HomeMy WebLinkAbout633-'l 2 3 i' 4 I i A ltUOX.V'J.'lON ot ttbe Ci 'Y ef keat., W.•biaqteft, a4optiat th• c.,.,.r.a.ui,. Plu. of th• City ~f ~l(ent., purann.t. t10 •• c.w. 15.~3.110. I· I• 5 fj 8 li W-lJE.IUIA8, prior to April ll, ltlt, ~-hat: Pl&JUa11ll9 7 lic--1••1•• he14 at l•aat OM pllblt.o k•utq, by 919f'iaq notioe 8 liof tile U.. aM plaM by-pUliqUoa Uo a -•pepq of ,..nal \)eiroulaUoa 111 the ct•,-of l•a~, u4 ill tb• efflcial v•••''• ef 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 17 18 29 30 31 32 it the City ef K•nt, l'e9UtU.a., the edopt.len aa4 •~ado.a of a •: i: Nav c.-,r•ret.ea•in '1an for the City of !teat, waahiaqt.tHu &l't4 l'i 'ftltiUtAS, tb•r•after, t.he «••~ Plauint C~••ioa r.f.:C(lAMft :·"-' a =t•v coapr*h•••'" Plaa to the t<eat e1t:7 eouno.l.l !or a4opt.t••t 'U4 'I 'iaottee poltah.ct 1a a MW•peper ot veaua1 cirftlatiOh in the ,I ,, iCi'ty of Jtut. ..., ia tbe ot'fieia1 tazette of 1r.he City of hAt, ael4 I I Ia P'iblio h•riafl •• April 21, l9Ct, r•tardlat "• dopt-ioa of ~ " 1••14 Xew C011prehaeJ:n Plaa for the City ef 'teat, I I --~ Tmntmrou, ua cxn CotnJCIJ. or !'1r.!t esn or a.an, i ~~ASB;tN$~, tl ~ ltBGULAB K'Bftll!'CC, DOLt AIS:JHBLRtl, DRBWift UIOLVU liM POL~~· I !t!'M:oa l..!. 'the U.W COitlpl'•-61\•1,.. P1Aft, •••tat..taq ef \text ed .. ,.., (UUe and cd'tifi..S oopl•• wh.S.c* •~"• at:tac:hed hen· I I [to) ia benwttb Uopt. .. U the NftW CO.,rehenal'A Plaa fw the I ift.ty ef t< .. t:, ttub.lD9Wft. \ !!!!'-~ .. !• 1!ille Naw c~reheoaiw l'laa coa•i•~• of 1:).\• olleYtftf d•••r1M4 .._at•, which are herewith 1IWIN',Ot'ated I : u•1• by .so•f•n..,. aDd •4• a pa&-t •t tb.ta !te•ol•tioa u Uloll9'b i •lly ••• ,_..,.., to-vtta a. ~aad vae Map c. hbJ le •*""t•• •-' t'fttlttf•• ,..,..,f' 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 D. Education and Recreation Facilities Map E. Circulation Map F. Comprehensive Plan Map. Section 3. Upon passage and adoption of this Resolution, the City Clerk shall certify the original thereof (as well as certify the above mentioned documents attached hereto} and shall then keep said original Resolution with attachments on file in ·the Office of t:he Kent City Clerk. ·, 8 PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Corincil 10 ·this /7tll day of r-1ay, 1969. 11 ~~ 12 ALEX THORNTON, MAYOq C::::::::::: I 13 ! Attest: 14~~~ I MARIE JE~ Clerk 15 : 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 28 30 roved as ~o form: / .. ·a~~ .N B. BEREITER, C1ty Attorney _./ , 7 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution :No. b::0 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent the f [crt(, day or Hay, 1969. c-"'"'----......___ -~-.r_r~ (SEAL) MAR.~ city Clerk