HomeMy WebLinkAbout286' l L: ; RESOlUTION NO • .J,f? 1 2 VHEREAS, CLIFFORD WALMSLEY, GEORGIANNA W.ALMSJJEY, his wife, and 3 EORGE 17ALMSLEY, a batchelor, hav su.bmi tted to the Oi ty of Kent of certain lands within the limits of the City '! Kent,"' and ~-__ EAS, The Planning Commission of the City of Kent has approved /. I ·• •f Z; ~fa'. prppoaed plat, and have eauaed the approval to be endoraed v .. -'' ' h . ..-weonl, /7"/ ~ i' I : OW~ n$REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ·'1 ' p:..., IN\ jREGULAR MEETING AS S:EMBEED: '~at Mo~day-/ the 5th. day of Jam..,.;' 19~8, at the hour of 8 'elook ~.M. of said day, in the cOtlaoil chambers ar fue City of ' i ent •' be \Ud it ie hereby fixed as the time and the place for pnblio hearing upon the proposed plat; and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oity 8lerk cause notices to be oated 'upon the property enclosed within the limits of the oposed plat as required by law ad.vertizing the time and plaoe 18 f the-said public hearing. 191Paesed this 15th. day of Deoember , 194:7. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Jlt r Att@t:~~ ity er 1 NOTICE OF lUBLIC HEARING UBON P.ROroSED PLAT 2 NOTICE IS HERprBY GIVEN that Clifford Walmsle7/ Georgianna Walms- le7, hie wife,' anJ George Wal1118le7 have filed vd th ihe Ci t7 of Kent a proposed plat of oertain lands situtated W1 thin the e6t7 3 limits of th• Oit7 of Kent, more p&rtioularly deaoribed as follows;! l 4 :1 ., . I A portion ~f the SEt of tbt S~ of Section 13, Township 1 5 22 North, Range 4: East, W .M. t deseribed as follow!!!: ! ~ I Beginning at the SB oorner of said. Section 13, thence B. j / .. ;,) ~ _..., 0°31 1 20" B. along the east line of said Section 13, 30.00 ,II z__../ 1 l. //' feet to the north line of James Street ana tl» true point of 1 If /1-, ' l beginning; thenee eontinue N. 0°31 1 20"E. alo~ the east line 1 . ,1' .g /Z. of said Section 13, 585.47 feet; thence N. 89 37 1 4:0" W •, /.,.:--,. ·<-r "J, 7g3.41 feet to th • east line of Central Ave.; thenoe Iouth 1 ~j f (;:.: ... 0 24 t 20" W. along ~he east line o f Central Avenue 34.1.4:7 1 }h 1 /. feet; fhence s. 89 53 1 40" B. 241.60 feet; theae s. oo24'20" II : 1' il ,t':' W 245 8;1.1 feet to the north line of James Street; theoe ~ .J:'J ".r·"' s. 89 37 1 40" Ealong the north line of J81Iles Street 460.62 j \ 1 { . "',.,/feet to the true point of beginning. L{ ~CE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council of 'the Oity of Kent ~~ 12 set the 5th. dq of Ja1111p1',' 1948,· at the hour of 8 o'clock ;.;1 13 of said day at the time,· and the Counail Chcbers in the City 14 17 18 19 20 in the City of Kent as the plaoe, for a public hearing upon proposed plat. 1 person!!! desiring to be heard upon the said matter slBll be hen and there present to state their objections, if any they Y ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL 21 STATE OF "'TA :~UNGTON) ) ss. 22 COUJ'rTY OF KING ) 23 CHAS. BRIDGES, being first duly sworn, deposes and s~s; that he is the City Clerk of the City of Kent; that he posted in three 24 publio plaa.es upon the 1 md s.bCJII e described true and c orreot oopie of the foregoing notice, at least tiP days before trw date of the 25 hearing thereon, to-wit, on the 11 VIIVJ.ey of December L 1947. :: SUbscribed a.nd sworn to be~~ 19•_ 28 29 30 31 ~. ID~-11'ot!il'Y~ato of Washington, residing at Xtnt.