HomeMy WebLinkAbout265·./'; ·"'""'• /··; Q.ERIUB ; Resolution No.**;:;•• .,ceaJity tor the use thereot,in the Current Expense JUnd,the water tund, \he Park hnd, the Street IPu.nd, 'the War Liquor '!'ax had and the State Aid !Und.And ia deemed advisable by the City Council that money trom the said several funds be invested in United States Government Securities in the aggregate amount ot Yitteea ~ousaad dollars, ( t 15,000.00 } It is therefore resolved by the City Couacil,in regular aeeti-s aaseabled,June l8,l945,~a•t tne City ot Kent do purchase u.s. -J Securities described aa Treasury Savincs Hotea aeries c.aad the - City !reaaurer ot the City ot Keat,ia bereby authorised and 41reoted to drew tram the aaid funds aboved named,the amounts named.below. Currant Expense lUnd Water lUnd Park had s-.reat hnd War Lit••r lax JUn4 State .lid Ptmd taooo.oo 5000.00 lteo.oo 1000.00 5000.00 1000.00 t 150oo.oo Such Securities when received to be placed with the custodian ot the Cities YUada and Securities tor aate keeping. Pesaed by motioa by the City Council this 18th. tay ot ... e 1945.