HomeMy WebLinkAbout243., :' R E S 0 L U T I 0 N !Wl.ABER 2 f~ VffiEREAS, the City of Kent :~.:.as available funds) without the immedi~te necessity for the use thereof,in the Current Expense Fund,the Street Fund and Bond Interest and Redemption Fund; And it is deemed advisable by the city council that money from theeaid several funds be invested in United States Government 1 War Bonds in the aggregate amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars, ' I (tJo,ooo.oo) , ~t is therefore resolved by the City Council ,in regular meetiB .. ( ~s~empled, that the City of Kent do purchase United States Govern- ' ~eut War Bomds of Series G in the aggregate sum of $30,000.00, in d-enominations of $1.000.00 each, paying therefor from the , C~rent Expense Fund Eleven Thousand Dollars,(#ll,OOO.OO)from the Street Fund Ten Thousand Dollars,($lo.ooo.oo.) and from the Bond Interest and Redemption Fund Nine Thousand Dollars,($9000.00) and the City Treasurer of the City of Kent,is hereby authorized and directed to draw from theeid funds above named the several amounts sDecified and purchase United States Government War Bonds of Series G. as above set forth in the full sum of $30,000,00. paying for the ~me with the funds so wi thdra,wn from the eaid sev- eral funds aforementioned. Saoh~ bonds when received to be placed with the custodian of the Cities Funds and Securities for safe keeping. Passed by the City Council this~ day of July A.D.l943.