HomeMy WebLinkAbout235A' ' I I ,, RESCLliTION ~HEREAS, heretofore on the 5th day of ~ay, A. D., 1941, Re- ~ solution No. 233 was duly passed by the City Council in regular ,, i; :I II ' ,. II II ~I !I II I I. II II '\ I· II ! I il ~ session assembled, which provides for and adopts a plan of street. improvement for the City of Kent for the ensuing year and under and pursuant to said resolution, plans and snecifica- tions for the im~rovement of a nortion of FirEt Avenue South by removing and renewin~ naving therein and thereon, and a nortion of Central Avenue North by removing and renewin~ pavin~ therein and thereon, and the imnrovement of Central Avenue North by lay-, ing a storm se~er therein; and by order of the City Council duly 1 made, a notice was nubliSh9d in the form and manner and for the time Drescribed by law calli.ng for bids for perfor,r:ing the said work and corn1Jletin0· the said construction; end pursuant to the said notice, bids were received for the said work as follows, to- wit: The bid of J. B. Cavello for the paving of the portions of both First Avenue South and Central Avenue ~rorth, accordinG:" to the plans and specifications submitted, the su~ of $5087.30; ., end for constructing and laying the said storm sewer in Central ! ! II !I I I II I' ;J I' :I 'I I· II J! il I! ji 1 I Avenue North, the sum of $6310.50; The bid of the Concrete Pro- ducts Construction Company for the paving of the said First Ave- nue ~outh and Central Avenue North, the sum of $4155.00; and for the laying and construction of the said storm sewer in Central Avenue North, the sum of ~3803.20. 'rvhich bids were opened on the 16th day of June, 1941, and uresented to the City Council at a regular meeting thereof upon the said date, whereupon the City Council continued the hearing upon the said bids to this 20th day of June, 1941; and the City Council at the close of the session adjourned its meeting to this 20th day of June, A. D., 1941 for the purpose of further considering the said bids. 1. NOW, on this 20th day of June, A. D., 1941, the City Council I J finding that the bid of the Concrete Products Construction Com- i) I~ pany was the lowest and best bid received for the laying and con-, ,, II q II 'I struction of the paving of said First Avenue South and Central Avenue North and for the laying and conetruction of the said storm sewer in Central Avenue North» and the said bid appearing II I to be a reasonable price for the sc:l.id work, and the said Concrete; ll li II \! 'I I I I II !I , Products Construction Company appearing to be a reliable and re- sponsible company, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the City Council that the letting of the said contract to the said Concrete Products Construction Company is for the best interests of the City and all persons interested in or affected by the said work, IT IS Tt:TEREFORE RES'OLVID the.t the bid of the se.id Concrete Iii !I Products Construction Comoany be and it is hereby a.ccented by li the City Council in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of and city clerk be I '· the Clerk of the City; and tbat the mayor and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a con- ji II I' jl J r II ji tract with the said Concrete Products Construction Company for the performance of the said work in accordance with a form of contract which is attached to the said plans and specifications; and that the said Concrete Products Construction Company be re- ll quired to furnish a surety company bond to the city,conditioned ,. li \! for the faithfull performance of the contract by the said con- \1 tractor, and for the payment of any and all claims for labors and ma teriale, and -orotecting the City from any claim for dam- ages by reason of the fault or negligence of the said contract- i: or in the carrying out of the work of such constructions; no il 1/ provision of the said contract to be binding upon the City un- 11 1: til furnishing· of the ss.id bond in such form and with such I ;I I• r 2. sureties as shall be satisfactory to the City Council. 3.