HomeMy WebLinkAbout244RESOLUTIOIT HO. ,2-ti.t/ \ '~IEREAS it hos come to the: knowledge of the City Coun- cil of the City of Kent that the government of the United Str.tes has found difficulty in the pro~:resf' of the war against the Japanese government beC2UGe Of espionage and Sabotage by ctlien Japanese and citizen J2pa.nese who ha:v;e been in sympathy with the Japanese government and who have by v2rious acts given aid and comfort to the enemies of the United St2tes who are now at war with tpis government, and in the opinion of the members of the City Council, steps should be ta~en for the deportation of enemy aliens who have been found guilty of es9ionage and/or sabot2ge or otherwise giving e.id or comfort to enemy aliens, a.nd for the punishment of any Japanese citizens or citizens of alien paren- tage in the United States who have been found guilty of espion- age or sabotage or giving a.id and/or comfort to the enemies of the United Stc-t e s, and to that end, IT IS RESOLVED tha.t tl1.is City Council do and it does hereby urge upon the legi sla.ti ve branch of the Government, the enacting of such laws o.8 may be found necessary to protect the government of the United Stc:t tes from the dangers of ee:nionage and sabot~ge by the resident aliens or by the citizens who are ~ alien pc:.renta.ge and now reside in thi 8 country, and we further urge upon the lav; enforce~nent officers of the Government a_nd of the various st~tes the necessity of the strict enforcement of all laws heretofoTe or here.s.fter enacted for the purposes above set forth. PASSED by the City Council at the regular meeting thereof on this 1st day of November, A. D. 1943. Approved as to form: