HomeMy WebLinkAbout1639RESOLUTION NO. I b 3? A RESOLUTION of the ctty of Kent, Washmgton, regardmg the vacatwn of a portwn of South 259th Place m the ctty of Kent, and settmg the pubhc heanng on the proposed street vacation for July 1, 2003. WHEREAS, a petitiOn, attached as Exlubtt "A," has been filed by Phylhs M Dettler to vacate a portwn of South 259th Place m the ctty of Kent, and WHEREAS, the petltwn 1s stgned by the owners of at least two-thtrds of the real property abuttmg those portwns of South 259th Place to be vacated, and WHEREAS, the petltwn ts m all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. A pub he heanng on the street vacatwn petltwn requestmg the vacatwn of a portwn of South 259th Street, legally descnbed m Exh1b1t "A," shall be held at aregularmeetmg of the Kent CttyCounctl at 7 OOp m, Tuesday, July I, 2003, m the Council Chambers ofC1ty Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, 98032 SECTION 2. The ctty clerk shall gtve proper notice of the heanng and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Ch 35 79 RCW 1 Street Vacation - South 259'h Place SECTION 3. The planmng manager shall obtam any other necessary informatwn from appropnate departments and shall transrmt the mformatwn to the counc1l so that the councli may cons1der the matter at 1ts regularly scheduled meetmg on July I, 2003 PASSED at a regular meetmg of the c1ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton th1s d-0 day of May, 2003 CONCURRED m by the mayor of the c1ty ofKent, th1s __ _ ATTEST ~~ac~ BRENDA JACOBER, CI CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby cert1fy that th1s 1s a true and correct copy of Resolutwn No. /0 31, passed by the c1tycounc!l of the c1tyofKent, Washmgton, on the J-<J day of May, 2003 2 ~~,_~(SEAL) BRENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK Street Vacation- South 25tfh Place ~ WAIHINOTON Moyor Jim White MAIL TO: CITY OF KENT Property Management 220 S. 4~' Avenue Kent, Washmgton 98032 Attn Jeny McCaughan COPY RfOCE!VED I APR 2 4 2003 KePt Crtv Attumey KIVA#: f'%rn©&UW&[Qj APR 2 ~ 2003 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK APPLICANT: NAME: f't.)' !(, l tf. /kttk:r ADDRESS: fa tf"" 6' 6'1/C .5 e01fc L ! It ?g/(b PHONE: )QG 8/ ~ ,$-,22,( STREET AND/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent City Counctl. We, the un~signed abutting property owners, hereby respectfully request lhat certain ?MtJM? Y (52> ;26''/nl/!, liM s,; .:lf¥0k!<!;; hereby be vacated Legal Description of Street/Alley Sought to be Vacated (Must Con tam Total Square Feet of Area Sought To Be Vacated) j.e7« I ,tJ,.::;cr;;;;"" .'J'((.,d{,/ Fx.(,,6./ /j • BRIEF STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT A "CURRENT" ownershtp and encumbrance report must be submttted wtth thiS apphcallon that covers all the abuttmg properttes contiguous to alley or street sought to be vacated. When Corporations, partnerships, etc are bemg s1gned for, and then proof ofmdlVldual's authonty to Sign for same shall also be submttted Attach a color-coded map of a scale of not less than\"= 200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond wtth legal descnption. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES AND ADDRESSES ~ dt. -~ $150.00 Fee Patd Appratsal Fee Pard Land Value Patd Deed Accepted Trade Accepted S \Property Management\Vacat1on App doc TAX LOT# LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC.TOWN RG. 28£2-C~-1()83 Treasurer's Rece1pt No. Treasurer's Receipt No. Treasurer's Recerpt No. Date Date RECEIVED A~~ ) .l 2003 CITY OF 1\ENT CITY oF KENi APR 2 J 20lJJ pERMii CEN'TERENGINE:EnlNG DEPT Cramer Northwest Inc._ Surveyors • Planners• Engineers ~~©~~wrn[Q) APR 21t 2003 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK Phone 253 852 4880 ' --.. r"" ~-'... \ .~-:~. )> ' . f/ ~ ::' ~ '~ {: RECEIVED APR 2 3 2003 CITY OF KENT PERMIT CENTER APR 2 :J ~', ENGh>if:i..;~;;,·G DE.?"! Toll f'l"ee: 800 251 0189 Fax· 253 852 4955 945 N. Central Ave Suite 104 Kent, VvA 98032 Vi~lt Cramer Northwest on the web at http://vvvvw.cramerm\.eom C ·-~·, r~r' r· -· •.· ' I • ; '-t , l·» I ' ~ 1 •• ~t , -~;: ~ rn.~R ~! ~~~ [Q) ~PR 2 :i i:tJt.:J ENGINEERii'm DEPT CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK ' ' ' ,) •cL~r-.p 4 y.: CC'!( ;:;cw ':;T~ TJ::•t.,; A:4l?f.. [R t ~"ifl [ I I tTl./(£ L1.'v[ l'l • :. t. r CP ~~ ,.) ~v \f.4&;;.-c;:. • I )( . ' I I ! -· I I . I I Jr RECEIVED APR 2 3 2003 CITYOFKENT PERMIT CENTER -: ··~ ""-- 7 6':t 1 ; :t • - '· " -• ~. -:::< £ 1/4 ··op rc~ "IC iA( t~ & tC4!J