HomeMy WebLinkAbout1611Resolution No. 1611 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) Amended by Res 1612,1618 RESOLUTION NO. I b 1/ A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, regardillg the vacatwn of a portion of surplus SR 516 ill the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W M m Kmg County, and settillg the pubhc heanng on the proposed street vacatwn for May 7, 2002 WHEREAS, a petition, attached as Exhibit A, has been filed by Jim Cassel to vacate a portwn of surplus State Route 516 legally descnbed ill Exhibit A and generally lymg ill the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W M m Kmg County, Washmgton, and WHEREAS, the peb!ion 1s signed by the owners of at least two-thirds of the real property abuttmg that portwn of surplus State Route 516 that IS seekmg to be vacated, and WHEREAS, the pebtwn Ism all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. A pubhc hearmg on the street vaca!ion pe!J!ion requestmg the vacatwn of a portwn of surplus State Route 516, legally descnbed m Exhibit "A", shall be held at a regular meetillg of the Kent C1ty Council at 7 00 p m, Tuesday, May 7, 2002, m the Council Chambers of C1ty Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, 98032 I Street Vacatwn- Surplus SR 516 SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall giVe proper notice of the heanng and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Ch 35 79 RCW SECTION 3. The Plannmg Manager shall obtam any other necessary mformatwn from appropnate departments and shall transmit the mformatwn to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at Its regularly scheduled meetmg on May7, 2002 PASS ED at a regular meetmg of the City Council of the City of Kent, Waslungton th1s 2nd day of Apnl, 2002 J2_ CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent, th1s ~ day of Apnl, 2002 J ATTEST 'BRENDA JACOBE~TY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certifY that th1s 1s a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No I lo I r ' passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, on the $ ,._.,.L day of Apnl, 2002 Street Vacation- Surplus SR 516 • • TO· FROM: DEPARTMENT OF JUBLIC WORKS I City Clerk Jerry McCaugh Date· 3-/-0 z__..... ! [gi~©~~W~[QJ MAR 0 7 2002 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK cc-~ RE: Street Vacation ffbA/f',fC:E !(CliO f}!J .;(. FR£t:"li/AY f./6, elf {(Efff/ {(D, ' Regarding subject matter, please be adv1sed that I have reVIewed same and found everything m order Therefore I am filing the ongmal applicatiOn With you and at the same time, by copy of th1s memo to the Publfc Works Director, the process should begin cc: Don Wickstrom Plannong Manager Attachment: Maps st. vacate WASHINOTON Mayor Jim White MAIL TO: CITY OF I<I'NT 1'1 ope1ly Management 220 S 4'" Avenue Kent, Wash111glon 98032 Attn Je11y McCaughan ' ' KlVA#: APPLICANT: ~o~rn© ~ ~ w mill) lJU MAR 0 7 2002 CITY OF KENT C\TY CLERK NAl\m: \f, M. &~'>e I ADDRESS: 3S'o I qq f~.,(r ':£ £vcrd+ wR qgzo) PIIONI~: Wz.s-)'3'15 -~Vo I STREET AND/OR ALLI~Y VACATlON AitPLJCATION AND l)ETITION I Dem Mayo1 and Kent C1ty Council , We, the undetsigned abuttmg ptope1ty owne1s, hcteby IC~pcctfully 1cquestlltat ce1tmn p or 1-·•" "f' S..,rp/us '?857(0 lf1i-~e. StvY'(o-f/lo~ AJC 114 ot!z.z.'2.'201{ a..q~tt<.te•tt--1-o :l.Z2"1..~'(~e>S'8 ht~o.6y l>e ua.c.aft'<~ ' 5.-..._ <1[1,.,.,"./' """'r : Legal Dcsc11pt1on ofSt1cct/AIIey Sought to he Vncnted (Must Contain Tot.d Squ<ue Feet of A1eaiSought To Be Vacated) /([FER. {6 fllTRCHEJ) r'OR LEGflL I /tlfl-P BRIEF STATI~I\1 I<: NT WilY VA CATION IS BEING SOUGHT I A. "CURRENT" t1tle 1epmtmust be subnultted w1lh th1s apphcallon I that covc1s all the almltmg ptopetltes conpguous to alley or street sought to be vacnted When Cmporallm~s, l'mtne1ships, etc me bemg s1gned f01, and then proof of mdivll(lual's autho11ly to sign fo1 same shnll al;o be suiHmltcd '1 I Attach a color-coded map of a scale of not less than l" ~ 2oo· of the mea sought for vacation (NOTE) Map must couespond w1th legal descnplion I ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNAT RF AND ADDRESSES I I TAX LOT II LOT, BLQCK & PLAT/SEC.TOWN RG c.. 2 <-zvvO\ o 5 ~ • 4 UNITS PHASE 1l: 2 UNITS -------- Charles Eckland \ ~ ~ ~~~ \~~, ~~··~c.SOUGHTTO '~\ BEVACATED .\"'i, -\ -!--~-~---' \ -::i-,.L )7 / ---------~ I , ,( ( I lj II r-1 I \ I \ \ Bay Constru U 61 Ac Inc -------[gl~H!~:~~ CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK Gov't. Lot 2 34.70 Acres Roshford