HomeMy WebLinkAbout1648RESOLUTION NO. /(z cf f?' A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, expressmg the city's commitment to the state-Wide effort to recruit the final assembly of the Boemg Company's 7E7 next generatwn commercial Jetlmer m Washmgton State, to keep Boemg Company's manufactunng facihhes m Puget Sound, and to sustam Boemg Company's rank as the top commercial airplane maker m the world WHEREAS, the Boemg Company IS the largest employer m the city of Kent with over 4,200 employees, and many Boemg subcontractors are located m Kent, and WHEREAS, Boemg has armounced Its natwnal cntena and process for selectmg a site for manufactlmng the Boemg 7E7 next generation aircraft, and WHEREAS, a broad-based partllership of leaders led by the Governor of the State of Waslungton has orgamzed a umfied, state-wide effort to recruit final assembly of the Boemg 7E7 next generatiOn aircraft, and WHEREAS, the Boemg Company and Its workers contnbute to the economic vitahty of our regwn; and WHEREAS, retammg and recruitmg companies that provide well-paid Jobs IS a top pnonty for the city of Kent, and The Boeing Company's 7E7 Project- City of Kent's Support of State-wide Effort to Recruit WHEREAS, aerospace IS a cntlcal part of Kent, the Puget Sound regwn, and the State of Washmgton's economy, bnngmg m over $16 billion of "out-of-state dollars" annually to the state; and WHEREAS, final assembly of the 7E7 may potentially create another 20,000 direct and mdirectjobs m Washmgton, and WHEREAS, Washmgton state is the optimal locatiOn m which to manufacture the Boemg 7E7 as our state provides the latest leadmg edge research and a strong pool of highly tramed and skilled aerospace workers, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has made freight mobility and addressmg transportatiOn congestiOn an economic development pnonty by mvestmg over $87 million and leveragmg an additiOnal $120 million for three east-west transportatiOn corndors that help lmk Boemg and Boemg's subcontractors m Kent With Sea Tac Airport, Interstate 5, State Route 167 (the Valley Freeway), and the ports of Seattle and Tacoma, and WHEREAS, the city of Kent has made streamlined permit processmg an additional economic development pnonty by creatmg a new permit center, and as a result, on-time Issuance of permits has Improved to over 90 percent, and WHEREAS, the city of Kent has and will contmue to work with Boemg to address the company's goals for the Pacific Gateway Park and for the Space Center; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. -Kent's Support o( Boezng Company's 7£7 Pr01ect The City of Kent supports the regional and state-wide commitment to recruit the productiOn of the Boemg Company's 7E7 next generatiOn commercial Jetlmer m Washmgton State, to keep the Boemg Company's manufactunng facilities m Puget 2 The Boemg Company's 7E7 ProJect- City of Kent's Support of State-wrde Effort to Recruit Sound, and to sustam the Boemg Company's rank as the top commercial a1rplane maker m the world SECTION 2. -Kent's Future Steps to Strengthen Busmess Chmate The c1ty of Kent w1ll contmue to take the steps necessary to strengthen the c1ty's busmess chmate by contmumg to make Improvements to the perm1ttmg process, to address fre1ght mob1hty, and to work w1th local mstltutwns to support the further development of a sk1lled and educated local workforce SECTION 3. -Severabzh(y. If any section, subsectiOn, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of tills resolutiOn IS declared unconstitutiOnal or mvahd for any reason, such dec1s10n shall not affect the vahd1ty of the remammg portwns of th1s resolution SECTION 4. -Ratzficatwn Any act consistent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effective date of th1s resolutiOn IS hereby ratified and affirmed SECTION 5. -E@ctzve Date Th1s resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage PASS ED at a regular open pubhc meetmg by the c1ty counctl of the c1ty of Kent, Wash1ngton, tills /,it-day of July, 2003 ~ CONCURRED m by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent tills I day of July, 2003. ATTEST ~!;,~ ~. - 3 The Boeing Company's 7E7 Project- City of Kent's Support of State-w1de Effort to RecrUit APPROVED AS TO FORM TOM BIUJDAKER, CITY ATTORNEY Ass 1£·.\-,. tv\- !(,"' A p,.. ... -1-->- I hereby certify that tins 1s a true and correct copy ofResolutwn No /t. t.ft' passed by the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, the / ,a:; day ofJuly, 2003 4 The Boemg Company's 7E7 ProJect- City of Kent's Support of State-wrde Effort to Recrurt