HomeMy WebLinkAbout303~ESOLUTION NO. 4 ~ 3 1 2 WHEREAS, Frank Siems e.nd Nina Siems, his \'Vife, have petitioned 3 the City Council of the Ci t~r nf Kent for ve.ce.tion of that certe in 4: alle~? running north and south from Gui 'berson Street to the north 5 10 of' Lot 24, Block 11, Wa'shinc:ton Central Improvement Companyte ~~ ~_} Addition to Kent, and lying between lots 1,2,3 and 4 o~'he,~st and lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 on the west, in said Block lv-f Addition; and it appearinR" from said petition that io!'lers are the only owaers of all le.nds e.bbttinr on se .. id J A'Z 1~ _ IT S THF..REFORE RESOLVED THAT Tuesday, the 5th. dey of July, ...kf _.,X // UJ ~" 1949, 5-1-t, the hnur of 8 o'clock P.M. is hereby fixed as the tir:1e 0 13 e.nd the ~mci31 Chambers in the C i ty Hall of the City of Kent is W 14 hereby fixed as the place for a he.?...ri!'lg upon the s2.id petition, 1!5 and. all persons interested. are required then and there to be pres- 16 ent to stEte their objections, if e.ny they hc<.ve, to the granting 17 of seid. petition. 18 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk give duP n;tice of 19 said hearing as by law required. 20 21 Passed by the City Council this 6th. day of June, 1949. 22 23 24: 2!5 26 27 28 29