HomeMy WebLinkAbout1637RESOLUTION NO. I b 3 'J A RESOLUTION of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, regardmg the vacatwn of portiOn ofMad1son Avenue and Hamson Street withm the Plat of Gmbersons Add1!ion m Volume 14 of Plats, Page 49, lymg south of Sm1th Street and east ofLmcoln Avenue m Kmg County, and settmg the public heanng on the proposed street vacatwn for May 20, 2003 WHEREAS, a pe!itwn, attached as Exh1b1t A, has been filed by Campbell NIXon & Associates to vacate portwns ofMad1son Avenue and Hamson Street as legally descnbed m Exlu.bit A and generally lymg w1thm the Plat of Gmbersons AddJ!ion m Volume 14 of Plats, Page 49, lymg south of Sm1th Street and east ofLmcoln Avenue Kmg County, W ashmgton, and WHEREAS, the pe!itwn IS s1gned by the owners of at least two-tlu.rds of the real property abuttmg those portwns of Mad1son A venue and Hamson Street to be vacated, and WHEREAS, the pehtwn 1s mall respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS· SECTION 1. A public heanng on the street vacatwn pehtwn requestmg the vacatwn of a portwn of Mad1son Avenue and Hamson Street, legally descnbed m Exlub1t "A", shall be held at a regular meetmg of the Kent C1ty Council at 7·00 p m, 1 Street Vacation - Madison Avenue and Harrison Street Tuesday, May 20, 2003, m the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, 98032 SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall gwe proper notice of the heanng and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Ch 35 79 RCW. SECTION 3. The Plannmg Manager shall obtam any other necessary mformatwn from appropnate departments and shall transmit the mformatwn to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at Its regularly scheduled meetmg on May20, 2003 ~SSED at a reg ar meetmg of the City Council of the City ofKent, Washmgton this I day of , 2003 ,uP- CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this oZ day of ~ ,2003 ATTEST· BRENDA JACOBER, APPROVED AS TO FORM ~WA{71A_~~ TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY 2 Street Vacation - Madison Avenue and Harrison Street I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. sf-/63 1 , passed by the City Council of the C1ty of Kent, W ashmgton, on the_:._/ __ day of ~ , 2003 3 ~(SEAL) R, CITY CLERK .. . . ~ Street Vacation- Madison Avenue and Harrison Street WAS I' I NOTO II MAIL TO CnYOFKENr P1 opc1ly JVfanagement 220 S 4lh A venue IOVAII AI'PLJCANl /1 <'If ;S/(ji)A))J 'IV NMIE: CAMPBa.L--/t/ttor{£ A""s""' ' Kent, Wnshmgton 98032 Attn Jeny rvlcCaughan f::e:vv~ WA '7b03 z.... STREET AND/OR ALLEY VACATION Al'l'LICATION AND PETITION Dea1 M.1yo1 and Kent City Connc1l We, the unde1s1gned abuthng prope1ty owne1s, hc1eby respectfully 1equest that ce1tam f'Otc.7lor-IS. oP MAP~ Ave:Nve: # 1/AF!J!I~(;Itf ~-n,;.ers(tereby be vacated Legal Descnp\1011 of Street/Alley Sought \o be Vacated (Must Conta1n Total Squme Feel of A1ea Sought To Be Vacated) /_ "'f/1-l .!lr5c.r'/' /,--;,7 /l!U~/t,/ E//T$'7/ ,Lj BRIEF STATEIVIENT WilY VACATION IS llEING SOUGHT A "CURRENT" title repmt must be subn11tted w1th thts application that coveiS all the uiJut{Jng piOpellies conUguous to alley or street sought to be vacated When CorporatiOnS, Pmtnersl11ps, etc me bemg signed fm, and then p1oof of !11divJdual's autho11ty to s1gn f01 sJme sh.11\ nlso be submitted Attach a coloJ-coded map of n scnlc o[ not less than I"= 200' of the ntea sought for vacation (NO I E) Map must couespond wtlh legal descttplton ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES A DAD ESSES ? $150 00 Fee Pa1d Ap[ll.usall'ee P,ud Land Value !'mel Deed Accepted r1 adc Accepted ') \l'rnpLrty llhnii,-CIII~ni\VncntiOII App dnL TAX LOT II LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC TOWN RG Z-151100005 t12t<[000!5 Z'ISI'I00080 Treasurer's Recetpl No Treaswer's Receipt No T1easwer's Rcwpl No Dale Date EXHIBIT "A" _-4·~ ~KENT WA51tiii0T0" 1\I:nor .Inn \\'Jute ~JAIL I 0 CI l \'OF KEN'! P1 opc1 ty Management 220 S 4 111 Avenue Kent, \Vns!11ngton 98032 A\\n Jeuy t\•kC<l\lghan 1'1\'AII RECEIVED FEB 2 7 2DOJ C•• P(]Qpc,.., 1 " • t;:,,lf .,,,.,.1 ~•1 GLMENT Al'l'LICAN l NAJ\11!: u,...,,e,~./tfirortd? A::s:s~ • ADIHUCSS -f;U:> W 1-IM<.I:<on/ Sre z.o I'll ONE kG.N-r; WA 't6D':!'Z.. ?z"3-85f-N10 STillmT AND/OR ALLEY VACATION Al'I'LICAT!ON AND l'ETITlON De[u M.tyor nncl Kent Crty Council We, the undeJsJgned abuttmg prope1ty ownc1s, hc1eby respectfully 1equest that certain fi:J~C.-mn·Js oF MADt:?q/ AII&Hvc:.#IIA~f!.l~orf S"n£er;hei eby be vacatetl Legal Descnpt!Dil ofSI!eet/Allcy Sougiltto be Vacc~teJ (iVlllst Con tam Total Squa1e Feet of A1ea Sought fo Be Vacated) /'/_;! ckF r'/F~ "'!!"~,;:_.~; E,r/t/6!/ /9 BRIEl' STATE!\ lENT WHY VACATION IS BIONG SOUGIIT A "CURRENT" t1lle rep01t must be subm1tted With tlus apphcat1on that covers n11the abut\mg propet\les con\Jguous to alley or street sought lo be vacated When Corporattons, PartneJsh1ps, etc ::ue bemg Signed for, and then ptoof of IIH.iiVHlual's authouty to stgn fot s<lme sh.11\ <~lso be S\tbtmHetl Att.tch a colo! ~coded map of a scale of not less than I"~ 200' of them ea sought lor vac..Itton (NOTE) Map must conespond wtth legal descnpl.lon ABUTTING PROPERfY OWNERS SIGNATURES A DAD ESSES ? rAX LOr I! LOT, BLOCK & I' LA f/SEC TOWN RG Z.'l51'l00(J05 !lw' Z-4 :z;z..ff l'jit"'000/2" .-·~ "'-""KENT WA$"1"0TQtl 1\l:lycJJ Jnn \\'lute ~!AIL I 0 Cll \'OF !\EN r Piopc!ly tvlanr~gement 220 S 4 11 ' Avenue Kent, \Vnshtngton 98032 1\ttn Je11y l'vkCallg\mn REcc:,vco FEB 2 7 2003 P110Pf~~~ <zF K£Nt ANAGEMEN? 1(1\'A# AI'PLICAN1 NMI E· CAMP86:LL-/f!typr(,f A,s·soc , fP.tYr; V/A '760~2- l'llONE· ?fi3·B54-Z17-0 STREET ANU/Olt ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dc<Jt M<~yot and Kent City Council We, the undetstgned abuttmg propetty ownets, hc1eby respectfully tequest that cettatn fi~;tcN"ii t:J~ M~>r.o/'50# AveoN~o~£. ,e ltAF!.I,I~r;r.( S'·m:.ersl1et eby be vacated Legal Descnpl1on ofSlleet/AIIey Sought to be VacdteJ Uvlust Conlatn Total Squ<~t e Feet of A1 ea Sought ro Be VacJletl) L ~ 1 ~ 1 fk,; "-r-I' /1 "'' -f Ilk /w / ,<:-y 1' //.!! r /1 BRIEF STATEIVIENT WilY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT A "CURRENT" It tie repatt must be subn11tted With thts nppllcalton thnt cove1s «II the abuttmg ptopeJIJes conttguous to alley or street sought to be vucuted When C01poral10ns, Parlne1slnps, etc a1e be1ng s1gned f01, nnd lhen p10of of 111d1vldunl's nutho11ty to s1gn /01 same sh.dl <~lso be submitted Att.1ch a co!ot-coded map of a scale of not less I han l" = 200' of the c11 ea sought lor vacJ.t!On (NOTE) M,,p must co11espond w1th legal desc11pl1on TAX LOT# LOT, BLOCK & I' LA f/SEC rOIVN RG ;!..'151"/00005 1/W :?-4 ;t;t..£ .t12t 'tooot5 tlw M ;:.:t-4 EXHIBIT"A" THAT PORTION OF MADISON AVENUE AND OF HARRISON STREET AS DEDICATED WITHIN THE PLAT OF GUIBERSONS ADDITION IN VOLUME !4 OF PLATS PAGE 49 LYING SOUTH OF SMITH STREET EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND LYING NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 2 IN SAID PLAT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED, THENCE ON A CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 60 00 FEET WHICH CENTER OF SAID RADIUS BEARS DUE SOUTH 60 00 FEET IN A WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY DIRECTION TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 4 IN SAID PLAT AND THE TERMINUS OF LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED -H TOTAL SQUARE FOOT OF AREA TO BE VACATED 2 ~813 ------------------ ~ 01 ' I ~ ,. ' -·~ • I~ • ~ l • : ' ,_ : N • oo 0 g 0 ... r.o 60 &0 w - ~ ... ~ l D-75 D-710 • z • w 0 0 j ' IF' 00 I Lll 0~ ~ ::::;,. •. -~ ~ " ,_, ~ :., 4 • '!; '" • • ~ • I I __ 1Jo6 So SMITH ST. • • ~ ~.I L ~ ~1 v ., W .