HomeMy WebLinkAbout1642RESOLUTION NO I 0 c/-d- A RESOLUTION of the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, authonzmg apphcatwn to the mteragency Comm1ttee for Outdoor RecreatiOn (lAC) for federal fundmg ass1stance for a Land and Water ConservatiOn Fund (LWCF) program as prov1ded m the L WCF Act of 1965, as amended WHEREAS, the c1ty of Kent has approved a comprehensive plan that mcludes the Clark Lake Park area, and WHEREAS, under the proviSions of the L WCF, federal fundmg assistance has been requested to a1d m financmg the cost ofland acquiSition, and WHEREAS, the c1ty of Kent considers 1t m the best pubhc mterest to complete the land acqms1hon proJect descnbed m the apphcatwn m order to expand the Clark Lake Park area, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS I The D1rector of Parks, RecreatiOn, and Commumty Serv1ces IS authonzed to make formal apphcatwn to lAC for fundmg assistance I lAC Resolution- Clark Lake Park-Walla and Lake Acquisitions 2. Any fund assistance received will be used for the ImplementatiOn of tbe proJect referenced above, which IS acqmsitiOn of the Walla and Lake properties to expand the current Clark Lake Park property 3 The city of Kent certifies that Its share of proJect fundmg IS committed and will be denved from the Kmg CoUllty ConservatiOn Futures Grant 4 The city of Kent acknowledges that any property acqmred w1tb lAC financial aid must be placed m use as an outdoor recreatiOn facility and be retamed m such use m perpetmty unless otherwise provided and agreed to bytbe city of Kent, lAC, and tbe National Park Service 5. This resolutiOn may become part of a formal applicatiOn to lAC. 6 The city of Kent provided appropnate opportumty for public comment on this applicatiOn at a pubhc meetmg on March 12'h and at the Parks Committee meetmg on March 11, 2003 7 The city of Kent acknowledges that LWCF grants are federal funds and, as such, the city of Kent must comply with all applicable federal laws Passed at a regular meetmg of the city cOUIICil of the city of Kent, Washmgton tb1s .lO day of May, 2003. Concurred m by the Mayor of the city of Kent, this ,)..£) day of May, 2003 2 lAC Resolution- Clark Lake Park-Walla and Lake Acquisitions ATTEST ~&?a/~ BRENDA JACOBER,TYCLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM· TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No J(:,tf~. passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, the ;2» day of May, 2003 ~./!_.,_~~(SEAL) BRENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK P 'C1V111Resoluuon\IAC resl7 ClarkLakeProp-Walla Lake doc 3 lAC Resolution- Clark Lake Park-Walla and Lake Acquisitions