HomeMy WebLinkAbout118RESOLUTION NO.··· II g BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, that the said City Council does hereby declare that the public safety and convenience require that a sidewalk be constructed on the north side of Gowe Street collDI.encing at the west edge of Fourth Street and running thence west a distance of Four-hundred-twenty (420) Feet, and on which the following property iamediatel7 abuts, towit: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 15, of teslerts First Addition to the Town of Kent. The kind of sidewalk required is a concrete sidewalk, six feet in width aecording to standard specifications as provided in Ord- inance Bo. 421 as amended by Ordinance No. 426 of the City of Kent; the total cost of the same is about $1.00 per running foot, and if the owner or owners of the property iamediately abutting thereon ~hall Deglect or refuse to conatruct said saidewalk within thirty 'ays froa troa the service of the notice, the City shall cause said work to be done and the costs and expenses thereof shall be assessed against the property abutting the saae. ~ Passed b.f the City Council of Kent this ~day of June, 1938. I hereb,y certify that the the City Council of the City of City Clerk foregoing resolution was passed in Kent, on the ~day of June, 1938 cJL.ft: . 1f01' Ci~jf9 ·ro ,_ __________________ ." ______ _ i.n !lock lb, Yeslcrs First ~.d(r1t1on. to i~.t:J.~;;: 1c.,n o:.: ::.ont., 1n Kttnt, Kin1 c.,unty,. ~:~;:.l!lh1ngt,:m. by its Clt1 Couna1l, on thf:l ltb d: .. y of .J~ .. u:H::, J.921d, uuly {;t1ssed a ResQlut1on deelaril'l(f thb.t tbe public safety m1d couv~::ni~;:;.nce re- qu1rtta tn.at a a1dewa.l.k be constru.cted on the north side of Q\J•·• Strt:~t C•.:~ueneing at the west edg(: oi' Fcrurth 5tr<Hrt. t,outh anc. runn.1q thence ·west • distance ot Four-hunared-t'9H'nty ft~~Jt, upon wn1c.tl tne property above 4eso.ribed abutt .• Tlle kiad ot sidewalk reQuired by Siiid Rcsollilt1oQ is ;~, coa- eret• aid•w•l:t, a1x feet in •1dth, .(i.8 l)r(:..viued by ()rtt1n•·•ncs 51;). 421 as aaended bf Ordi!Uinee Bo. 4£6 of th~ City of r:ent, Waahins- ton, to which reterenoe ia aade !or aore 3pec1.f1a det!'dl. You are requ.tred to construct the stuao w\ thin thirty (Z.O) days trQa the aerYlce or thia Dllt1c~ in accordance with lob!.id res~o>lution, and on your taililll so to do, tbe City or 'Kent will do the aaae, a.ad the cost t'i.Dd expense or doing thr: fifUI1~ will be IUI!!&IlSed apon the property 1JUed1&~tely ~butt1n~ upon 5.dd sidft- walk aDd above described. A copy ot sa.id resolution is hf.trewith a ernul upon 1 o "· DatEd. lit Kent, Wh&hing~~\)n this _£__day ot' J"ullf:l, l.9o6. THif. C:ITI JF KE,IT