HomeMy WebLinkAbout1609RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the C1ty Counctl of the C1ty of Kent, W ashmgton, relatmg to agncultural lands, adoptmg findmgs of fact renewmg a moratonum on the acceptance of apphcatwns for any land use permtt or approval for subdiVISIOns, short plats, or any other s1m1lar apphcatwn that mcreases the number of lots and/or denstty on property located w1thm the currently zoned Al and AG agncultural lands, as tdentlfied m the zonmg map of the C1ty of Kent WHEREAS, on November 6, 2000 and December II, 2000, the Ctty Counctl Plannmg Committee dtscussed the ex1stmg pohctes related to agncultural lands and on December 11, 2000, moved to dtrect staff to analyze the C1ty's pohc1es on property destgnated Agncultural (A-1) and Agncultural General (AG) on the Valley Floor, and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Planmng Board 1s now constdenng these pohctes, mcludmg zomng and other 1ssues related to real property w1th the zomng destgnatwns of Agncultural (Al) and Agncultural General (AG) located wtthm the Ctty of Kent, and WHEREAS, there IS a poss1b1hty that the Ctty could, dunng th1s process, recetve apphcatwns for subdlvlSlons or short plats that would slgntficantly mcrease the number of lots and/or the dens1ty of the current agncultural lands, defeatmg the purpose of the agnculturalland policy, and 1 Agricultural Land Moratorium Renewal WHEREAS, the C1ty needs additiOnal lime to fully rev1ew and analyze the 1ssue of agnculturallands m a comprehensiVe fashwn, and WHEREAS, RCW 35A 63 220 authonzes Cities to adopt moratonums, provided, a public heanng IS held w1thm s1xty (60) days of adoptwn, and WHEREAS, on July 17, 2001, the C1ty Council adopted Resolutwn 1599 1mposmg a moratonum upon the acceptance of applicatwns for any land use pernut or approval for subdJvJsJOns, short plats, or any other sJmJlar apphcatwn (mcludmg rezones), that mcreases the number of lots and/or dens1ty on property located w1tlnn the Agncultural (A-1) and Agncultural General (AG) zonmg des1gnatwns, as identified m the zonmg map set forth m Exlnb1t "A" attached hereto and mcorporated by th1s reference, and WHEREAS, RCW 35A 63 220 prov1des that a C1ty adoptmg a moratonum shall adopt findmgs of fact Immediately after the public heanng held w1tlnn s1xty (60) days of adoptwn of the moratonum, and WHEREAS, a pubhc heanng was held on September 4, 2001, before the C1ty Council and Resolutwn 1602 was adopted contmumg the moratonum until m1dmght January 13,2002, and WHEREAS, staff1s requestmg a SIX (6) month renewal of the moratonum m order to allow staff sufficient lime to contmue gathenng relevant mformal!on, complete a thorough analys1s of the mformalion, draft proposed code amendments, and present the code amendments to the Land Use and Plannmg Board and to the full C1ty Counctl, and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A 63 220, a public heanng was held on January 2, 2002, to consider renewmg the moratonum for a SIX (6) month penod, and 2 Agricultural Land Moratorium Renewal WHEREAS, the Ctty Council has constdered all comments and matenals presented, and WHEREAS, the Ctty Council finds that the protectiOn of the health, safety, and welfare supports renewmg a moratonum on the acceptance of all apphcatwns for subdtvtswns, short plats, or any other similar apphcatwn (mcludmg rezones), that mcreases the number of lots and/or density on property located wtthm the Agncultural (A-1) and Agncultural General (AG) zonmg designatiOns until additiOnal review has been completed and any necessary code reviSions have been adopted by the Ctty Council, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. Recztals Incorporated The recitals set forth m thts resolution and resolutiOn 1599 and 1602 are hereby mcorporated as tf fully set forth herem and are hereby adopted as Fmdmgs of Fact SECTION 2. Renewal o(Moratonum Based on the Fmdmgs of Fact adopted m SectiOn 1, the Ctty Council hereby deternunes that 1t ts necessary for the moratonum enacted m Resolutwn 1599 and 1602 to be renewed for an addttwnal 180- day penod Accordmgly, the moratonum shall not exptre until mtdmght on July 12, 2002, unless the moratonum IS shortened or extended by action of the Ctty Counctl or until the effective date of any ordmance estabhshmg new regulatiOns govemmg lands m the Agncultural (A-1) and Agncultural General (AG) zonmg destgnatwns covered by th1s moratonum, whichever IS sooner, and dunng sa1d moratonum, no apphcatwns shall be accepted for any land use permit or approval for subdtvtswns, short plats, or any other sJmJlar apphcatwn (mcludmg rezones), that mcreases the number of lots and/or dens1ty on property located w1thm the Agncultural (A-1) and Agncultural General (AG) zonmg des1gnatwns, as 1den!Jfied m the zonmg map set forth m Exhtbtt "A" attached hereto and mcorporated by th1s reference 3 Agricultural Land Moratorium Renewal SECTION 3. Severabzhty If any sectiOn, subsectiOn, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of th1s resolutiOn 1s declared unconsl!tutwnal or mvahd for any reason, such deciSIOn shall not affect the vahd1ty of the remammg portwns of th1s resolutwn SECTION 4. Ratdicatzon Any act consistent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effecl!ve date ofth1s resolutwn 1s hereby ratified and affirmed SECTION 5. E(fectzve Date Th1s resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force 1mmedmtely upon 1ts passage PASS ED at a regular open pubhc meetmg by the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, tins ,;2._ day of~ , 20GL..- CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent tins ;2_ day of ~ ,2~ ~ !t1/?t- ATT/~.~H _ ~a~ BRENDA J~COBER, CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ,d"WA_r)ylek .fllo4!WHITE, MAYOR I , v ~ROGER A LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby cert1fy that tins 1s a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn Nof t ~ '7 p~ ~ C1ty Council of the City of Kent, W ashmgton, the OJ___ day of ~ ,zoral- P IClVI11Re5oluLloniAgncultura1Lands MoralorRenew doc 1~~~ 4 Agricultural Land Moratorium Renewal ,• 1Agricultural Lan A-1 and AG Zoning Districts Legend :·. : Kent City Limits '0 Zoning Districts ii!~·.,i;~.n Agricultural Lands Planning Services July 9, 2001 lVI I M1 EXHIBIT "A"