HomeMy WebLinkAbout2971 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 '23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I i I I RESOLUTION No. /2 q 7 I WHEREAS, by Ordinance of the Cit;y of Xent, Number 768, passed on the 3rd. dq of September~·· 194:6, the City of Xent did annex ••rtain territory-contiguous to said 01._, and WHEREAS, by mistake and inadvertano e, the deaoript ion of the property-annexed was erroneous,' necessitating the passage of and Ordinance to oorreot the description contained in satd Ord- inance No. 768; XOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0~ XEBT, that Monday, the 16th. d.V of August, 1948, at lhe hout" of 8 o'clock P.M. on said d&)", be and it is hereby fixed as the time far a ptblic heariDg on the matter of amendins Ord- inance No. 768 to correct the description therein, and the Council Ohebers of the City Hall of tile City of Xent be and it is hereby fixed as the place for sst d public hearing. All persons desiring to be heard on said matter are ~equired then and there to be present to atate their objections,·' !lf &D7 they have, to the proposed amendment of esid Ordinance. I!L' IS l!'URTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk cause due and legal not ia e o:f said 'tit aring to be gi'Yen. P&ssld by the City Council this 19th. d~ of July, 1948. 1 2 3 1 :· ·i: ,. ., " :, ., NOTICE OF !UBLTC REARING TO AMEND ORDINANCE No. 76e 0~ THE omTY OF KENT TO CORRECT .THE DESCRIPTI01 THEREIN CONTAINED OF CE$TAIN LANDS ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF XEN'T j; 4 !;NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of ii ~ :iKent has;'i by resolution duly passed on the 19th. day of July,' ~~~ } :~,~>' (, • • , 'I J :1~9~e;~1'f~~e~ the 16th. decy-of August/ 1948,· at 8 o'clock P.M. % 1 1~ ~~~·jjfm$; and the Council Chgabers of the City Hall of the -~ \:tfi ~~ Qf Jent as the place,' for a public hearing on the matter /f !l_n I , --r . . r ~ /. t'-,• ~' . \ ~ · : .. \:qf·:.iJn~_-ndip.g_~ · Ordinance No. 768 of the City of Ke:at ;' passed fJ7 ' 'f 1 I> r f .t-~? f/~ep~e~~e~ 3./ 1946, entitled " An Ordinance of the City of Kent l:'f ::~,~~ to said City certain land contiguous thereto"/ by i,LJ ;: I It. ~ t2 !:~orreoting the description in said Ordinance No. 768 oontainedo {/( ? j'\ .;, ' /]./ '\8:~) ii~9T~qE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the dewcription in said Ordinance !_,/--14 \}f(j ~/~77·68 is as follows: li i ' 15 :; 16: (. l' 17 ij . !: "That port ion of the South one-hal:f of the nor.theast qa.arter Of the southwest quarter of Seo,tion 19 ;'' Township 22 North, Range ,6 East~· W .M., in King County,· Washit{!ton~· not now within the city limits." ;; 18 i:.A:Dil tbat it is proposed to amend said ordiname so that the :• 19 ;!description shall read as follows: I! 20 li nTh at port ion of the south half of the northeast i! quarter of the sou.thwest qm;arter of Se,ctio~ 19~' 21 !! Township 22 North~' Range 6 East,' W.:M. ,' in King County~' Washington, lying outside of the city limits of the City of Kent as established prior to September 3/ 1946; 22 !! ~ j ' 23 ,; I EXCEFT the following described land: Beginning 844.32 feet south of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of the soa.ihw.est <parter of said Section 19, Township 22 North," Range 6 East,' W.M.; thence west 264 feet; thence soa.th 346 feet; thence west 160 feet; thence south 160 feet to the south line of said. Sttbdivision; thEiloe east along said south line to the soatheast corner of said subdivision; thence north along the east line of said subdivision to the point of beginning." 28:1 iA-11 persons desiring to be heard on said matter ar.e reqa.ired then 29 )! \:and there to be present. 30·! 1Dated this 20th. day 31/; il 1: