HomeMy WebLinkAbout413A RISOLUTIOJI, pursuut to ~tlan 3, s.GtiOft 3 of Chapter 4, a... of the State of Vaahlneton, btraoidlnery Session 1955, IIIIACUng RCV 41.1tfJ.O)O, that the Governor be ,..,..ted to authortze a refernctum e1ect6on • proviGed therein. IE IT Rf.SGLYED IY 1111 C ITY COUNC II. Of' T1tl C tTY OF ~CENT as follows: SECTlOII 1 ... That the Governor be requasteci to authorize a referend• pursuant to Subsec:tlon 3, Section 3 of Chapter 4, a.-of the State of Washlngt6ft, lxtraortllnary S.Sston 1955 ~ arDaltdlng RC\1 4l.ltS.OJO, for the purpose of submitt lng to the City of Kent Untfora lllll'lbers of the Stat•Jcte City EMployee~ Retirement System the adopt: ton of a proposed ptan of the loarct of Trustees of aaid Statewide City Eaap1oyees Retlretlllftt Syst•. providing for coordination of the benefits of Federal o. A. s. I. eovorata with the benflts provided by the StatewiO. City Employees btlre~~ent Syat• with a reduc.tlon of two percent In the present contribution rate to the said Syst•. and in the event said plan It adopted the City Council Is hereby authorized to enter Into appropriate agreements with tha EmploymeRt Security Department and the loard of Trust•• of the Statewide City Employees Rett re• ~~~~~.mt Syst• to impleDant aald plan. the coverage provided by said plan to be effective as of July 1. 1959 with loa.l prior service credits. SICTION II • The above ..,.tioned agr._.,.t with the Employment Security Departaant .. Y contain provision for ~t by City of Kent to the Employment Security Oeparu.Rt of the prorated shares of the costs of administering Social Security allocable to City of kent. Dated this :;' 0 dtrf of ~ 1959. Clty of Kent. a auntclpal corporation Mayor Attest: __ !"!!-~~"'~"------- city clerk Approved as to fora=--~!1'!'-~---------­ CJ tv Attomev