HomeMy WebLinkAbout624- RESOLUTION NO.~ ~HE!EAS, tltt. M«.(IOJr. «Kd the. CJ.t.fj Co&Kelt o' the. C.l.tg 0' Kt.Kt, fiJtUkhl.g.ton, lt&ltf.W.i.tlt tat. oeti-e.i.«l n.ot.iet. tlutt &4 o 6 Apll.it J, J 96 9, Kt. tt.t Cl.tfl T .U. 46&tJr.t.IL, LAfiJREN CE H. CAVANAUGH, "'a.l.elal..lg ILt.U.u.d 'um tha...t o4,.i.e.e., od WHEREAS, U /..4 the. W&«K..i.IJIO&U de.4.i.U. ,, the. about. Ka•d e..te.etc.d o '&£el.al4 .l.K botlt tht.lJt. o ''J..e.i.al. a.ttd p!Uvu.t. eap«aitit.4 «Ad ott be.k4ll o' tht. CITIZENS OF THE CITY Of Kf#IT to ltt.J&4mtlt c1e.bowte.dge. «.Kd eomme.Kd 4a.ld. LAWRENCE H. CAVANAUGH 'oJr. ki4 t.iJt.alt.44, u.4t.l4l41t,devotiott to~ dutJ..e.4 46 Ke.a.t Cl.ty TUIUU.Uil.; NOW THEREFORE BE t T RESOLVED, by .tlu. Ma.go.t ad tlu. City Cowte1.t o 6 tlte. Cl..tg •' Keu, tftUit.lKgtoK,. .l.K a. .u gu.t.u mtt..tiJ& g du..ty 444t.mb.t.ed .that they ~d the. CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, fliASHINGTON, ke..te.w.ith a.elutoflfte.dgt. .the. t. u,.,.t.ug 4t..tvlee4 bt.llt.~t.i~tg tlte. he.a.l.th, •t,aJf.e a.n.d .4a.~t..tg o0 the. CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT o' Kt.llt CLtr1 T14t.ct4u..te..t, LAfllt{fNCE H. CAVAHAUGH du.Jt..L~tg h.U, m«Jl!f yt.a.J&..6 44 Kt.ttt CJ...tg TJtt.Ut.t.tt.IL, aJtd be. lt 6u..ttlte.Jt RESOLVED, that the CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, th.Jttluglt tlte.J..Jt du..ty e.tt.o..t&d Ma.go.t ad CJ..tg Cou.•eU e. x.telld thtllt Qlt4t&4ul a.d lte.a~0 ett th«Kk4 to LAWRENCE H. CAVANAUGH &o.tt the. J'lU.t 4Kd pJtc.4e~t.t uct 'u..tu.ILt. b'uae.AL.U tlt.a.t they 41&4 tke. euta~ CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, ~ASHINGTON, wJ..U ~e.Atlze ad t.njo g be.e.cw.4t. o o tile .t.l.Jt.UC.4.6 and u.n4tl6i4h de. vot.ien to the. du..ti.t.4 o 4 tile. 0 6 0.t.e.e. o c Kent CJ..ty T .U.a.4t.t.UJL, 46 pc..t,OJr.llf.d by ~e. 4«.l.d LAII'RENCE H. CAVANAUGH du..t.i.Kg lt-l..4 p46t mctll!f ye.4U 44 Kt.Kt City T.tt.4.4UJI.t..t, ad k J..t c«Jt.the.lt RESOLVEV, .th.a.:t M 411 a.dcU.tlo na.l. toke.K o& the. Gpp~eei~~cn oi the CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT ~o be bt.4 .towe.d u.poK &4-l.d LAWRENCE H. CAVANAUGH 6oJt the. t!AI&K.ty·n.~ne ye«JJ.6 oi devoted du.ty .to tht. CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF KENT, &aid LA~RENCE H. CAVANAUGH ~4 he~tewi.th appo~Ktt.d to the po.4~.tloK Oft KENT CITY TREASURER EMERITUS, &u.clt hoKolt ~o be. u.tabu.d by kim 6o~ the. .u.• t o t ltLt. Ka.tu.Jta.l U 8t.. PASSU UIIA24~4U.i 1969, Att&.4tl ~IJCldli p.ltovt.d ~ to noltml rt ~ C7Q Rl! t U1XU ~URt:illlX:O