HomeMy WebLinkAbout107\ nv. ll 7 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N VJHERE.l\S, the City (or Town) of ------_Ke.Pt __ .. __ . ____ will not satis ... fa(~torily accor!lplish and will delay and be unable to perfom1 the repair and ITiaintenance of :Lts city (or town) streets which form a part of the route of p.rima:·y highways, or of other city streets upon which expenditure may be au tho- riL;ed by the directo1' of hir,hways; and ·:;nEEE!lli, it is the desire of' the City (or Town) of' Kent ·------ trmt the director of highways perf'onn such repair and maintenance; now, therefore, BE IT m~SOLVim, that the City (or Tovm) of Kent . . ------·--·--·-- does hereby acknowledge that it will not satisfactorily accomplish and will de- lay and be unable to perfom such repair and maintenance on such City(or Town) streets and waives notice or the director of highways thereof: BE IT Ji'UR'lliER RESOLV'w, that the director of highways is requested and perrni tted to perform such repair and maintenance to the amount of ~ao. Of dollars, an o.mount not in e:x:cess of the amount of money now credited or reasonably anticipated to accrue to tlie City (or Town) of Kent in the motor veliicle fund during the next fiscal year, such repair and mainte- nance cost to be charged against the amount so credited or to be credited; and BE IT FURTETSH RESOLVED, that upon statement of the cost of such repair and rrminttmance and journal voucher therefor, approvod by the City (or Town) of Xent , for all labor, equipment, material, supplies and engineer-----·---- ing, the State Auditor is authorized und directed to reserve nnd credit to the department of highways in pn.yment for such ropa ir and maintenance any funds creditvd or to be credited to the City (or Town) of Kent in the motor vehicle fund not to exceed the above specified sum; all in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41, Sossion Laws of 1933, as amended and supplemented by Chnptsr lll, Session U.ws oi' 1935. CER'I'IFICATE OF PASSAGE: '~'his is to c.,rtity that the fj'bove an4 fore• •r.otng reooluti on •as vX"f!oented, and P&f!eed by the unanimoua vota of the City Counoil of the City of Kent • at argegular Jneeting l'lel4 in the council oh;mbera. on the c:tth. rlny of october 1936 D.F. --#30 .I • .. • L. E. Price • City Clerk.