Street to South !88th Street to five lanes This will include four general-purpose lanes and a two-way left tum lane The proJect will also mclude the construction of full-wtdth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and Sidewalks; street bghtmg; stonn drainage; ut1ht1es and appurtenances . PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. .. ... $130,000 . . $285,000 .. $515,000 Right of Way Acquisition Construction . TOT AL ........................................... $930,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The opemng of the 196th Street Comdor on the south end of the proJect and Renton's complet1on of Oaksdale Avenue South w1l1 result in 80111 Avenue South bemg a stgmficant north/south corr1dor serving the mdustna1 area As a result, the mcreased traffic volumes along th1s section of 80"' Avenue South could reach the pomt where a consistent five-lane roadway sect1on IS required to proVIde safe left tum access mto the adJommg properties Further, concrete curbs and gutters are requ1red to prov1de control of roadway d ramage and top revent 1 mpacts to adjacent property owners Sidewalks and street lighting are to provJde safe access for pedestnans. AlP· Anenal Improvement Progr•m [State}, CMAQ-Congestion Muoganon and Air Quahty (Fedcro~l], rAST-Frc1ght Act1on Strategy for Everett-Seattle· Tacoma Corrodor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic ln•estment Board [Stale), FTA-Federal Trans1t Admomstrat1on [FcdCilll), HCS-Hazard Elnmna110n [Federal), ITS -Intelligent Transponat•on Systems [federal], UD- Locallmprove~mnt Oostnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan (State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal]; n.~-Trausponat1on l~vement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Boaro [State], TPP-Transportation l'artnerslnp Program [State) 21 91 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: EAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2007 South 272nd Street Widening-Phase I 26t11 Avenue South to M1lltary Road South Widen the mtersechon of South 272"d Street and M1htary Road South to extend the existmg left tum pockets on the west and north approaches and also add an 1100 foot nght tum lane on the north approach. The South 272nd Street 1-5 undercrossmg W111 be excavated and the ex1stmg four lanes under the bndge widened to seven lanes. These lanes will mclude four general-purpose Janes, a two-way left turn lane, and two lanes held m reserve for Phase III of this project. Th1s project Will also include the construction of full width paving (mcludmg shoulders), dramage, utlhbes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelnmnary Engmeenng. . $1,100,000 $900,000 .. .. $5,700,000 Right ofWay Acquisition .. Construction TOT AL ......................................... $7, 700,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, Ctty of Kent, Ctty of Federal Way, Kmg County, Sound Transtt, TPP PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes along this section of South 272nd Street have reached the pomt where additiOnal lanes are requ1red to reduce congestion. Additional lanes are also required under 1-5 to reduce congestion The additional length ofthe right turn lane from Mtlitary Road South wtll help prevent extens1ve backups an the southbound lane The project wtll also relieve congestion near the norths1de Park and Rlde lot AlP-Artendllmprovemcnt Program [State], CMAQ-Congcstton Motogauon and Aor Quahty (Federal], FAST-Freoght Actoon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corrodor, FMSIB-Fretgbt Mobohty Strategoc Investment Board (State), FTA-Federal Transtt Admtnostrahon [Federal], JI£S-Hazard Elnmnat1on [Federai),/TS-Intelhgcnt Trmsportatton Systems [Federal], UD- Locallmprovement Dostnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transponatton Program [Federal], TIA-Transportahon Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportallon Partnership Program [State] 22 92 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1nEAUR: 2007 PROJECT: South 272nd Street Widening-Phase II Pac1fic Htghway South (SR 99) to 26th Avenue South DESCRIPTION: W1den South 272nd Street to add one westbound left turn lane at the mtersecuon of South 272"6 Street and Pactfic H1ghway South and left tum lanes at the South Star Lake Road mtenect10n. If feas1ble, construction of curb, gutter, and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage fac1ht1es, utihtJes and appurtenances w1l1 be deferred u nhl Phase Ill oft he South 272nd Street W1denmg ProJect PROJECT COST: PrehmmaryEngmeenng $100,000 Right of Way Acqutsltion. . .. . ... $50,000 Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. . $650,000 TOT .A L ............................................. $800,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, C1tyofKent, Tffi PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes along tlus section of South 27200 Street have reached the pomt where w1denmg and additional tum lanes are requned to reduce congestion at the mtersecnons and prevent backups between Pac1fic Highway South and 1-5. Thts proJect w1ll coordinate w1th access to the site of a proposed southside Park and Ride lot and w1th C1ty of Federal Way 1mproventents west ofPacJfic H•ghway South. AlP-Artenallmprovemcnt Program [State), CMAQ-Congesi1Dn M111gat10n and Air Quahty (Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action Strategy for Everett-Seatt1e-1acoma Comdor, FMSIB-fraght MGb1hty Strateg•c ln\'Cstment Board [Slate), FTA -federal Trans1tAdrrumstrallon (Federal), HES-Hazard Eltmmat1on (fcdl:ml], ITS-lnlelll8ent Transportation Systems [federal], UD- Local Improvement DJstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund lo1n (State], STP-Surface Transportauon Program [Federal], TlA-Transportation Improvement Actount, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportation PartnefSlup Program [State] 23 93 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2008 South 272nd Street Widening-Phase Ill Pacific Highway South to Mthtary Road South and 1-5 HOV Loop Ramp Add two HOV Lanes from Pacific H1ghway South (SR 99) to Mihtary Road South An HOV loop-ramp from eastbound South 272nd Street to northbound I-5 will also be constructed Construction wtll mclude full wtdth pavmg, concrete curb, gutter, and s1dewalks, street lightmg; stonn dramage, utlhties, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Rlght of Way AcqutsitJOn . Construction ... . . . . $800,000 $500,000 ..$6,200,000 TOT AL .............. -. ....................... $7,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, City of Kent, Tffi PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes between Pactfic Highway South and Mllttary Road South have reached the pomt where Improvements supportmg HOY- added capacity are requtred to reduce congestion at the mtersections and reduce backups approachmg I-5 The HOV lanes will prov1de access to the northside Park and Rlde lot and the site of a proposed souths1de Park and Rtde lot. Addmg HOV lanes and HOV access to I-5 supports vanous County and City of Federal Way transportatiOn and tranSit Improvement proJects AlP-Artcr~al Improvement Progroim [State], CMAQ-CongestlOII Mitigation and A1r Quality [Federal], FAST-Fmght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Frcaghl Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Trans1t Admmtstrauon [Fedcr~IJ, HES-Haurd Ehmmanon [Fedcrdi],/TS-Intelligent iransporta!lon Systems [Federal], L/D- Locallmprovement DlSlnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA -Transportation Improvement Acc()unt, TIB-Transportallon Improvement Board [State}, TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [State] 24 94 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT: Soutb 228tb Street Corridor-Phase III 841b Avenue South to J041h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three to five-lane roadway from 841 h Avenue South to 1041h Avenue Southeast (Benson H1ghway) (SR 515), mcludmg a new bridge over SR 167, and modtfy the traffic stgnals at the mtersect10n of South 2241h Street and 84111 Avenue South. The proJect w11l mclude the constructiOn of full-wtdth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street hghtmg; stonn dramage, bicycle lanes; landscapmg; utihttes and appurtenances PROJECf COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Rlgbt of Way AcqUtsttton $1,500,000 $4,800,000 s 18,700,000 Construction . . TOT AL ...................................... $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, Kmg County, Ctty ofKent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATJON: Add1t1onal capactty IS requtred to accommodate extstmg development m the East Htll area of the Ctty The James Street and South 2081"/21th Street 'comdors' are mfeastble to wtden to accommodate forecast traffic volumes wtthout addttlonal east-west capactty, based upon extsting development and topographic constramts AlP-Artcnal Jmprovemcnt Program [SratcJ, CMAQ-Congcstron M1t1gat1on and A1r Quahty [Fcdcr.ll], FAST-Fre1ght Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Frerght Mobllrry Strategrc ln•estment Board [State], FTA-Federal TranSit Admrmstratron [Fedc~]. HES-Hazard Ehmmauon [Feder.tl), ITS-lntelhgent Tr.tnsportallon Systems [Federal], LID- Low! Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-PubliC Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP -Surface Transponauon Program [Federal], TU-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transponat1on Partnershrp Program [State} 25 95 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004-2009 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongomg Cttywtde Program Make m1scellaneous Improvements to the C1ty's B1cycle Route and Pedestnan system Potential projects include Improvements to lOOth Avenue Southeast north of South 24011> Street; Southeast 248 1h Street east of941h Avenue South, and 152nd Way Southeast north of Southeast 272nd Street. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineenng . $60,000 . . $-0-R1ght of Way Acquisition. Construction .. . . .. . . . .. $562,000 TOT AL ............................... .-..•.•..• $625,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project complies w1th the C1ty's CTR (Commute Tnp ReductJon) Ordmance and the City Comprehensive Plan This project helps to reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehlcle tnps, encourage the use of non- motonzed transportation modes, and prov1de safe routes for school-age pedestrians and cycbsts AlP· Ancnallmprovtmcnt Progr•m [State], CMAQ-Congesllon Mmgat1on and Au Quahty [Federal), rAST -l'relgbt Act1on Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Jn,estment Board (State], FTA-Federal Transtt Admmtstralton [Federal); HES-HaZdrd Ehmmanon [Fedcro~l), ITS -lntclhgcnt TransportatiOn Systems [federal], UD- Local Improvement D1stncl, PWTF-Publoc Works Trust Fund l..oaJl [State], STP-Surface Transponahon Program [Federal], T!A -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State). 71'P-Transportauon Partnersb1p Program [State] 26 96 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004-200!1 Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Cttywtde Program Make miscellaneous guardrail Improvements each year to enhance motorist safety Candidate proJects mclude Frager Road and 1001h Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block) Upgrade ex1stmg guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng ..•. $20,000 .. $-0- .$175,000 R1ght of Way AcqutsttiOn . Construction . TOT AL. .......................................... $195,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP, HES, C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s proJect 1s mandated by compliance w1th Federal and State regulations, and the requuement to ehmmate potentially hazardous roadway condthons. AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion M1t1gat1on and Arr Quahty [FedcJal], FAST-Frt1ght Achon Strategy for Everett·Seattle-Tacoma Cormlor. FMSIB-Fre1ghl Mob1h1y Slrateg1c Investment Board [Slate], FTA-Federal Transit Adm1mstrat1on [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehrrunauon [Fedcroi),/TS-lntclhgent Transportallon Systems [Federal], LID- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan (Stale], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program (Federal], 17A -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Tra115portat1on Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportation Pannersh1p Program [State] 27 97 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004-2009 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongomg C1tyw1de Program Reconstruct and repa1r existmg s1dewalks and pedestnan ramps, and mstall new hard-surfaced Sidewalks to Implement the requirements of the Federal Government's Amencans With Disab1lttJes Act (ADA) Thts proJect will mclude an mventory of the City's sJdewalk/walkway fac1htJes, and 1dentlticat1on and correction of ex1stmg deficJencJes Th1s project Will also mclude the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; nunor storm dramage; and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. $200,000 $-0- $1,750,000 Rtght ofWay AcqmsJtJon Constructton . . . TOTAL ....................... _ ............... $1 ,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): CJtyofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Thts proJect IS mandated by the Amencans w1th DJsabJhties Act (ADA). It repaus ex1stmg sidewalks, replaces deficient/substandard and/or m1ssmg wheelchau/pedestnan ramps, and bnngs same mto compl1ance w1th the adopted Federal standards .4/ P -Arten.al Improvement Progr ~m [State), CMA Q-Congestion M 111gatton and A1r Qual 1ty [Federal), FAST-Fre1ght Act10n Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMS!B-Fre1ght Mobllrty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit AdmmJSITallon [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmat1on [Federal}, ITS-Intelligent Transportauon Systems [Federal], liD- Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal}, TIA-Transponat1on Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportat1on Par1nersh1p Program [State] 28 98 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004-2009 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Ongomg Cttywtde Program Contmue to prov1de enhanced transit servtce m the Downtown Kent busmess area through the use of a fixed-route shuttle serv1ce, w1th demand-responstve routmg capabthties. Serv1ce route points wtll mclude Kmg County Metro Park and Rtde, South Kmg County Reg1onal Jusbce Center, and Kent CJty Hall, as well as local shoppmg and med1cal facthttes. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .... .$-0- ..$-0- $140,000 Rtght of Way AcquiSition Operations TOT AL ........................................... $140,000 * *City share, whtch IS equivalent to the lost fare box revenue that the county could have collected were not the city wanting a free service, (based on 6 years operatmg cost With 3% mflatton) FUNDING SOURCE (S): Kmg County, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Shopper Shuttle provides mob1hty and mdependence to many of the ctty's semors as well as school chtldren and other Citizens With limited mobihly ophons. The service addresses a s1gmficant transtt market that may not be able to use the county's more tradtbonal routes, and helps the City meet 1ts road safety and transportation demand management goals AlP-Artcrao~J Improvement Progro~m [State], CMAQ-Congcstoon M1t1gat1on IIIICI AJT Quahty [Federal], rA3T-Freoght Actaon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategoc ln\estment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transn Admomstranon [Federai),//ES-Haurd Ehmmatoon [Federal), ITS-Jntelhgcnt Transportation Systems [Federal), UD- Local Improvement Dostnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund UJIJI [State], STP-Surface Trlllsportahon Program [Federal), TIA-TmnsportatiOIIImprovernent Account, TJB-Transportatoon Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportation Partnershop Program {State} 29 99 ,, o; _ ......... 111.-Uoaal. Alrpan BIHI&B IJI' , Lake Yo"'lgs \ ',, ' ----~ ' City Of Kent + s :-··---, ' Kent City Limits !_ ____ _; YEAR 2004 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN II REO YEAR 2006-2008 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN II GREEN 4 WA1111 ~ t, '