HomeMy WebLinkAbout1625RESOLUTION NO. I/,~ :;-- A RESOLUTION of the City CoUllcJi of the City of Kent, Washmgton, regardmg the vacatiOn of a portwn of the west 576 71 feet of Temperance Street as dedicated withm the plat of Ramsey' Addil!on m Volume 16 of plats, Page 89 recorded m Kmg CoUllty, Washmgton except the west 12 88 feet thereof, and settmg a pubhc heanng on the proposed street vacal!on for September 17, 2002 WHEREAS, the City of Kent seeks to vacate a portwn of Temperance Street, legally descnbed m Exhibit "A", and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordmance No 1934, the Kent City CoUllcil may Imtiate by resolutwn the vacatwn procedure, subJect to nol!fical!on to abuttmg property owners and a pubhc heanng, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. The City Council seeks to vacate a portiOn of Temperance Street, legally descnbed m Exhibit "A", and the City Clerk shall give proper nol!ce, as reqmred per sectwn 2 of the resolutwn SECTION 2. A pubhc heanng on the street vacal!on pel!twn requestmg the vacatiOn of a portwn of Temperance Street, legally descnbed on the attached Exhibit "A" above, shall be held at a regular meetmg of the Kent City Council Street Vacat1on -Temperance Street at 7 00 p m, Tuesday, September 17, 2002, m the Council Chambers of Ctty Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, 98032 SECTION 3. The Ctty Clerk shall giVe proper notice of the heanng and cause the notice to be posted as provtded by state law, Ch 35 79 RCW SECTION 4. The Planmng Manager shall obtam any other necessary mformatwn from appropnate departments and shall transmit the mformatwn to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at Its regularly scheduled meetmg on September 17,2002 SECTION 4. Severability If any sectwn, subsectiOn, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolutiOn ts declared unconstimtwnal or mvahd for any reason, such decisiOn shall not affect the vahdtty of the remammg portwns of thts resolution SECTION 5. Rattfica!Ion Any act conststent wtth the authonty and pnor to the effective date of this resolutiOn IS hereby ral!fied and affirmed SECTION 6. Effective Date Thts resolution shall take effect and be m force tmmedtately upon tts passage PAS SED at a regular open public meetmg by the Ctty Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, this 6 day of ~ , 2002 CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the Ctty of Kent thts --=-0-day of ~ ,2002 2 Street Vacation -Temperance Street ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY \,, •• .if.l ······· ..) ~ •• •• 't .... .. )~·· . • ,• 1"1' y 8: s... ..-' : ~ • v . . : ... ~·.,. : ·~ .J'.i !>' o!iO~ '4 o':l I 0 "'"" •• I •• ...... \~~~··.~ •• ··"..:>-···· .... " ~t' ., I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No / bd. 5 passed by the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the b "CA.. day of adu' .ac:L '2002 ~eao-~ BRENDA JACOBER~ P \Ctv!I\Resolutton\STVAC-Temperance doc 3 Street Vacatwn-Temperance Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPERANCE STREET VACATION THE WEST 576.71 FEET OF TEMPERANCE STREET AS DEDICATED WITHIN THE PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION IN VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 89 RECORDED IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT THE WEST 12.88 FEET THEREOF. EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- + N01 37'f5:L_ _ _ 419 82' ____ j __ EJO~ Rb____ ==----<> 4 , L•J 01 ~~ 4TH AVE N. "'89489 ""'" -r --------~s.!!.LW_:l_- >-(1) ;!:I ':iE (I) r 23988 IM' 1 =-. ___ _j ___ _ I . 1 ND1 44 111UI4 1 X 1-.., u.a I ~ :; T-<E-WAY TAKE I~ I ;; :i AREA-t,tU.tt SQ. FT. 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