HomeMy WebLinkAbout3401 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO •. ~ ··r::mREP.S, thP o1rmc.rs of n0t less then 75;6 in va.lue (according to the e.~ressed veluetion f0r penerel texetion) of the lend herein1 after described, heve uetitioned the City Council of the City of Kent to heve seid described property ennexed by the City of Ken , e.nd, i~!HEREAS, seid oetition is c=ccomPE,nied by e pltt \·Jhich out- lin~s the boundaries of the prooerty sought to be annexed, and ~:JHFHEAS, the flG.id oeti tion sets forth e descr~ion of the anc~ · :Lq2;il _!)lE:t s, 9roDerty eccording to government legel subdivision~~ end 'c"!ET"RE_~S, the ·oro_?erty sought to be ennexed. is described es follows, to-wit: That oortion of the southeePt aue.rter of the southl'lest ouerter of Section 19, townshi~ 22 north, range 5 East, W.M., lying eest of the city limits of Kent; ALSO The west half of the southwest qu~rter of the southeast quarter of section 19,township 22 north, range 5 e e.. e t ~-t • M • ; ALSO Those uortions of the northeast -: ua.rter of the south- west q~arter and the southeast auerter of the north- lr·Jest quarter of section 19, to1-mship 22 north,renge 5 ee.st ,·~,,.!'if. , lying westerly end southwesterly of the center line of the C.P.Reiten County Roed, which ere not within the City Limits of Kent; P.LSO Blocks 27,28,c:nd 29 of i:·!ashington CPntral ImDrovement Co 1 s. Knob Hill Adc~ition to Kent, es recorded in Vol- ume 5 of Plats, uege 97, records of King County, Wash- ington; All within the CouOty of King, St~te of Washington, IT IS TEEF.o;;:FOPE RY 0 0LVED that Monde.y, the 16th dey of No\l!ember, 1953, is fixed es the dEy, the hour of 8 o'clock ·a.m. is fixed as the time, snd thP Council Chembers of the City Hell of the City of Kent is fixed eP the olece for hearing on said uetition, end ~11 p0rsons interePted are invited to Fnpeer and vo~ce apurovel or disepprovEl of the ~reposed annexation of said property to the City of Kent. IT IS FURTH~R RBSOLVED thFt the City Clerk give due and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~. 24 25 26 '1:1 28 29 30 ft'l .egel notice of seid heering a.s requirPd by law. P.ASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL in regulcr meeting essembled the th day of October, 1953. ~ ; ( Attest:~~~ ty er