HomeMy WebLinkAbout5141 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 !7 28 29 30 31 ., ·r rr;;soLrr·nr~.r 1\:r. ·5'/Lj. ------- ,~cpp'r,.·rcr.r, herewith take:: offici:Jl notice? t},at trc Council term of: i GFRTFUDr' P0'JT·:U of fie iall v exr i n~rl t. hi 2 6tr da" of /1.p·il, l <J6/~; andi cr'j-·-ccnpf\c 1"t 1."' the 1Jn"'Y'J.''1011' .' ' I • • • ' , 1.._) -' \-A_ I • ~ -0..... ~e,r:ire of trc ~hove na~erl elect~ ed officials, in hoth their official and private capacities, and on ·-:ovELI for her tirr:les::::, unseJfish devo- tion to hc~r councilm·1nic d'Jties durinp-rer tc~n1 as a Kent Cit" ;Councilwoman, now th;refore, t)e it in a regnlar :r~eP.tin~, dulv as.c·erclblPd, that thev and t!:e ~""'ITI?:-;n;e ():<' I I iservicP.s bP.nr:;fitincr the l:ealth, WPlf-are Rnd safet'r of the (;T'PI7 I !0F 'T'J-F·~ r,rrrv 0'-' }Cf7'11.TT of r,r;;rrpT=?FfT~ '~r'~rrcr_.r. durinr-her term a2 a h.ent I I !Citv Councilwoman, and be it further ! c ) ld1J 1'" I c:lected '~':\ YOP. anrl r:Jrry r:m;~Tr";IL, rerev·fith extend tr,eir c;rateful 1'1nd I' he!'lrtfelt t''anks to said Gl·:~THJ"'·~ ;:JC'"rcLL for tre past, pre rent ! 1anrl fvture he:oefi ts thev and the future r:ITI7':;T" CT"' ·rF': CI'I'Y OF I w:•"TT will reali?.e ::J.nd en -iov becau~'-e of t}·e tirelr,ss and unselfish I •. jdevotion to councibcanic duties of :''3i'l ",'"FTfl f)';' hCVELL cl1..:rirw r1 er I past term a. f, a Kent Cit" Covnci lwoman. Apri~, 19_60-___ _ _" I . ' -. . / • I •, .,.,, ,. ···-. -z:~ 11 Ti'V "f'UQP"'TnJIT ~·1·\ VQR "'"'Z: } ... I _J.J.\ L ~~ • .1.. 1 \ \ L" ' .j. .1 j_ Ar~roved a~ to form: !: i