HomeMy WebLinkAbout596A--'. (.;/ . CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. ~~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to improve South 240th Street or James Street by rebuilding an existing two lane bituminous sur- faced facility to consist of four traffic lanes with channelized and signalized intersections, together with concrete curbs and gutters, storm sewers, sidewalks and pedestrian overcrossing and to create a local improvement district to assess a part of the cost and expense of carry- ing out such improvement against the property specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who desire to object to the project to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on September 3, 1968. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the Council of the City of Kent, Washington, to order the improvement of the following described property within the City of Kent, Washington: Beginning at the intersection of the center- line of Washington Avenue with the Westerly ex- tension of the South line of Lot 1, Block 7, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent as re- corded in Vol. 57 of Plats, pages 58 and 59, records of King County, Washington, in Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; Thence Easterly along said Westerly extension of said South line and the South line of Lots 2, 3, and 4 of said Block 7, and along the South line of Lots 6, 5, 4, and 3 of Strains Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 65 of Plats, page 93, records of King County, Wash- ington, to its intersection with the West margin of Primary State Highway No. 5; Thence Northerly along said West margin to its intersection with the South margin of James Street; Thence Easterly along said South margin of James Street to a point 170 feet Easterly of, as measured radially from, the centerline of said Primary State Highway No. 5; Thence Southerly along the arc of a curve meas- ured 170 feet Easterly of and radially from the said centerline of Primary State Highway No. 5 to its intersection with a line 330 feet Southerly of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street; Thence Easterly along said line across interven- ing Puget Sound Power and Light Company's right of way and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company's right of way to its intersection with the North-South centerline of said Section 24; Thence continuing Easterly along a line 330 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street across intervening streets and the Northern Pacific Railway Company's right of way and a portion of Cross Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 18 of Plats, page 9, records of King County, Washington, to its inter- section with the centerline of Railroad Avenue; Thence Northerly along the centerline of said Railroad Avenue to its intersection with a line 225 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of James Street; Thence Easterly along said line across interven- ing streets and said Cross Addition to the City of Kent and McMillin's Addition to Kent recorded in Vol. 7 of Plats, page 58, records of King County, Washington, to its intersection with the East line of said Section 24, which is also the West line of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence Northerly along said East line to its in- tersection with a line 210 feet South of, as meas- ured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street; Thence Easterly along said line across interven- ing streets and alleys and Clarks 2nd Addition to the City of Kent, as recorded in Vol. 15 of Plats, page 72, records of King County, Washington, and Clarks 1st Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 5 of Plats, page 62, records of King County, Washington, to its intersection with the centerline of Hazel Street; Thence Southerly along the centerline of said Hazel Street to its intersection with a line 225 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street; Thence Easterly along said line across interven- ing streets and S.G. Mickelson's Sunnyside Addition to Kent, as recorded in Vol. 45 of Plats, page 23, records of King County, Washington, and City View Addition to Kent as recorded in Vol. 14 of Plats, page SO, records of King County, Washington, to its intersection with the North-South centerline of said Section 19; - 2 - Thence continuing Easterly along a line 225 feet South of, as' measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street across in- tervening streets and Stella H. Fox Addition, as recorded in Vol. 51 of Plats, page 30, rec- ords of King County, Washington, to its inter- section with the centerline of 94th Avenue Southeast; Thence Northerly along the centerline of said 94th Avenue Southeast to its intersection with a line which is 164 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street, which is also Southeast 240th Street; Thence Easterly along said line across inter- vening streets and the Correction Plat of Calvert's Addition to Kent as recorded in Vol. 64 of Plats, page 6, records of King County, Washington, to its intersection with the centerline of 98th Avenue Southeast; Thence Southerly along the said centerline of 98th Avenue Southeast to its intersection with a line 225 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street; Thence Easterly along said line to its inter- section with the East line of said Section 19, which is also the West line of Section 20, Town- ship 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence c9ntinuing Easterly along a line 225 feet South of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street, to its inter- section with the centerline of 104th Avenue South- east which is also the centerline of State Highway No. 5-C; Thence Northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of said James Street which is also the North line of said Sec- tion 20, and the South line of Section 17, Town- ship 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence continuing Northerly along said center- line of 104th Avenue Southeast to its intersection with a line which is 225 feet North of, as meas- ured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street; Thence Westerly along said line to its inter- section with the West line of said Section 17 which is also the East line of Section 18, Town- ship 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; Thence continuing Westerly along a line 225 feet North of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street, across in- tervening streets and Fugate Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 63 of Plats, page 100, records of King County, Washington, to its intersection with the North-South centerline of said Section 18; - 3 - Thence continuing Westerly along a line 225 feet North of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street, across intervening streets, alleys, Clement's Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 63 of Plats, page 22, records of King County, Wash- ington, Walker's Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 53 of Plats, page 85, rec- ords of King County, Washington, Kent View Addition, as recorded in Vol. 41 of Plats, page 1, records of King County, Washington and Little's Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 53 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington, to its intersection with the West line of said Section 18, which is also the East line of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; Thence continuing Westerly along a line 225 feet North of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of said James Street across in- tervening streets, Walmsley's Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 45 of Plats, page 15, records of King County, Washington, the Northern Pacific Railroad right of way, North Park Addition to the City of Kent as re- corded in Vol. 18, page 10, records of King County, Washington, Elizabeth McHugh Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 64 of Plats, page 45, records of King County, Wash- ington, Sandwick's Addition to the City of Kent, King County, Washington, as recorded in Vol. 59 of Plats, page 81, records of King County, Wash- ington, and Delnor Addition to the City of Kent as recorded in Vol. 62 of Plats, page 99, rec- ords of King County, Washington, to its inter- section with the North-South centerline of said Section 13, which is also the centerline of 5th Avenue North, as platted in said Delnor Addition to the City of Kent; Thence Northerly along said North-South center- line of Section 13 to its intersection with a line 330 feet North of, as measured at right angles to, the centerline of James Street; Thence Westerly along said line across the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's right of way and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, & Pacific Railway Company's right of way, to its inter- section with the East margin of Primary State Highway No. 5; Thence Southerly along said East margin of Primary State Highway No. 5 to its intersection with the North margin of said James Street; Thence Westerly along said North margin of James Street to its intersection with the West margin of said Primary State Highway No. 5; Thence Northerly along said West margin of Primary State Highway No. 5 to its intersection with a line which is 225 feet North of, as meas- ured at right angles to, the centerline of James Street; - 4 - Thence Westerly along said line across inter- vening streets and said Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent, to its intersection with the centerline of said Washington Avenue; Thence Southerly along said centerline of Washington Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of said James Street which is also the South line of said Section 13, and the North line of said Section 24; Thence continuing Southerly along said center- line of Washington Avenue to its intersection with the Westerly extension of said South line of Lot 1, Block 7, Kenthurst Addition to the City of Kent and the Point of Beginning; by the improvement of South 240th Street or James Street by recon- structing the existing two lane bituminous surfaced facility be- ginning at the West Valley Highway (68th Avenue South) and running Easterly approximately 2.1 miles to its end at Benson Road (104th Avenue Southeast) , consisting of the construction and installation of asphaltic concrete surface to provide four traffic lanes with channelized and signalized intersections at West Valley Highway (68th Avenue South); 4th Avenue; Central Avenue; 94th Avenue South- east; lOOth Avenue Southeast; and Benson Road (104th Avenue South- east), together with the construction and installation of curbs and gutters, storm sewers, sidewalks and a pedestrian overcrossing at the elementary school near the Easterly terminus of the project. All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor prepared by Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co., consulting engineers to the City. Section 2. The total estimated cost and expense of said improvement is declared to be $1,630,444.00. Approximately 10% of the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improve- ment to be included in a local improvement district to be established embracing as near as may be all property specially benefited by such improvement. The balance of the cost and expense. of the improvement, approximately 90%, shall be paid from urban arterial funds anticipated to be received from the State of Washington. - 5 - .· Section 3. All persons who may desire to object to the im- provement herein described are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Kent, Washington, at 8:30 o'clock p.m. (POST), on September 3, 1968, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to the proposed improvement, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for that improvement. Section 4. Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co., consulting engineers, are hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to the 3rd day of September, 1968, all data and information required by law to be submitted. The foregoing resolution was ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof this 5th day of August, 1968. Mayor ATTEST: ,-~ City Cr - 6 - I, MARIE JENSEN, Clerk of the City of Kent, Washington, hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ~9~, adopted on the 5th day of August! 1968, as that resolution appears on the Minute Book of the City. DATED this ~ day of August, 1968. ---