HomeMy WebLinkAbout294RESOHTTION No. 2 9 i 1 2 WHEREAS, the owners of all of the property abutting upon a certain portion of Alvord Avenue as deede to the City of Kent 3 by deed. dated August 2;•' 1940, recorded in Volume 1914 of Deeds, page 654,' records of King County, have filed a petitioU. with the 4 City Clerk of Kent,· petitioning the City Council to vacate a portion of said street as more particularly hereinafter described, &nd /'7 ~. the peetion of said street sought to be vacated will \.ilused "JT the public, ai nee a street has been providid h 1 f Marlowe's First Addition to Kent; ~IBJl~ORE RESOLVED that~, the 6th. d.ay of July, 1948,' '"~"•Vb..ll'h of 8 o' olook P. M. ~iSflxed as the time and the Ch pla ere ted 1~ _ ir bje '~~i~ ~ bers in the City Hall of the City of Xent is fixed for a hearing u:oon said retition, and all persons e required thm and there to be present to state ions, if any they have, to the granting of said J1 rt~o.~ of Alvord Ave1111e, as d ascribed in said deed, to be 12 atea ~described as follows: ~ /1 Commen1~ing at the 1/4 Section corner between Sections tJ{ ¥") 18 and 1g, Township 22 North, Range 5 East,· w.n.; thence 15 16 17 18 19 20 .21 } south 89 OO' West on the s011th line of Section 18, Town- ship 22 North, Range 5 East, W.ll., 584.84 feet to the west boundary of Alvord Avenue; thence North 0°14'36" East (which is the same line described in Quit C1a1~ Deed to the City of Kent and in Ord.inanoe Ng. '707 of the City of Kent as having a bearing of South 130'45n West), 201.00 feet to 0 the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 0 14'36" East 669.06 feet to the north line of the s~-of the SE-} of t·le SW~t of Section 18; thence north 88 55'39n East, 41.91 feet to the west bouJ14ary of Alvord Avenue as YJlat~ed in Marlowe 1 s First Addition to Kent; thenoe South 0 14 1 36" ·west on the bouil.darg of Alvord Ave. as platted, 340.78 feet; thence 8orrth ll 12 1 08" 1.1est on the said boundary 111.87 feet to the true point of beginning IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk give due notice o~ 22 such hearing as by law required. 23 Passed b~r the. City Council this 7th. da~r of June, 1948 26 27 28 29 30