HomeMy WebLinkAbout1636RESOLUTION NO. /&30 A RESOLUTION of the c1ty councli of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, relatmg to the estabhshment of a s1ster c1ty affihatwn between the c1ty of Kent and the c1ty of El Grullo, Jahsco, Mex1co WHEREAS, the mayor and the c1ty connell have rece1ved word that c1t1zens and the c1ty ofEl Grullo, Jahsco, Mex1co have mv1ted the c1ty of Kent to become a s1ster c1ty, and WHEREAS, to officmlly create tlns s1ster c1ty affihatwn, a group of Kent c1t1zens has formed a comm1ttee, elected leadership, collected m1t1al fundmg donatlons and dues, and proposed to operate under the ausp1ces of the Kent S1ster C1ty Assoc1at1on and m accordance w1th the S1ster C1t1es Intematwnal program, and WHEREAS, through the m1t1al fuendsh1p c1ty affihatwn estabhshed by Kent and El Grullo c1t1zens m early 2002, both c1t1es exchanged VlSltmg delegatwns, each delegatwn focusmg on the educatwnal serv1ces, soc1al serv1ces, busmesses, mumc1pal operatlons, and cultural benefits offered by the respectlve c1t1es, and WHEREAS, a relatwnsh1p w1th E1 Grullo, Jahsco, Mex1co would meet the obJectlves and cntena for formmg a s1ster c1ty relatwnslnp, as set forth m c1ty of Kent Resolutwn No 1380, mcludmg enhancement of culrural, educatlon, techmcal, trade and tounsm opportun1t1es, as well as concern for quahty educatlon, growth management, mtematwnal tles and comparable c1t1zen and government support for th1s s1ster c1ty relatwnslnp, and WHEREAS, both c1t1es have confirmed an mterest to formally estabhsh a S1ster C1ty relatwnsh1p, NOW, THEREFORE, Sister City Affiliation - El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. -Acceptance o(Invztatwn The city of Kent, Washmgton, accepts the mv1tatwn of the city of El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico to become Its Sister City and agrees to encourage the exchange of Ideas to share educatiOn, busmess, professiOnal, cultural, and other programs designed to facilitate the relationship between the two cities, and to create better understandmg and goodwill between the citizens of the two cities and their two natiOns SECTION 2. -Severabzhtv If any sectiOn, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolutiOn IS declared unconstitutiOnal or mvalid for any reason, such decisiOn shall not affect the validity of the remammg portiOns of this resolution SECTION 3. -Ratzticatwn Any act consistent with the authonty and pnor to the effective date ofth1s resolutiOn IS hereby ratified and affirmed SECTION 4. -E(fectzve Date This resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force Immediately upon Its passage PASS ED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, tills / ~ day of Apnl, 2003 2003 J- CONCURRED m by the mayor of the city of Kent this d day of Apnl, 2 Sister City Affiliation - El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, CY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM dVUA. \7GtLe ~ TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that tlns 1s a true and correct copy ofResolutwn No /{:,30 passed by the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Waslnngton, the I.P day of Apnl, 2003 P \Cml\EIGruUoM=co-Resolunon doc ~~~~ BRENDAJACOBER~YCLERK 3 Sister City Affiliation - El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico