HomeMy WebLinkAbout559RESOLUTION NO. ~~~ ~HEREAS~ th~ Mayo~ and th~ City Couneil o6 th& City o0 K~nt, Wa~h~ngton, Un~ted Stat~ o& Ame~iea, have ~~eaivtd wo~d t&at Citizen~ o& the City o6 Kalba~a-eho, Hyogo P~e,eetu~e, Japan, have invited the City o' Kent to beeome a Si~te~ City, and WHEREAS, to 6o~atize ~aid town a 0 ~iliation ~eta­ tio~hip, a g~oup o6 Kent Citizen~ have met and 6o~td a Town A66itiation Comm~tte~, wkieh p~opo4t~ to ope~ate undt~ tht Ptopl~·to-Peoplt P~og~«m, and WHEREAS, ~aid p~opo~td Town A66iliation l4 4uppo~ted by 4ueh elvie o~ganlzatlon~ a4 the Kent Llon4 Club, Klwanl4, Rota~y and Junlo~ Chambe4 o6 Commt~ee, mo~t o& whiek have etub~ in Kalba~a, and. p WHEREAS, the United State~ 1n~o~ation Agency and Stat~ Dep4~tm~nt ~uppo~t tke Town Ao&lLiatlon idea 44 making a majo~ eont~ibution to good wilt and batt&~ int~~natlonat unde~~tandlng, HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEV BY THE MAYOR ANV THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in a ~eguta~ meeting duty a4~embted that they and the Citizen~ o 0 the City oo Kent, W44hington, he~ewith aeeept the invitation o' the City oa K4iba~a-eho, Hyogo P~t&tetu~e, Japan, to beeome it4 Si4tt~ City, to ~neou~age the txehange o& ldea4, euttu~e, 4tudeAt4, and othe~ p~og~4m4 o' a mi4eeltaneo~ n4tu~e dt4igned to 'aelllt4tt the ~etation4hip bttw~en the two eltl~ and to e~t~e bette~ lntt~national unde~tanding and good witt between the Cltlztn4 o 0 the two eitie4. Page One . - PASS Ell .tlt.i.4 ATTEST: ·~Cluk App~ov~d 44 to 6o4m: ~d~:4r.