HomeMy WebLinkAbout1612Resolution No. 1612 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) Amends Res 1611 Amended by Res 1618 RESOLUTION NO. I bl J_ A RESOLUTION of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, amendmg Resolutwn No 1611, regardmg the vaca!lon of a port1on of surplus SR 516 m the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Sectwn 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W M m Kmg County, wherem the public hearmg on the proposed street vacation should be held on May 21, 2002, rather than the May 7, 2002, date prevwusly noted on the Resolutwn. WHEREAS, a pe!l!lon, attached as Exh1b1t "A", has been filed by J1m Cassel to vacate a por!lon of surplus State Route 516 legally descnbed m Exlnb1t "A" and generally lymg m the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter ofSectwn 22, Townslup 22 North, Range 4 East, W M m Kmg County, Washmgton, and WHEREAS, the pe!ltwn IS s1gned by the owners of at least two-tlurds of the real property abuttmg that portwn of surplus State Route 516 that IS seekmg to be vacated, and WHEREAS, the pe!ltwn IS m all respects proper; and WHEREAS, the blue sheet subnntted for Council's reVIew at the Apnl2, 2002, Council meetmg md1cated the correct public heanng date on tlus street vacatwn of May 21, 2002, however, Resolu!ion No 1611 mdJCated a public heanng date of May 7, 2002, NOW, THEREFORE, I Street Vacation -Surplus SR 516 Setting Public Hearing for May 21, 2002 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. A pubhc heanng on the street vacation petltwn requestmg the vacatiOn of a port10n of surplus State Route 516, legally descnbed m Exlnb1t "A", shall be held at a regular meetmg of the Kent City Council at 7:00pm, Tuesday, May 21, 2002, m the Council Chambers of C1ty Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, 98032, rather than the May 7, 2002, date reflected m ResolutiOn No 1611 SECTION 2. The C1ty Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Ch 35 79 RCW SECTION 3. The Planmng Manager shall obtam any other necessary mformalion from appropnate departments and shall transmit the mformat10n to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at Its regularly scheduled meetmg on May 21, 2002. PASSED at a regular meeling of the City Council of the City ofKent, Washmgton this I b day of Apnl, 2002 2002 CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this /~ day of Apnl, 2 Street Vacation-Surplus SR 516 Setting Public Hearing for May 21, 2002 ATTEST· .. ----/ -/ APPROVED AS TO FORM· TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNlfY I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No /b! ;1__, , passed by the City Council of the CityofKent, Washington, on the I b day of Apnl, 2002 ~h,~(SEAL) BRENDA JAcoli,CITYCLERK ----/ - 3 Street Vacation -Surplus SR 516 Setting Public Hearing for May 21, 2002 '~"> ·-......_/KENT \r'YIISHINQT'ON i\la)OI .Jim \Vhitc (((\',\#: ~ESV 20\Z\oO( ~1IAII I 0: CIT\ OF KF.:NT Prope1 ty Management 120 S 4'" Avenue Kent. Waslungton 98032 Attn k11y J'vkC.Illglwn / . / rt~EIV D AUG 0 2001 r Clr·. ,r ,) ,1_ ,...npp1 ~~~r 1 . " . v 'INJ,\\I':'IT \ Al'PLICANT: NAi\IE. '.)j)t:.C..JAL ~~ ~.AQ+-!~ ADDRESS: 1~ s; l C•l.., I'IIONF.:: \(..c ~""\-l.,.)r C1 ~ l) -~ L. '2"> 1 ~11. \.{<Jvu STREET AND/OR ALLEY V.-\C.-\TION APPLICATION AND PETITION De.u J'vl:t~ c11 .md Kent City Council W c. the umlct '' gned abutllnl! p1 opet t' 11\vncr< hereb: 1 eo;pecllnll;' '"'l""'' •1•"l ··~" • ". :1 · (od.h> '' () ;-c; '2.\. ( c '' <-:.·\· ..-=<-I ltc1 clw be v dcatcc..l Legal Desc11pl1on ol St1eet//'at Soughltu he v.1c.11ed (fviust Con1n111 Tot.d Squ.\le Feet of •\rca Sought In Be \•ac.Jtcdl (../.:,C.!:.-/( /(. /I/'"' /1<.. HE/' ..: .rlt 1 t}/lr .·'-\ BRIEF STATEMENT \VIIY VACATION IS BEING SOLIGIIT A ·'CURRENT' title tcpolt must be subnllltec..l '' 111t tins .tppllc.JtiOII ilt.tt lO\'CIS .til the a!Jttltlltg piopeiiiCS conliguou<;' (q ,t!icy OI <;(ICC! -;ought tu he \dC.llcd \\lten C<lliJO!.tiiuno;. l'ntiiK'''"P' etc .tic bemg signed for. and then p10of of lllUIVIdual's aulhoilty to Sign lor o;.unc sh.dl ,do;u be suhmillcu A (l ~ch ·' ' nJr.r-•:nd~d m:.;l 1.) f" oL.dt. ,, f 1\0l lc:,s llt.tn I" = 200 () r the ,\1 C.\ sougtll ror \' .tca(IUI\ (NOTE) Map must correspond With legal c..lescnption ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS ~[ NATURES Am:> APDRESSES ~ o~jl'--l-"' .,. ~ ·-N- J t" = 100' EXff18tT R STREET6IIfl/ll VACATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF' SOUTH 206TH STR££1' IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF' SECTION 1, TOifJVSBIP 22 NORTE, RANCE 4 E., /r.N., KTNC: COUNTY, STATE OF li'ASBINCTOH', PESCRJBEP AS F'O.UOII'S: · CONNENCINC AT TEE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF' SAID SUBDJY7SIOH,· THENCE KOQ'55'22'"E .AI,OKC THE EAST LIKE OF SAID SUBDMSIOK 721.57 FEET; THENCE K81T59'23" II' 30.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF' BEC:IKNINC:; THENCE SOQ'55'22" II' P.AJW:.lE.l TO THE EAST .liKE OF SAID SUBDIYISION 30 FEET, THENCE K81T59'23"11' A DISTANCE OF 300 FEET,· THENCE KO(J'55'22'"E A DISTANCE OF' 30 FEET; THENCE S89'59'23"E A DISTANCE OF' 300 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT ,OF' BEC:IKKIKC:. £,(C £;5;-7:~-_r/ 8775" CONTAINIKC --SQ FT. fliP.Ii Ul:) 13.85' £X/STING BUILDING £X/STING BUILDING 26003 ± SO FT. 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