HomeMy WebLinkAbout3161 2 3 4 RESOLUTI0P NO. 316 A R~SO!D~~nN of tte Council of the City of Kent r.-:e shinFtnn, ;:: uthorizinc t :'lP comr."'nc enent &.nd m&intEinin~ of 2n prtinn to condemn certc:in ""'r'""·oer+ i '",' Of tr 0 c::., ~,..,t (CIOUYIQ" Dor-rp,... p. T; n-\1t C y ·-': .. ·-~C .. o , ___ ... ,1c_.-; w '· • ... ""'"-'~::-, ·0., E co~~or&tt~n. lacEt~~ ~~t~ in tha city. tion of &n electric po•·0r sy~tec for thP city, 2nd for r:e}16o:::struction c=::d instrllc:tion .;"!' Ed('\~tio:H' c:nd in)r"Jve- ' ? J /l_te~ to c:nd e::teneinn" ')f sEic. r:~'ste!:'., cno. ·::er,.'in :_ t · c..s .~.-v~Pr provic}N'I thEt &. )ro;osition for tl;.e c:co :.tic;n -:Jf ruc'1 61~or Pcheme c:nd the icsnF:lC" E:J.d rc:le of e~.Pctrlc ~oT,·rer r2~ue 0onn C' of tho ci t:;r in the )!'inc:. .·E 1 c-n:-:1 of :2, 79r), 000 15 to p~y the cost of carryi:J.[ out the se~e should be Guhmitted 16 to t~e qu&li:'ied electors of the City for ~eir rstificstion 17 or rejection c t F s·:JPCiE.l elect ion to be r1elc': Octoher 17, 19~; En , 18 19 of t1::.e city duly r2tified Enc' &do·Jted tr;_e :Jro)ositicm suthor- 20 izinc t'.-1e E.cqui"'i tion or const!"uction of sn electric :)o··:cr 21 system for the city, conrtructin~. End inst~llin~ cdditions 23 issus~cP ~nd ~~le of SEid reve~ue ~onds to ?~Y ~c cost there- 25 27 City acquire cartEin of the facilitieP descri~ed in said 29 i tier :n ... the ?Uf"C:t Sound. Po·,_'"'r & Lig ct Corr.pe.ny, E c')r:"Jore.tion, 30 31 1 2 3 4 itie~ it ~ill ~e neces~Ery to co2~ence an 2cti~~ in t~~ 5 su:;erior court af t.he Stc t e of 1 .• .s.si--:..ington in 2.nd far King 6 County, to condemn t~e e~co, 7 8 9 0 ectionl. It is .herpi;y :fou:1r~ 2nd dt=>clcred t~c: t the lJUblic ' " 10 interert, ~·elfE.re, convenience, <::.nd necess:. t~r recuire thEt 11 the City of Kent acquire by conderenction the follo~in~ de- 12 scribed f::. cili ties of t~'le Fuu·et Sound Po er & :.i~ :·:t Corr;pany, 13 e. cor<;orrtion: 14 All the poles, towors End fixture~, overhead, 15 under~roun~ E.nd rubffiErino conduits, conductors end devices, 16 17 .. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Section 2. 28 29 r etc...i~n(_ the Ci t:.r Ci t:r 30 -· 31 'SXHr~IT B 0 ,_. I ~-/ 1 essoc::cte counsel of s.sid Cit:r for the 'lUr::osP, 1·rit1 tr:e City 2 Attor!'.ey, of inst: tutirw .s.nn mr intt= :~nin·,, t!::e 9roceedin[1 :s 3 necessery to ecquire for t~o City sFi6 )ro,Prties. Sect::on :. 5 conns~l of the City, Preston, ~hor~ricson & Horowitz, of 6 8 necesscr:r to c-.ccoiJl)lic:: sc:id _;ur;o""es. 9 10 ~:.sshinvtcm, c:.r.c:l. 2)_r:Jved by its Mc=yor, ti1is 19t~;, d.sy of 11 Octo~er, 1950. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 crrr-Y By