HomeMy WebLinkAbout120• 4 ... 11 -, • • • • RESJLUTION ht.-t: / WHEREAS, a petition h&s been filed with the City Council of Kent petitioning that a time be set for determining said peti- tion to vacate certain streets and alleys in the said City of Kent; and WHEt\EM;, said petitivn is signed by L1e owners o! J:iOre than two-thirds (2/3) of tne private property abutting upon the part of sucn s;;reet or alley; now, tnerefore, BE IT RESOLVED: Thatd;:;:~~ ~' 193~, be set as the date when said petition shall be hedrd and determined, which said date is not more than sixty (60) nor less than twenty (20) days from and after the date of the passage of this resolution. That notice of the pendency of said yetition, by a written or printed notice, be set up in three of the most public nlaces in the City of Kent, and a like notice in a conspicuous place on the street or alley sought to be vacated, by the City Clerk, which said notice shall be in words and figures as follows: 11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition has been filed with tne City Clerk of the City of Kent petitioning for tne vacation of certain streets and alleys within said City of Kent. "That said petition vras signed by the owners of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the private property abutting upon the part of said street and alley sought to be vacated. "That the City Council of the City of Kent, by resolution, fixed the time for hearing and determining said petition as the J-~ €if It day of/~~fllhlk) 193y, which said time is not more than sixty (60) nor les: than twenty (20) days after the d~te of the passage of such resoltuion. nThat all persons interested in said petition may be heard in the Council Ch~mbers in ~ity Hall of the fore the City Council, ~n~ /~ , 193~, City of Kent be- at 8 o'clock P.M. why said petition should not be determined and why said street .. ... ~ , ....... - '* r 4t • • • and the • • alley should not be vacated. "The property sought to be vacated under said petition is following described property: Beginning at the S.E. corner of Lot 14, Block 5, of North Park Add'n. to the City of Kent, King County, Washington; thence Southerly along the West line of Second Street, extended 40 feet t::> the North line of Cloudy Avenue, extended; thence Westerly along said North line 27 feet to the S.F.. Corner of Lot 15, Block 5, in said Add'n; thence Northea2terly 40.26 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO Beginning at the S. W .• __ Corner of Lot 17, Block 2, in said North Park Add'n; thence Southerly along the east line of Second Street, extended 40 feet to the North Line of Cloudy Avenue, extended; thence Eo.::;terly along said North Line ~~7 feet to the South West Corner of Lot 16, Block 2, in said Addn; thence Northwesterly 48.26 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO Beginning at the N.W. Corner of Lot 29, Block 3, in said North ParK Addn.; thence Northerly along tne Ea.t Line 0f Eecond Street, extended 40 feet to the South Line of Cloudy Avenue., extended thence Ea3terly along said South Line 27 feet to tne N.W. Corner of Lot 30, Block 3 in said Addn.; thence Southwesterly 48.26 feet to the point ~f beginning. ALSO Beginning at the N.E. Corner of Lot 2, Block 4, in said North Park Addn.; thence Northerly along the West Line of Second Street, extended, 40 feet to the South Line of Cloudy Avenue, extended; thence Westerly along said South Line 27 feet to the North- east Corner of Lot 1, Block 4, in said Addn.; thence Southea2terly 48.26 feet to the point of beginning. t}£z' "DATED at Kent, washington, this __s--day of liaus•ee[', 1938. CITY OF KENT By L. E. PRICE, Clerk." ~ PASSED by t:1e City Council of Kent this -£"> day of Ne u emliiei', 1938. Attest /' .,__~ Mayor :--'"-)-= \) d--. 0 . Clerk Approved as to form: ClLy A L LDl' ney