HomeMy WebLinkAbout257- -IBIJIAS;tke Cit, et lea~ haa a.atlable taa4a,w1tlou~ tkt 1 ... 41a~ aeoeaaitr tor tae ••• thereot,ia ~• G~at Bxpe .. e Jaat,tke Wa,er ,._,, tke o..alat1Ye bl4&• tRB4 1 tke Cuaala11Te ReaerYe lUA4 tor aaterial ~ hPJliea., ttae War L1tuor !'ax ha4,aa4 the s-.reet Pu4;Aa4 11 1a c!ee•t atTlaable '' the CitJ Counoil that aoney traa the aa14 aeTeral tuata be 1• .. •••• 1• ta11e4 lta1ea foyeraaent a.o.rtt1ea ia the agsresate ..... , ot · •1HJ "-'-•••••n4 dollar a, ( tat ,ooo. oo l ' . 3 I\ ia ~"'t•r• reao1Te4 ltJ the C1 ty Couo11 1 1a replar adJounet '~••·ttq,~aaae.,.J,et,ot Koyeaber,oia.lt"••'that the CttJ ot ~eat clo :pur- -.aa,. V.11e4 Statea s•ourattea «e•or1be4 •• !reaaur-r SaTtasa Xotea,aerte• , .. ,..,..,. _ ·c.ta -ua. •cs~ate au ot t aa,ooo.oo,ta 4eaoainatto:u ot t l,ooe.oo eaoll, , paJ1DC, tileref'ora t:ro:m tlle CUrent :Jxpeue rut,:r-.:r tilouaaad c!ollara, I (toi,oot.tO) tl'oa the Water Yu,,:rourteea ~ouaaa4 tollara,(t loi 1 oeo.oo) tr .. ~· c.._lat1Te ll&g • ...a,!Wo tlloaan4 t1Te haa4rat tollara,(ta,Goo.oo) traa the C..alat1Ye ReaerTe tor Material ~ S.ppliea taa4,!Wo tllouaan4 t~•• lluatre4 4ollara, (ti,IIO.OO),troa ~• War Liquor ~ax Yaal,!kree ~ouaaat 4olla:ra, (t $1 800.00 ),troa tile S':reet 1Da4 1 S1x !ke••••t dollara ( t a,ooe.ee ).aa4 tae CitJ !reaa.rer ot the CitJ ot ien,,1a her•-1 au~ortaet ana 41reotet to 4raw trea the aa14 taata aboYe .... , the aeTe~l aaoaa~a apeo1t1ed aa4 purohaae United Sta1ea !reaaurJ SaT1DC• 12:r, utea, ( ae:r1ea c.)aa abeTe aet tertii ia 1he tull aout ot (sa,oee.oo) -J•¥1ac tor the aaae with the taa4a ao withdrawn troa the aa14 aeTeral raata aforeaen\toaet. S.Oll seoa:r1t1ea when reoe1Te4 to be Jlaoe4 with the ouato41aa ot the c1•1•• ,.. •• aat seo.ritiea ter aate keepiaa• ~JSSEB bJ tae CitJ Coaacil thta .-1--. laJ ot Dtoea)er,lt",A.D ••