HomeMy WebLinkAbout597RESOLUTION NO. 6%7 J A RESOLUTION approving Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1968-25. WHEREAS, a plan of additions and betterments for the Des Moines Sewer District consisting of a Resolution of the Sewer District entitled: RES OL UTI ON 196 8-2 5 A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, adopting a plan for additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the District, as amended, consisting of the construction of a system of trunk sewers, sub-trunk sewers, and lateral sewers in the area described in this resolution, and also providing the method for paying the cost thereof. has been submitted to the City of Kent for approval pursuant to the provisions of R. C • W. f6. 0 8 • 0 2 0 , and WHEREAS, the City Council having reviewed this plan and finding it adequate; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: The plan as set forth in Resolution 1968-25 of the Des Moines Sewer District, to amend and add to the sewer system of the Des Moines Sewer Dis- trict, is hereby approved. DATED at Kent, Washington, this ,:::--1/ A;:_c;_~.c I day of~ 1968. Approved as to form: MAYOR -=:::::::::: City Clerk ' .· RESOLUTION 1968-25 A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County I washington, adopting a plan for additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the District, as amended, consisting of the construction of a system of trunk sewers, sub-trunk sewers, and lateral_ sewers in the area described in this resolution, and also providing the method for paying the cost thereof. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners adopted their original Com- prehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the District by Resolution 1956-1 on August 23, 1956 and have amended the same providing for additions and betterments thereto by their Resolution 1961-1 adopted January 4, 1961, Resolution 1962-11 adopted August 22, 1962, Resolution 1963-2 adopted Janu- ary 2, 1963, Resolution 1963-7 adopted March 6, 1963, Resolution 1964-5 adopted February 5, 1964, Resolution 1964-9 adopted March 4, 1964, Resolu- tion 1965-4 adopted February 17, 1965, Resolution 1966-12 adopted March 9 1 1966, Resolution 1966-36 adopted October 5, 1966, Resolution 1967-7 adopted April 26, 1967, and Resolution 1968-15 adopted May 8, 1968, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has, as required by law, in- vestigated all portions and sections and parts of the District and annexations thereto hereinafter described for the purpose of selecting a further plan of ad- ditions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, to consist of a system of trunk sewers, sub-trunk sewers, and lateral sewers for the area hereinafter described in this resolution suitable and adequate for the present and future needs thereof, and WHEREAS1 the Board of Commissioners has selected such plan which Page One. provides for the collection and disposal of sewage within said area, and for the construction of a system of trunk sewers, sub-trunk sewers, and lateral sewers in said area, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has further considered a plan for providing funds to construct and install said system and which plan pro- vides for the creation of one or more utility local improvement districts within the area and the issuance and sale of sewer revenue bonds of the District in the amount of $50,000.00, the estimated cost of the improvement, or such lesser amount as may be found necessary to pay the cost of such improvement and expenses incident thereto, and the levying of assessments within such utility local improvement districts; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The following plan of additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the District, as amended, is hereby adopted: The District shall construct and install the following described trunk, sub-trunk and lateral sewers , in, on, along and under the following described properties, streets, avenues, alleys, highways, roads and ease- ments: Page Two. Approx. Size On From To 8" Pacific Highway South South 220th St. South 224th St. 8" 28th Ave. South South 224th St. Approx. 600' Nly 8" South 224th St. Pacific Highway South Approx. zoo~ Nly The above described trunk and lateral sewers shall be installed com- plete with all necessary manholes, lampholes, wyes, tees, side sewers, and other appurtenances necessary to the proper operation of such sewer sys- tern, and all in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory agencies and offices of King County and the State of Washington, and the same shall be connected wherever necessary with the Des Moines Sewer District's exist- ing sewer system. It is part of the Comprehensive Plan that the above set forth plans of improvements shall be subject to such changes as to details of pipes, sizes and location or in any other details of said plans not affecting the service to be provided by the main general plans as shall be authorized by the Board of Commissioners either prior to or during the actual course of construction. Section 2. The various portions of said additions and betterments to said Comprehensive Plan, as amended, shall be constructed and installed at such time or times as may be found to be necessary, advisable and econo- mically feasible by the Board of Com·missioners, and such Board shall take all actions and do all things as may be necessary and proper in the carrying out of the additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan, as amended,. Section 3. The District shall acquire by purchase or condemna- tion all property, both real and personal, rights-of-way, franchises, ease- Page Three. ments, and water rights necessary to carry out said plan which is as more particularly set forth in maps and plans prepared by Hill, Ingman i~,Chase & Co., Consulting Engineers of Seattle, Washington. Section 4. It is further part of this plan of additions and better- ments that the District may, at its option, install wyes and connecting sewer stub lines from any main sewer line or lateral to the adjacent or vicinal prop-. erty lines only during the time such main sewer line or lateral is being in- stalled. Such wyes and connecting stub lines shall be paid for by the owners of the lots, tracts and parcels of land to which they extend at such time and in such manner as may be determined by the Board of Commissioners and as authorized by law. Section 5. The Board of Commissioners shall have the right to cooperate, coordinate, enter into, contract, and do all things that are neces- sary and proper with other sewer districts, cities, towns, port authorities, and all other governmental units to the end that the sewer system and the peo- ple of the District are benefited. Section 6. For the purpose of providing the funds necessary to carry out this plan of additions and betterments, the District shall issue and sell its sewer revenue bonds in the total principal amount of $50, 0 0 0. 0 0, or such part thereof as may be found necessary to carry out the above I?Ortion of the additions and betterments to said Comprehensive Plan, as amended. Section 7. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate not to ex- ceed 6 per cent per annum payable semi-annually, shall be issued in such amounts and at such time or times as may be found necessary, and shall mature Page Four. . '~ ; in various amounts each year from one to not exceeding thirty years from the date of issue to be determined by the Board of Commissioners. Both the principal and interest on said bonds shall be paid from the gross revenue of the sewer system of the District and from assessments as hereinafter provided. Section 8. The area included in this system of additions and bet- terments to the Comprehensive Plan, a.s amended, and which is as described herein and which shall be specially benefited by the carrying out of the addi- tions and betterments to said Comprehensive Plan, as amended, provided for herein, shall comprise one or more utility local improvement districts, and assessments shall be levied in said district or districts in amounts within the special benefits received by the properties therein as provided by law by virtue of the construction and installation of the improvements authorized in said plan of additions and betterments. All the assessments so levied in such district or districts shall be applied solely to the payment of the princi- pal of and interest on revenue bonds of the district as required by law and as later provided by a resolution or resolutions of the Board of Commissioners. Section 9. The areas to be served by this plan of additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, are all situated in King County, Washington, and are described as follows: Beginning on the centerline of P.S.H. No.1 at its inter- section with the Westerly extension of the North margin of South 224th Street, as situated in Section 9, Town- ship 22 North, Range 4 East W.M.; Thence Northerly along said centerline of P.S.H. No. 1 to a point which is 150 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the South margin of South 220th Street; Page Five. Thence Easterly along a line parallel to said South mar- gin of South 220th Street to its intersection with the cen- terline of 28th Avenue South; Thence Southerly along said centerline of 28th Ave. South to its intersection with the North line of the South 210 ft. of the North 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 9; Thence Easterly along said North line to its intersection . with the Northerly extension of the East line of Lot 1 of the Plat of Midway Soundview as recorded in Vol. 45 of Plats, page 37, records of King County 1 Washington; Thence Southerly along said Northerly extension and the East line of Lots 1 1 2, 3, 4 and 5 of said Midway Sound- view to its intersection with the North margin of South 224th Street; Thence Westerly along said North margin and its Westerly extension to its intersection with the centerline of said P. S .H. No. 1 and the Point of Beginning. Section 10. The total estimated cost of the improvement is $50,000.00. Not to exceed $20,000.00 of said cost shall be borne by and assessed against properties specially benefited thereby and the remainder of the cost of the improvement will be paid from revenues received by the Dis- trict for charges made for the use of the sewer system. ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, at their regular meeting thereof held this lOth day of July, 1968. ATTEST: lsi PATRICJC B. McHUGH DES MOINES SEWER DISTRICT, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON By 1•1 J. R. STOCKDALE By 1•1 HOMER J. ICLINE By 1•1 PATRICJC B. McHUGH Commissioners Secretary of the Board of Commissioners Page Six. I, PATRICK B. McHUGH, Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 196 8-25 of said Board, duly adopted at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1Oth day of July, 1968.