HomeMy WebLinkAbout240RESOLUTION NO. (. 1 0 WHEREAS by authorization of the City Council of the City of Kent, t7so.oo of the Bond Interest and Rede~ption Fund were in- vested in Bonds lo. 41 to 70 inclusive, having a face value of t3,000.00, of the Local Improvement District lo. 199, of Kent, and WHEREAS by authorization of the City Council of the City of tent, t550.00 of the Peraament Replacement Water lund were in- vest~d.in Bonds lo. 23 to 33 inclusive, having a face value of $1100.00, of the Local Improvement District lo. 217 of Kent, and WHEREAS at the present time there is on hand in the Local Improvement General lund the sum of tll69.27 available for the purpose of retiring Local Improvement District Bonds, and WHEREAS there are no obligations of the Local Improvement General fund other than the bonds above described and no chance for further obligations since the bonds described are the only outstanding bonds of any Local Improvement District of the Oity of Kent, and WHEREAS there may be some small amounts received from the Oounty Treasurer available to the Local Improvement General funds and WHEREAS it is for the best interests of the Bond Interest and Redemption lund and of the Peraanent Replacement Water lund and for the general interest of the City of Kent that these Local Improvement District Bonds be retired as soon as may be, and WHEREAS Resolution lo. 239 passed by the City Council the 21st day of September, 1942, was in error and did not reflect 1 the true condition of affairs, I~ I! NOt~ THEREFORE, BE I! RESOLVED by the Oity Oouncil of the ~~~ City of Kent, in regular meeting assembled, that said I lo. 239 be and it is hereby cancelled and shall be of Resolution : no effect an~ BE IT fURTHER RESOLVED that the Oity Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the Local Improve-: ment General lund to the Bond Interest and Redemption Fund the sum of $760.00 for the purpose of retiring Bonds lo. 41 to 70 in- clusive, of Local Improvement District lo. 199, and he is further 1 authorized and directed to mark paid and cancelled the said bonds of the said Local Improvement District No. 199, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oity Treasurer be and he is I I I hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the Local Improve-! ment General Fund to the Permanent Replacement Water fund the sam [ ! 11 of t4oo.oo for the purpose of retiring bonds No. 23 to 30 inclusiv~ li of Local Improvement District lo. 217, and he is further authorize~ r i li and directed to mark paid and cancelled the said Bonds No. 23 to 1: 30 inclusive of the Local Improvement District No. 217, and II I· ll il !j 'I :I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if additional funds come into Local Improvement General Fund from the Oounty Treasurer, the Oity, I Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from said 1 Local Improvement General fund to the Permanent Replacement Water Fund such monies as may be necessary to pay to retire Bonds lo.31 I I to 33 inclusive of the Local Improvement District lo. 217 at the 1 rate of tso.oo per bond, and upon full payment at that rate said I !I bonds shall be marked paid and cancelled. 1 1 PASSED by the Oi ty Council this 5th day of October, 1942. d 'I li ,I Lyor il ;: ij ~~ Attest t:C~-I ity Clerkj I I