HomeMy WebLinkAbout270If RESOLUTION d 7 {) '!lffiEREA.S, under authority and a ireotion of a 1Resoluti Olt duly passe~ by the City Couneil of the City of Ke•~ the City Treasurer :has invested certain moneys from funis belonging to the Street ,I 11Department of said City in u. s. Savin~s Bonds, Series G, ana I '.V:HEREAS 11 it has be~;:ome ne•essary for the proper operatic• the saio Street Department that it use the moneys so investet, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE / l/0/ KENT IN REGULAR MEETING ASSEM'BI.lED At ~That t. he City Treasure~ is hereby authorizei and direetei . . j,;tately to surrender saif u. s. Savings Bonds, Series G, in whi, the said Street Department funds are investet to the Unitea 0 d 1 I V t/p 1 States Treasury Department, through any Federal Reserve Bank or {} ' /:!other authorized ageney, and reeeive the then cash value therefor. i1 AND BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED That upon the receipt of the moneys for said boa•s surrencl• il j! II ered tlte City Treasurer shall deposit saii moneys il'l a de-posit- lory authorizei to hold ~unieipal fuRls to the eredit of the 'funds of the Street Department from which the investment was /originally made. II :I I! II II li II I I I I' lj l! I I Passed by the City Council this 20th~.day of Ivla.y, 1946. :Mayor Atte~~~ --~k -;r-- $10,000.00 July 1943 &. 7 ,ooo .oo Feb. 1944 117,000.00 total