HomeMy WebLinkAbout277.Jf EREAS, there L: avsila.~~le in t~u~ Ja.:c Liquor ~a::;;: Puna certain na,/ 1..1e tra.nl;lferrc.-"to o-'.;~_G.t i'unds for municipal purpo:i· :::'or the purpose of securinc Da.tc:li.Llt,. !unCE from the Bta.te evelopment Board to aid in the finanaing of a se"vvaae J isposal ~.,~..j-;J. r 'Yftt•f W i' necessa.r~' to :1a.vo in t~.dil Cumulative Reserve Fund for ew~ra.~i ;po::::al ?la.n:t tne s-<1L1 of ~lo.s,:<...so, a:1d ~~at::.. is novr in said Cumulative :~eserve ::'1unc1 :or Sewerage ~ ~ E i;tsa.:f,:P 0 1L t the SU-m of ~5.044.78; now, therefore, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 26 27 28 29 ~.-1f~ Ir JITY C::i l:lilliT nr REG:JL.A.R ·~1!/~SS r that th c ~-w'--...... _ the Cit~, Cliirk o::" the i it of'~ be authorizeu, empowerea and instructeJ • a.:nd they are . ~y-4r .•sly authorized, ompoworoC and instructed to transfer rom the 17at Liquor Ta.J:: Fund to the Cumula.ti ve Rt~liHJ:rve Fund for Di~posal rlant the sum of ~5.900.02 • .Passed l.Jy the City Council of the City of I:ent this 20th. day o ·