HomeMy WebLinkAbout386-2EESOLU'riOU ;, 386 -z WHBREAS, the City of Kent desires to provide tor a planning study contributing to an over-all program for tuture community development, the preaervation ot comuunity values, the prevention of conditions tending to cape urban blight,and the promotion of the general health, safety and welfare of its citizens l and, w.H..,1U:;AS ·rhe State Department of Commerce and l!fconomie Development, under author!ty ot:' Chapters 157 and 215, statutes 19~7, i,legular Session! may provide planning assistance for such a program and receive tinancia assistance from the Urban ftenew~l Administra~t.on 1 as authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of l954(fllblic Laws t"~oo, c3Jrd Congress) J now there- fore be it EESOLV~D, that the City Council of the City of Kent hereby requests the State Department of Commerce and Economic Development to provide plruru1ing assistance under authority of Chapters 1'7 anti 215, Statutes 1957, .egular Session, with such .financial assistance as may be provided by the Urban Eenewal Administration, under authority of Section 701 ot the Housing Act of 19;:,4 (Public Laws g60, 83rd Congress). That such planning assistance is more particularly described in a project descrip- tion that is attached hereto and made a oart of this resolution as it fully set forth herein. · THAT the City Council of the City of Ken~ subject to approval of such planning assistance by the State and Federal authorities, hereby authorizes: (a) payment to the State Department of COOI!~~erce and t .. conomic Development of a sum not to exceed ;,· ;,OC\..,.00 and, (b) use of personnel of the City of 6 tor technical assistance in this project, which assistance hMan estimated value of ~00,00 1 THAT the total estimated cost of' the City of Kent's project as planned is . 11 1 ocu.ou . ~ THAT, the 14ayor of the City of Kent be and he hereby is, authorised and empollf·ere.d to execute in the name of tfie clt,y all necessary contracts and agreement.s to irrmlerrtent and carry out the purv:nses specified in this resolution. Passed by the City Council of the City of Kent this ...1. day of Q2!19_i7