HomeMy WebLinkAbout581ARESOLUTION ,{;f;/ IN THE MATTER OF :,R IBI M.P. 5.5) to I•I.P. ').1/ Kent: Meeker St. to Tukwila RE~OlrJTION BY THE COlJNC!l OF THE CITY OF KENT, COUNTY OF KING, \~ASHINGTON. '1'1\..!ERE.,S, ::.e City of Kent is the record owner of: That portion of the Southec:st quarter 8f tne Northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, \~ashington described as follows: Beginninq at tne ;ntersection of the west I ine of Secondary State Highway No. 2-~ (63th .,vcnu•.~ ,out.:) .1nd the Sr)uth l i no of the Southeast qu<l rter of the N()rtheast "1uJr~er · ... i·! ·,,~r.t i'ln ! I; thenu~ Nurth illong the \.lest I ine of Secondary State Hiqb.J<':',fiJ,;. L:-t1 (iJLlt.h /\Venue South), d distance of 200 feet to the true point of ceg:nn; ~a; tnence continuing North along said West I ine a distance of 100 feet; then:e ~esterly oardl lel to the South I ine of said Southeast quarter of the Nortneast quarter, a distance of 140 feet; thence South parallel to the \-Jest 1 ine of se:::; ccond;:r·; St.Jte Hi(]hwny Nu. 2-M (68th /\venue South) a distance of 100 fee~; th<:n:_c :~ .• ~>t•'~·Jy p<Jrallcl to the South 1 inc of s<1id Southeast CJUarter of the Nortn•::c· .. L qth,rt•:i, c~ ui~;tdnce •>f l4u feet to the true point of beginning; anc ..JHEREAS, in the improvement of SR 181 Kent: Meeker St. to Tukwila by the State of washing~or·, Jepartment of Highways, it is necessary and advisable for the State of 1-.'ashingt.;-; t':' ootain a ''Slope and Drainage Easement" over a strip of land lO feet ·::<:.: ·•c:r, across and upon said lands for the purpose of constructing anj maintcining highway slopes in excavation and/or embankment, together with the right t c0nstruct and maintain a drainage system, and '...iKO:Rt:A), .,ft•·r .l•w -.on';id('r<:ltion by the Council of the City of Kent, to s.J i J ;: >Ull•. i i t h<~ ;_ it w i 11 be in th,• best i ntcrest of both the City and rhe ,tdl•: ·>! ·,.J.,shinqtoll that sCJid CJuncil <Jrant unto the State of 2 Sl,)~Y:; anC !Jrainage Easement11 for a consideration of benefits to be ceri';~d .. it appears of Kent Washington hereinafter NOw THE?C:FOF<E, De it hereby resolved by the Council of the City of Kent, that the City of Kent, in acc:ord<HKe with R.C.W. 47.12.0ltO CJnd through its Council, execute said Easement, and d1~livcr said E<Jsement, to the State of Washington, Department of Highways. }one at a regular meetinq of the Council of the 0 f ;) L , 1 96 7 • \L(ii\I'OH/IH :,F/\L) CouncTiman ATIE:ST: Counc i I man Counc i ]man ···IT\ ~'!'Ut; ) ) >!_nr~ ) J:, t,: c tJnclcrsirr,ned, o. not.Jr,r rublic in and for the State of ·.:asr.c.L'1~ton, ac cert-ify that on thiD .~/.f)/clay of /1;t1\1:1 r,/&v, 1967, before :ce :::· SC:l --:~:)ne.::.r8d ... !l:,._}_ __ .::t--.. ;'.;i~:.t:..~_~·-~·r. :v ';:.o r~e l:no·.;n to be the--duly elected and quDlified Hayor anEi--Gi-t-y Goune~~ of the City of Kent, that eJ~ecuted the l·Ji thin and forecoinc instru.-nent and. ac~nouled;:ed tho said instru:nent to be the free and volunta.rJ act ar.d d.eei ·:<' ~~>:' .. Jaid City of Kent, for the uses and purposes "c.herein nentio:1ec, a.."1c: tc< .. ,~1 .:r oa-7-"h stated. that he 1-ras authorized to execute said instrument "::y r•<,o::..u tion of the ]J]ayor and City Councilmen of the City of Kent, anci th2.': ;::.; ~ ::;c-_1 a''f'ixed ic the official seaJ. of the City of Kent. Not:rry hlbli'c in and for the State of ~Jashington, residing at ,;<-/~. -!- ~~~~~-------- Parcel ;l-5632