HomeMy WebLinkAbout3111 RESOLUTION No.~// 2 3 lnmmEAS, the City of' Kent, a municipal corporation of the tate of Washington, desires to transfer, as a loan, certain 4 oney from the Current Expense rund to the Park Fund, Capital utlay; and 5 -~ WSIREAS, said money is to be borrowed for the purpose of /1) ~ at+ng a p9rtion of' the cost of the acquisition of certain land ,· ~/ · : n~~he. Ci~ of Kent tor a city park and recreation area; ~--·,.,· 7 : , ~"' IQ.;t ~-FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of' the City 8, f:,~entt. itv regular meeting assembl. ed that the City Clerk and the '!_ /. !~1 Tr.eaiurer of' the City of' Kent be authorized, empowered and ? .9 .. ·ine~:t;l,letetf, and they are hereby eXJ)ressly authorized, empowered ~ · nc;,...,1~:stlf~cted, to transfer from the C-urrent Expense Fund to the , ? 10/ ,.,r~>FunGt7• Capital Outlay, the sum of Four Thousand t11i9'-HU.udr~d _, .-' ~f,•1 5oe.oo) Dollars • . l:l . ··/ 1 f 1 B~IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said City Clerk and City \.tP 12 ' r~Jt~er of the City of' Kent be authorized, empowered and instruct ./. ed!1 .. a.n;. ther are hereby expressly authorized, empowred and instruct .../ 13 edJto ;:'l;r.ansfer back to the Current Expense Fund from the Park Fund, Capit~ Outlay, the moneys so borrowed, whenever there is 14 sufficient amount in the said latter fund to retuan the moneys borrowed. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .24 25 26 27 28 29 Passed by the City Council this 6th. day of March, 1950. . 1 r ) ~ Attest: c-1, ~ ~) ~ 1~ ~ ~ · City erk ,