HomeMy WebLinkAbout275RESOLUTION No. :2 z~ 1 2 ~niEREAS, there has been instituted and there is now pending an 3 action ~n the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the 4 Bounty of King• wherein the City of Kent has petitioned to take, 5 condemn and damage certain llftd necessary for the construction 6 and operation of a sewage disposal plant, and wherein Franoes 7 Stewart Crawforl, formerly Frances Stewart, Malcolm Crawford., her 8 husband, H. L. Soamea, and Ruby Soames, his wife, and King County, 9 a municipal corporation, are named as defendants, and wherein 10 May Stewart Goes has intervenid, and 11 WHEREAS, a fall compromise and settlement of said action has been 12 agreed upon between the parties, by and through their respective 13 Counsel, by the terms of which the City of Kent As to pay the sum 1-i of One Thousand Six Hund.red Fifty C$1,'650.00) in return for deeds,· 15 releases and easements, and the said action is to be dismissed ll without costs to either party, and· 17 WHEREAS, copies of 18 19 20 21 28 23 ·1-i 25 1. \V&rranty deed from Frances StewartfCrawf•rd, formerly Frances ~tewart, and Malcolm Crawford, her husband; .,~'>- 2. Release and Easement by the same parties; 3. Quit Claim Deed from H. L. Soames and Ruby Soames, his wife; 4. Release and Easement from the same parties; 5. Release and Easement from M~ Stewart Goes; 6. Stipulation; 7. Order of Dismissal 26 the originals of which are to be signed by the parties thereto and 27 delivered to the City of Kent, are attached hereto and made a par 28 hereof the same as if fully set forth herein; 29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL JF THE CITY OF 30 KENT IN REGULA...il :MEETING ASSElffiLED; 31 1. ~at the terms of the compromise and settl.ment of said action *vr ~ I 1 as negotiated by the City Attorney and Hyland• Elvidge and Alvord• 2 Associate Counsel, are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. 3 2. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directid to 4 draw and deliver a check upon City funds in the sum of One Thousan 5 Six Hundred. Fifty ($1/650.00) Dollars at auah time and made p~abl ~s~h parties as the City Attorney may direct, in full p~ent o ~ of the compromise amd settlement of said action. fpl'. ~s by the City Council this 4th. day of November, 1946. 14 t '~or~' '~ Attest~ 15 18 17 18 19 Apprm as to form: WL~~ Oi y orney 20 21 22 23 24: 25 28 27 28 29