HomeMy WebLinkAbout116H~SOLUTION I I~ WETRVAS, A oetition has been filed with the City Council of Kent netitionina thnt a time be ~et for determining said oeti- tion to vacate certain streets and alleys in the said City of Kent; and Nt.:f!RF:AS, s;1 i -:5 r>eti tion is sicmed by the ownere of more than. t·wo-thi rd s ( 2f::.) of the nri VrJ te nronerty abuttinp-uoon the pe~ rt of such street or Alley; now, therefore, BE IT R~SOLV~D: Th8t JAnuary 3, 1938, be set as the date when Raid petition shall be heArd gnd determined, which eaid date is not more than sixty (Gb) nor less than twenty (20) days from and after the date of the oarsa~e of this resolution. :hat notice of the oendency of said oetition,by a written or ?rinted notice ,. ue set up in three of the most nublic placeR in ~he City of Kent, and a like notice in a conspicuous place on the street or alley soufht to be vacated, by the City Clerk, which said notice shall be in words and fi~ures as fol- lows: 11 NOTICS IS· :w:·EEBY CH v:·:·:::, that a neti tion has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Kent netitioning for the vacation of certain streets and Alleys within said City of Kent. "That said '9etition was sig-ned by the owners of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the nrivate nronerty abuttin~ unon the part of said street and alley eou~ht to be vacated. 11 That the City Council of the City of Kent, by resolution, fixed the time for hearinv and determininp said oetition as the 3rd day of January, 1938, which said time is not more than sixty (60) nor less than twenty (20) oays after t!1e date of the pnssage of such resolution. "fhat 811 persons interested in said oetition may be heard in the Counci 1 Clw.•nbers in tr1e City Hall of the City of Kent be- fore the City Council, on January 3, 1938, at 8 o'clock P. hl. why said petition should not be determined <md why said street and alley should not be vacated. 11 The nronerty sought to be vacated under said netition is the followin~ described nro~erty: 1~7. That portion of Titus Street between the west ed~e of ~ourth Avenue South and the east ed~e of Fifth Avenue South, and that nortion o~ the alley lyin~ between Lots 1, 2 and 3, and 10, 11 and 12, in Block 18 of Yes1er 1 s ~irst Addition to Kent, all the above bein7 situated in Kent, King County, Vashington. 11 DATED at Kent, :Vashimtton, this 6th day of -pecember, 1937. CITY OF KE!\!T By L. E. PRICE, Clerk." PASSFD by the City Council of Kent this 6th day of December, _r:f?~'£~M - ~ayor Attest c:?: (2 _;, --.---- Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney