HomeMy WebLinkAbout5151 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 8 10 11 1! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 !2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 T'. '' ,_ . 1:',\ 'FP11;'1'C:V, rerc;witr ta.k:; official notice; tr~qt the ~oun~il ter:n of and ~f~PEA~, it is tbe unanimous desire of the above named elect~ ed officials, in hotr thc:ir official and rrivate caracities, and on; bet alf of the r:T'T'I7Ti'PS OF rrpr;: r::rrv C:F' r:~~rT, to l:erewith acknowledge! ,and com:11end said nrn·~p'T '~·\T'T'TT'l\1:JS for his tirelec:~ , unselfisl: devo-' tion to his councilmanic c:lltie: d11rin~ his term as a Font r:it·r I :~ouncilman, now, therefore, be it RT<'.'~CJV'\r: bv the f~i\ V(l!' and the crrv CC)W.fCil. of the '~IT'1 CF :;vr,'~1 T · 1 t" d 1 hl 1 tl-t th cl t 1 ,r .... _, ln a rerru ar mee 1n~, . u v as:em. Pc, ,·G J ",e'' an ,ne 1 1 'r __ .T'T'. J7r_··.~·c, nv 'T')'f.' ~"ITY ov trr"'T r · ''J'Itr~"Trp 1 • t~ 1 1 d tt -~ '-J' ~--•,,. ,r r,.-,·,, •1\.:\~ :,.r \·,,, JiereWl,J acl':.now e.r;e 11e ' ( . . . ;eYemr lar'r servlCP2 henefltlnp; the health: welfco.re md SGfety of the I ;a Fent i;itv Councilman, anr; be it further •! ~7 c-:rvr··r·, that th; r,:'T'T7ro:rrc CF 'T'F? r,r~v cv r·:·:·'rr, throucl~ theif I ul·r elPctPCl ''Avr•r and CITY rCP"'"JL, lere\litr extend tleir c;rateful: I'• ~iwiJ l ,I iltion il ' realize and enjo•r because of tre tireless and unselfish devo-' to council:nanic c1utie2 of said s durinp his ra~t :lterri a: a Yent ~itv Councilman. •' p;,:··~~~·n this 6th da'' of :~pril, 1(16L". ~'-·c::::::::-:.,~~~ Approverl as to form: