HomeMy WebLinkAbout237/ Resolution No. ) J 7 Ordinance No. _ WHEREAS, the Department of Highways has estimated that the receipts which will accrue to the credit of this i~~~J under the provisions of Chapter 181, 1939 Laws, for the period April 1, 1941, to March 31, 1943, will be ~1even thousand Nine Hundred thirty 'three--40/10~$ 11933.40 ) D;.lllars; and WHERl:A.S l there is an unexpended balance of funds which CJ.i~erur::d t0 the credit .::>f this=~ during the period A pril 1, 1939, to ~~farch .~1 1 l9;.,J.., of Stt,"f~~ _ ~jlousand two h~!:r;ed a1xtz three 2?~00 ._t'126~.!..~!.. .. _), an c. w~·~·: '.!~r-.:;. the total fur.ifl available for expenditure J'...~rj_n:: the period 1 '11-t:•:RB~S, the Departme~:t -:;,f Highways does request that this (city) J.d,,j.;+, ~) a formal program setting forth the uses to which it shall put the above-name.d sum of money in accordance vd th the provisions of the above-named statute; NOW, THEREl''ORE, BE IT ill!:SOLVED by the ~Ma yor and ,-:i.ty Council of*3GU~~ of the ~~;~ of :B:.ENT in regular meeting duly assembled, as follows: 1. 'rhat based upon estjmated receipts ns aforesaid the following is pro- posed as the items cov,;ring expenditures of said ~~;,;i~ from the City Street Fund for the biennium commencing April 1, 19/.;-l, and anding March 31, 1943: Total Primory St::.iuc Highvmys $ '728'1.20 Secondc.ry 6250.00 State Higlraays $ Other City Streets $ 5659.4'1 Totals $ 19196.6'1 Overhead & Bonds & Maintenance Construction Op.aration Wnt. Ret. $ 500.00 $i 678'1.20 $ --$ -- $) 250.00 (-.? 6000.00 $ --$ -- $ 3817.47 s 1.842.00 $ --$ -- ~ 456'1.,'1 $1.4629.20 ~ --.$ - 2. That should such receipts exceed the estimate aforesaid, such excess shall be expended by the ~=~ in the manner provided by law, subject to the a pproval of the Department of Highways. 3. That the ~~~~ Clerk be, and is hereby, instructed to forward a copy of this Resolution~ to the Department of Highways. ADOPTED by the (Mayor and City Council:axi«tllctCtSim~ this :1/ day, of~, 19£~JIIIE»jQachft;;z f! ~ MAYOR A'l'TEST: ~'£U· (citY ~ (Town) Clerk DIF 30.03