HomeMy WebLinkAbout5301 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ;,oT'C'Oi llJ'-''ni·T ··10 ,L:J[! ... · • .! ..... L..J • ..J l .J_ .) ... • l • • .,:) ----I I 1:1HEEEAS, i"irs. i3ertha IT. Alford, t1 1.Yidou, has offei'Cd to selJ.l to the City of Kent, Uashin~ton, a certain ~arcel of real property,\ I hereafter more fully described, and, HHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent, by l(ent I Resolution Ho. 518, -oassed the 18th day of :·iay, 1964, nrovided for I I the funds to uurci1ase said real propcPty, and, I I ~~JHEREAS, after study, delibera·tion, and negotiation, the City Council of the City of Kent has found th2t the purchase of said real property for the expansion of Ken·t ?ark and Recreational I facilitie~ £or the sum of S2,100.00 is for a fair price, is for a health and welfare of the Citizens of the City of Kent, now there-! j fore, I proper municipal purpose, and is in the best interests of the BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Kent in a regular meetin~; assembled that the :-Iayor and City ClerJ( ecrc hereby authorized and instructed to ourchase the follm-Iing dcscrib~ ed real -property from Tlrs. Bertha i·I. Alford, a i.·ddmoJ, for the su:::1 1 18 of $2,100.00 to be i)aid from ·the Ci·ty of :cent Park Fund, and, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3~ 32 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all acts of the Mayor and City CleT'k previously ·taken to consumate said purchase, i.·Ji thin the terms as set :fbrth herein, are hereby ratified, and, ~ BE IT FURTFIEl~ RSSOLVED, that the ilayor and City C1crk shall pay the necessar~r costs incurred in consumating said purchase, including filing fees, title insurance, and appraised fees, and, BE IT FURTIER RESOLVED, that the le£al description of said I real property, located in the Ci·ty of Kent, County of Kin~~, of Hashington, is c1s folloHs: Lot 3, and the no1"ti1 half of lot L~, bloclc 4, :North Park J\ddi tion to the City of Kent, accord- ing to plat recorded in Volume 18 of plats, pa:c 10 in Kin8 County, Hashin~ton. State PASSED BY TilE CITY COUi!CIL this Ll:fi..cta;,' of A~l".J. /' I I I I I l 2 3 ATTEST: 4 a \pprovcd as to fop~,1 : 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32