HomeMy WebLinkAbout576171 l RESOLUTION NO. 57b 2 WHEREAS, on August 22, 1962, Worth Stoneburner and 3 , Sophia A. Stoneburner, as Principal and Don Bell ~gency, Inc., 4 as Surety, filed with and bound theirselves unto the CITY OF 5 I :: KENT, Washington, in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars 6 ($1,000.00) Plat Bond with the CITY _OF KENT, the condition of 7 ! said Plat Bond bei!lg such that the above-named Principals were 8 ~i 1i then about to, and thereafter did file a Plat named "Stonecrest ,, 9 ): p );No. 2 11 to the CITY OF KENT ln the S.W. l/4-, Section 19, 10 li 11 \!Township 22 North, Range 5 E., W.M., Ki!lg County, Washington, !: and further, 12 i !' 13 li WHEREAS, thereafter, an invest_igation was conducted 14 !) by the Office of the City E_ngineer of the CITY OF KENT, WASH- : ~ l; 1: INGTON, and he has reported to the Mayor and the City Council 15 ii l!of the CITY OF KENT that, upon payment of the sum of One Thousand !! 16 lJ liDollars ($1,000.00), cash, to the CITY OF KENT, the conditions 17 /1 of said Plat Bond will be satisfied and the interest of the 18 " d jCitizens of the CITY _OF KENT protected, and further 19 :! WHEREAS, the said Worth Stoneburner and Sophia A. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ii d i! Stoneburner have offered to pay into the Treasury of the CITY ~ ! li i'OF KENT, WASHINGTON, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) ! · cash, for, and in consideration of the release of said Plat I 'Bond, ,, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~~THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, AT A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED j\ THAT: II 1: I. H 28 l: 29 30 31 32 !.· r Upon payment into the Treasury of the CITY _OF KENT, li jl ! '!WASHINGTON, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), cash, ~~that Worth Stoneburner and Sophia Stoneburner, as Principal, ''I q 1-and Don Bell Agency, Inc., as Surety, and their heirs, executors, :; I, !i ;!! i: ~ : I· I. -1- l administrators, and assigns, jointly and severally shall be 2 il fully and absolutely relea.sed from any and all liability under ,• ,i 3 Ji that certain Plat Bond filed by said Principals and Surety 1l ll 4 !! in connection with a plat named "Stonecrest No. 2", located in ir: 5 ;i jjthe City of Kent, 1n the S.W.l/4, Section 19, Township 22 North, ~ : I' 6 'i Range 5 E., W.M., Ki.ng County, Washi!lgton. ;·I . j' 7 d H ·l {{ 9 I l: li 10 !I PASSED by the City CounCil of the CITY .oF KENT, WASH- INGTON this 5th day ......... 16 1 JOHN 13! BEREITER, C1ty Attorney II 17 fl !· .I 18 II II l• 19 !1 1\ u 2o H II 21 ll 2211 23 L 24 H !' 2511 26! li 271! 28 .!