HomeMy WebLinkAbout266HESOLUTION J1..t, 2 (; f..e, **************** A RESOLUTION of the City Council or the City of Kent,Weshington, authorizing the Firm of Forbes & Brett Consulting Engineers to represent the City or Kent in making application to the Federal and State Gevernmenta for funds in aid of a sewage Disposal Plant Project;and Whereas; it appears to the City Council of the City or Kent, Weahington,that the Federal Government and the State of Wash- ington have,or in the future may,meke available to municipalities sums of money on a loan,grant•1n-aid,or matching· fund baaia,for .1 the construction of manicipal prodjects;end that said government teldiTiaiona have made,or in the future may meke,available c 1. preliminary loans to munioipeli ties for preparing necessary ipla'-s ; ·; and submi tt1ng projects for approval or disepproval,sa1d loa<ns ·;, ;~ to be charged to the municipalities aa a part or the cost o~ th' proJect if the project is approved and underteken,otherwise :to be forgiven;now, therefore, ; .v / ~ J.. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON,IN REGUL~ r-: SESSION CONVENED,RESOLVE; That 1ihe Firm of Forbes & Brett Consulting Engineers, with, : James W. Carey & Associe tes as Advisory Consul tents, .: . ,. be and hereby is authorized to act for the City or Kent,Wa ... 1~~cn,~ i.. :.·. I, in securing Federal Funds ,or State Loena or grants for the p11rpose · · '..\.. of preparing plans for a sewage disposal plant project in said • City,and to act in behalf of said City in making application there- :rore;and thereafter if the preliminary outline or the project for the City is approved,and loan or gran1i is made to the City to pre- pare completed plena of the project,then upon approval and direct- ion by the City,to prepare such completed plans and make applicat- ion for a loen,grent-in-eid,or matching fund from the proper agency of said governmental diviaiona,to complete said projeot,it being understood,however,thet said engineering company shell not be,and is not given the power to bind the credit of said City for such or other purpose or purpoaas,but that any act or deed necess- ary in securing such aid,in which the credit of 1ihe City of Kent, Washington,is to be involved,shall be submitted to the City Council ot aeid City end acted upon by it es the occasion may ~rise. PASSEDb by the City Council this .APPROVED by the Mayor this g2 0 /f day 'rtn/-1945 day ~ 1945