HomeMy WebLinkAbout512iZE.SOLUTION NO. £) ..;::2.. WHEREAS, The City of Kent, a municipal corporation of the State of V!ashington, desires to lease an accountin[; machine for use in the office of the Kent City Treasurer, and \'JHEREAS, the Epcon General Leasing Coml1any of Seattle, Washington has offered to lease such a machine to the City of Kent, and 'vJHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent has studied said offer as aforesaid and finds its terms proper and in the interests of the citizens of the City of Kent, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent in regular meeting assenbled that the Hayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an application for lease (a copy of which is attached hereto and the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference), and to enter into a lease (a copy of which is attached hereto and the terms of which are 1.ncor- porated herein by reference) with the Epcon General Leasing Company of Seattle, Washington, wherein, in substance, the City of Kent agrees to lease from said Coi:r1pany, for the term of one and one-half years, one (l) NCR Accountins !'lachine with 13 8 Stand, payable $2 6 8. 02, plus state sales tc:tx, per month for an eighteen (18) month period, with the City of Kent, at fue end of said lease period, havine the option to purchase said machine for 10~6 of the original cost of said machine, and be it further RESOLVED, that the City Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to make said monthly lease payments one-third (1/3) from the City Garbage Fund, one-third (1/3) from the City vlater Fund, and one-third (1/3) fron the City SeHer Fund, until said lease expires. PASSED BY THE CITY CQUi,TCIL this +-/...;?.._'? __ day of'~ 1964. Approved as to for9: 3. BEl~EITER, Cl ty Attorney -2- ·-····"' Dirisiun uf Electrical Products Consolidated EPCON GENERAL LEASING CO!'JIPANY City of Kent 303 West Gowe Kent, Washington Gentlemen: March 13, 1961 1275 MERCEF~ STREET P.O. BOX 11GB, SE,'\TTLE VVASHINGTON 08111 MAl N 3-3100 In response to your request for certain information relating to a leasing program for your company with regard to the le;1se you have with un for the National Cash Register equipment, we are happy to submit the following: Renewal Options Trade .. In Purchase At th~ end of the original lcanc period, the lease may be renewed for an additional period at an annual rental to be paid in advance, the annual payment bein3 1/12 of the. annual rental of the original leaoc. In the event that you wish the leased equipment traded in on other equipmen~ of like ldnd, we will agree to apply the net trade-in value obtained by us in cornput:.ing rcnt::tl on a new lease, provided the m:!W equipment is of equal or greater value than the equipment traded in. Any substantial increase in tl"::.c coat of now equipment would, of couroe, be subject to credit approval. At the end of the initial lease period, you may purchase the leased equipment for 10% of the original co:-;t. Purchase prior to the termination of the ori13inal lc.:1 ~;c r:nay be negotiated. We trust the above information is what you desire. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, DF:os --EPCON """·ENERAL LEASING C0''0 ANY ·A tl.,_.,diON Of' ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CONSOLIDATED- MAR (> l96fi. 1275 Mercer Street Seattle, Washington 98111 T elophone t-,1Ain 3-3100 NAME AND ADDRESS OF LESSEE r SUPPLIER OF EQUIPM£:NT (COMr>L.CTE ADDilESS) L City of Kent , 303 West Gowe Kent~ Wash:ineton _j L National Caoh RC[~istor SOO Fairview North Seattle, \'Tashingtori J PERSON TO CONTACT: SUPPLIER'S SALCSMAN: __ ~~ck Gitber~-- QUANTITY E Q I p M E H T l E A s E 0 1 DESCRIPTION! MODEL It, CATALOG It OR OTHER IDENTIFICATIO~< AND Sl'-RIAL NUMBER PRICE --------1--- NCR Accounting Machine Model 42-11-10-9-0(114) TT-CN-CS with 138 Stand TOTAL LIST FEDERAL EXCISE TAX (lr ANY I TRAtlSPOaT A TION l\ F ANY) OTHL':R SALES TAX $31 828. 87 ---------- LESS TR AD E-IN~~~'":_:":."v:_l~t:========= _L_c_c_a_T_ta_N_O_F~E~o-u-rP_M_E_"N-T---.-.-T-R<_<_T_A_o_o_RE_s_•--==~~~~--~~~3~_~l='i~.-_~Q_J~O-~-W-e--_--.-,-r-v_-_--r __ -~-n-t-----.I~TQTAl~Q-ST $3,828.8_7 __ :.!!~ --i.'£.::!Bl1.iJJ':t!2~~NTY. -~ ' 1".'.:'-'" _ AM(...UMT or EAC<~ HEHT J.>AYM£HT 11 nEHTAL. [ t:ENTAL PE:iHOD.:J TERM OF" LE.Ast .. o. oF RENl ] c 0 NS 10 r;: RAT 10 N (INCLUO.~H; SAL£~ T.A.~, IP' APPL.IC.ABLE) COMMENCE:MENl' DATE Wll..l. CE (NO. OF Yf:ArtSJ PA'rt..n:•~TS ·------R------ '-1!: P,MOUNT P.\fAilL£ I 1'0 fH: AN-'LILO ON C: 6 MONTHLY "'t" / IN AnottlCC ___ :.!~--~· 02 ~~~-0-~~-~·-!':.XJ ---~"o·.-=---=--~'~"~."~::.~---~--~~~-~-Y~~---__ !~-------_$_~~'PJ-:~~:t::~LI~~~'~;j~~~~=-~~~- ADf:JIT IONAL Tl:.t'~M?: KIND OF 6US1NESS ------------ __ IN OUSINESS1 --------------------------------~l------H-o-w--Lo--NG ___ LTELE_P_H_o_N_~ ____________________ __ CORPORATION 0 PARTNERSHIP[] PROPRIETORSHIP 0 ~~-D~~&~i~R-A-T~I-N~G~~~~]-_-B_A_N_K~~~-~-~~---.·-~~~~~~~~--8-R_A_N_C_H___________________________ BANK CONTACT OFFICER ----------- Ti<ADE HEFERENCES: :o·:.AE __ _ ADDRESS llAt~E ADDHESS ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------AD~-d"f!Or~AL 11-.lFOHMATlON The undersigned (i) requests EPCON GENERAL LEASING COMPANY (herein designated "Lessor") to purchase equipment of the type and •juantity spcc ified above from the supplier numed above, (ii) agrees to the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side here- of; (iii) ar,rec~; upon written acceptance hervof, ~•igned at Les:..:or's offi.ce by an authorized employee of Lcs:;or, to lease said equip· r;:\·r.r fr<nu Lc:;:,<,r on "aid term,;, and (iv) C\:ttifie~; th;;lt all credit informa~ioa subEliHcLI to I.e:;sor herC\'Jith, or at any other time, is .tru;: urzd corrr·c:·t. t.Pt~L!CATIO~~ ORIGINAL ECL. C3-28\ G;.ty of J<:unt '"Cow:J~;~y-;J:,~~-ul-J/''-'2 '·~:,~<.Ci:;;.,-... ~t~-----· \._ i, ! . •I ·--EPCON t:7ENERAL LEASING CO"PANY A • SION OF t;;Lj;:CTRICAL Pf"lODUCTS CONSOLIDATE,_.- 1275 Mercer Street Seattle, Washington 90 Ill Telephone t.1Ain 3-3100 L CASE NO. ---~] (ALWAYS REfi"ER TO ABOVE NUMI3~- I. tiAME AND ADDRESS OF LESSEE SUPPL!CR OF EQUIPMENT (COMPLETE ADDI"lESSl •' 30~ ';';a::;t c-::·J"/0 L I:~:;_;;, Y/na!:i:J!}ton .J l_ _j PERSON TO CONTACT:_ SUPPLIER'S SALESMAN: QUANTITY DI:SCRIPTION: MODGL.It, CATALOG It OR OTI·W:R IO~:Ct•TIFICATION AND SERIAL NUM13ER PRICE ------------------------------~------------------------------·----1---------------- E Q I p 1 !Y~~:?. Accc·1:r:'::r-3 .i'Jad·'l::o 1'.lc 1:..ll ~~~ .. H ~ 10--';~qi 11 0)' .• ''?~C::J·· CJ $ 3~ lJ"l!). 07 M E 1--1 T L E A s E I.> -r;,t~t.h 120 ~~~~1n1 ADDlTIOt~AL TERM!i: '. ·~. TOTAL LIST FEDERAL EXCISE TAX ' (IF ANY) TRANSPOflT ATIOH OTHER SALES TAX (I P' ANY) u:~:; TP.ADC·HI (IF ANY> The undersigned Lesse" hereby leases from EPCON GENERAL LEASING COMPANY, the Lessor, and Lessor leases to Lessee, the persocal property descr .. oed above and in any schedule made a part hereof by the pr~rties hereto (herein called "equipment"). The undersigned agree to all the tenns and conditions set forth above pod on the reverse side hereof, and in witness thereof hereby execute this le~Lse. DATE----- EPCON GENERAL LEASING C0t.4PANY BY ----------------------------------------------------------OY Tl 1·L1!:. .>\san inducement to Lessor to make the within lease, the undersigned, for value received, jointly and severally guarantee said lease nnd that Lessee will fpiJy and punctually perform each and every term and condition thereof and state that each is financially inter- ested in Lessee and w iii be benefitted by the making of said lease. Dated ' 19 ____ _ Dated --------------------' 19 __ _ Dated ------------' 19 __ _ LEASE ORIGINAL EGL 63-2CI Sinned _____ _ Signed--------· Signed TEP.t1~S AND CONDITIONS Lessee I eases from EPCON GENERAL L EASIN JMP ANY, the Lessor, and Lessor leases w L __.ee, the/ersonal property described 'hereon and on uny schedule n•ade a part hereof by the p..:mes hereto (herei11 calle-d "equipment") upon the terms an conditions set forth bdow and on the reverse ,;ide hero;;of. . PART I 1. SELECTiON AND ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. Lesst>e has .-~quested equipment of the type and quantity specified in the lease set fvrth an the reverse side hereof (herein desig11ated ""uid lcnf:e") and has selected the su!:'plier nnmed therein, Lessor agrees to order such ec;.uir•':1ent from !>~.iJ ,;upplier, but shed! not be liable for specific pedonn:·•1c':' of o:1iJ leas~ ·or for dn1n2:;e:; if for :::.ny re:~~on the 1:npplier delays or fails to fill the order. Lessee f;hall ucce-pt s~ch C<JUipment if cleliv<>rcJ in c~od repuir und Lt:sc~ee u:Jthorizes Lessor to ins~rt in said lc'lse t~e serid nu:nb::r of each item of equipment f:O .delivered. /'.ny dduy:> in :;uC:l c~.~livery ~;hall not .::.aect r:)e v"lidity of (;·.ud lease. 2. El\l\CILS IN EST:~!ATED COST. As used herein, "actual coM" mc:!ns tne cost to Lessor of purchu:;ing nnd delivering the equipment to· Les:::ce, inclu(Jng. t::l=c-t, tra.ns=-'ono.tion r~cr~e3 and othct ch::-.r~.r::s. Th~ c:~ount of c~ch rent P·1f'!.,-,cnt PnJ d:<"' cont;ider:::.tion ir:iti~Uy :>~t forth in !::tid lc::~c ur~ based on the total co~;c initially Get lonh therein, >;hlch is an c~tir::t:..te, r.nJ. [.L •. lJ -:;..ch ~e uc;u:.otcd proportion,.tcly ii the ucrn;:l co~t of the equipment d.iffc-rs from said cr.·ti:n2~C, -}. \':1/~f'HANTIES. Lessor will request the supplier to rutltori7c Les1;ce to enL>rce in its oy;n nnme nU worr;~nrlcs, rr.;recmr:nts or represcn~a­ tJons) if ;;.ny: !lhlch f!".:ay-Le m~de.L·y the su_rp)jcr to Lc~::f·c or Le5['~H, but Lccsar it!.~clf mn!ces no erpress, i;11plicrl c: st::Jtutory ~.~rrt1:Hics as to c.ny r::::tter v.t!c.tcocv~r, including, wld.~out lir;•itrl~ion, the c0ndition of etJUipr.)(·at, !.ts melC~H':lt~b.ility or its fitnc!;~; for ~::}y p~:-dcular purpo.:;c. 4. DATES AND TEP\1S. The term of s2id lease cimmcnces •·pon th\! T,es~or's isc:unnr·e of its purchase order for the cqulp,,•;,m to ~''pplier and end,; upon the c xpi ration of the number of > cnrs set forth on '" .id lca~;e cdter rLe rental ,·ormnenccmcnt d:nc, >.!lid, •. bte >.hdl be the {irs! d<'y of t!•e r~~cr-:::1 fc!lo1.ving the d~1te upon wlcich Lcs~ee sig~s a st~ t-..·t.-·~nt t.d:t1o~:Jlcd.:.::i:1,~ the i::t~;t._'l.!l::!dt}!l of cr:.!d e0,'!.tif.,ut~.:nt, or ~!~lY lo~cr d~tc .sr.:lccteJ by Le-:·;or, '"'1d which d~.tc Le~cor ic; .:.url.:.>rizcd to !111 in wn ~"'.ld lc:..~;J ,;,; the ''lL·:.tal Cumruc:c>cemcm Da,c''. 5. PUPCllASF OH.DER. Lcr.sor' s purcLase ord~o:r for ~"-id ec;ccir:n<:nt fr;>m 1::"iJ ~:·:,r>licr 'vill be i~~u~d l.''"lon t~rms subst.,ntidly as follow,~: (i) 5::Ud ort:cr is rlven in rt:liance on sut:--plier'n a~~ur~uco.:-th.:!t Lc:,:;c-c ha~ SL'lcctcd ~:,e cq'.:ipment a~ J<.·~cr1bcd nbvve <"\nd v:ill accept c:1c ~;c:>"".l~ on \~':~-~vot•ryl ~.,ut-', if Les:.~ct: does not ~ccept sn.id ~r:'.,iprnc'lt for ~-~;ly rca:~:u;J, Lcc:~-:)r !..: .. Jl h:,·vt! r~o ol:!i_,~.ttL>rl under sai~-l pur~has~ orll.:.~r ~nJ EU:}p]~..-~·r t::)~ll r:-~und to Lc~S(H all sums (incluJiug t~xe~,. tr·· .. ~·-pc;:t;...i:lon cha~··;c::; ;:.td c.t~ll; -t.:h~r~c0) p.:.iJ L~H· or 0n o..!CCollnt of l~c e(~·ui _l~neac; (ii) Tide to the e-':"';'m-'nt shdl poss from sui->plir:r directly to Lco.;sor, end ~t:;>pli,,r ,,:wll co-..·e;,~;:t <:.Hi '-'·'•wr.t tl.ar title is fr-.:e of ~dl lien~ 2.nd cncwn- b~2.nL:.:0, th~!t rLe ~"quipment will cor:-:ply with all \':::rrr;.1nics 7 t~tr.:C''fitf~Hs ~,.1d tl ~He~~ent~aiLi.lS made by sup1,lier t..J I.e~ see, ~nd th;lt t:ll 'i.::~u.;:!.:J­ tics, ~.:::r~erar~,~:ts : :! r·::·rcsentr,ious rnade Ly (;u;,plic: co Lc::>sec r:."tl/c-r to Lr·:;c;or c;Lall k: f..dly enfo.-,;~nble by each in its own Nuw:; (iii) s~~i-:rl:'.t Fjl~~:l deL..ter tL·-: r<Ju~,}fi1Cllt tiJ Les~;ce r.t the cr;('f ~·s,s indic~.tcd on ~:lid lc~l~>:! '.virh trcnt;p;Jrt.ltion chiJr~~s (if nny ~=(!shown c~ [:":·i.J !t:~·-~") P''"P"iJ and induLLd in :.:.;pplier'5 in,•cicc pric<-; (iv) Ter:ns of Le!:"-H'f> pa;·:ncnt to s::;,plier ,;h;::ll be fifcecn (15) .J;:y;; l:'fter recr 'r; of ~1-~;-:-,rli':f':J invoice or t''tfl;di~·r'~ i.aV .. >ic·:! Jt~c date, or the fitr;t dYy of tl·-:-lU"'!"lth ro.: .. .::-r tl:c d·uc t~!~ou which Lc~:::;ee sir,n:.t: n sL~t~nl(:1~ uctno\\_.:d~~~ lP~: i;~!:.tr.-1.~~-:.ii';'.J of ~~1:d l.J:llipm·.:-!It, \·,rL.ic1Jcvc-r is l~:tc-r; o.nJ (v) S;:t>J pnrcL'J!,c order L:u.ll r~.! cL.:c,~H.:d to h:.tve 1--._.~·n ac.::.·c:1t~d by S!~pr-l!er in ac<:::;-r..::l- ~:.:::e \':ith itc; term:; unlc·:>~ s-c;plicr Lc•; 0t!:cnvi.•.e ad•·i~ed Lc~::C'r iu "' ... !iilg ,,jtl.in t::n (lQ) da)l'> after the J:·tc of ~·:id purch:::.&c 0dcr. 6. Gt:AHLTfEES. Any guarcntees of the srid lease ~hall coot·~in ~uL~tnuidly rhe foll.oY:in~ provic.ions: /.can inc~1r2rnent to Lesser to mrke· ri:e ,,;t!,[n ka~e, the £'.12I«ntor(s), for value receivPd, jointly unJ ccvt.:r.Jly eu: r::n:tcc(,;) s"id !el!~e .,nd thac Let,;ec will fully rnd punctuc~lly pcr:'otm ee.ch nnd every te:m and conditior, rheteof ,,nd ,;tate that e::ch i3 fin<:aci:>Jly intcrc,;tcd i'l Less;:,c ~-nd will be bcn .. fitted by the m·,bng of said lease. PART II 7. RENT. The Les.;;,e shall pay during rhe term of sad lc::tse to~"l rrnc equal to the numL,·r of rent pnyments specified thert•i•t rnrlti(>li..:d by th•: amount of each p;cyrnent l'pecified d•crein. The fint rcl't pcym•:nt sh:c'l he <he and pay: blc on the Rent~l Comn'encem•·nt n~: ... The second ::nd sn!:>~equcnt rc,;t pn;·::~ents sloall be due and payrllle in ; c:J:'.:~c;.~ Oil!'::_ fir::t c'.::ty of c.•.ch r.nd every rc:H . .I p.:liud, All rent :.:1di be p::!ld to Lo:':;0r nt its f.Jdrec,:; ~e~ forth in ~>:ltd lease or ::s othe:·wis-:? c'icc·c~cd by 'L< ;;~or in Hrltin~, 8. cr:r:-JSIDERATION, As purtial considerr:rion for rhc cx-~curir:>:. of ~~.id !c::t•:c nl<i of the ncccpt.,nce of th-~ r.;:-plication ther!"for, Lessee ,;bn\1 ruy !~<:~::or on or t lore cl"• date of said accepta!lC"<' tlo" n·rr. cc t lc :·th as cc.n: idcr:>t!Gn on s!'id Je:~~.-. If l.c,,,-~·e ,;hdl· h~.·;e fully ce<~ecplicd \;·ith t~lC r:ovi~irm~; of ,,c.id leas~:, £:tid ''f>plic:::tion <Hid thc~e 'fc.cm:; "'·'l CC!I'.:i•i, . .-,!0, but t.ot etl.~·rwi:;c, ~:oid ~c.:n ,;o p:lid !.h::!ll lc CnlJiHld on the last rt"r;ral p:;yrr:clltS in tLc nurnl:er ,;t:,ted <>tt >.nid lean:. 9. tJSE._ l.t:!lfec r-hnll u!·e tile Cfll•ipmr·r.t in a <':uchl 11~anncr lind sk<ll co•r;,Jy v:ith r.ll h~v1; rd::tiot: to its posse·;~ion, use, or maintenance, 10. ~UllHE!l>)f.:'.t. At tho expir::.:ion of tl'e l•·~:.e term, l.e~1,cc sln•ll rc:dr-!hcr the e'"!'.tip:n< at to Le::;sor nt l.N::.:ur's plnce of bu::inc$s or such ot:Lcr p,;·.··Ju~<~-Llt: place a~; l.c!;!.;or may dc~i~nr .. u: within the.: !:.t:..c...: "i.VI:~ rc tl:~-.:-cc.r-.iiprn~··,;._ v.~·• ]c:~scd, ju like condition as when d\.:·livt'rcd to Lcs- ~;c;:, e~c::-pt for o[(l:nary Yfe;:.r and tear, LeG::c-e n::rccs to del:vrr the ~<!ui,Jmen• cc:r-,!dly c:-.a"J end frci:ht prcpn.id. l l. LOSS, DA\1/lGl~, ALTERATIONS. Le::;r.ce :;h:'!JI ln·ar the <'ollil'e risk of ~o<>s, tl.-dt, cbm·::;e or dcs~ruc: ion of the equit>ment from 1''1Y cnuse ;:--ht1.t::ocvt"r. Uo lor:s, theft, chvna3e or Je~,truction of the cqui~;n;cnt) ... ~/~le-~ll'·~r '1~·on d ·li·,.,'-·:ry c.t thcr.-:-,~! .. "..:-r, s!2~.Jl H·licve I e~~e2 of the oblir.~tion to rllY r~rt cr of Lny ot:1er vbJi:·~tion unr 1.'2I !-;t";_id lc:1.'.("'. Jr. tLc cvr ·.t of (: ... r:. '~'?. to C'.!lY irern t'f Cf! l* ·::e"it, Le~~ec shi"'.il i:::!nc:diately r't it~; cx- pen:c pl;:.:e t!"'-e ~r--~1e io gc0d ~r~pail" nnd fur:1i~:h ~.11 pnn.f~, Jn('Ch~:~-~:~n~· r.HdJ <.~·:;;,-~:-e~ r._:f1,.:..itcd d)ct\..-1~>r8 /dc::-~·:..-:tions. .!:·hall not be 1.1adc to said equipmc..:nt \V~d.owt Lc-:.;~c r' s prior 1.-.ritten con~f:r:.t, ~·.nd ~-.Jtei"~·.t:c~:..~ ::lt~::: i (.:.a L~Y c ;~nt) L.._·l.: .. _t~ t0 Le;.; !~·n. 12 .. T!\:St.llt/'~:-.:cE, LIFJ"!S) Tt~'XFS. L~?s:::Pe r.Lnll n:nint:~in in~.n!':--ncc :"""'~~,i·t~:t J,~,:J~;, d :f":, ,~~rn~'je nn t de:;tructj,):l of thl! eq•.1iprnent tn ~n fPn0unt rcr lt•c·s r!1::n tl:e !c~::l re:.t pay,-,ble uu<!cr ,_aid le:,;r_· plu~ ten per::, ;·-t ( II.,S) ll '·rcof. !:. id i11:.• .• ar:ce ch:1ll pw·;oidc (i) tltat lo~:; ~;hdl be payn\.ole to !.<'"·;~r-.r, (ii) rha.t ~-::.id ;ns3r:,nce :'s co Les~;or r-.nd it3 /».s:<.i~ns !'l1~·ll: ot Lc i;,~,:::JZ,~_H..:d LJ nny ~ct, Oll!~!;~:;lon or ne~lcct of Lcu:;cc, end (iii) c .. :::.:10l l•c c?Hcell::d wir~:ut•_t tbi:-ty (3(J) d;oys prior •:nincn r:oticc to !,.,,_,:or. l c·,-;,;'Jl r::'y r:_>ply the pmcc"d" uf :::tid in$\Hrlfl<''' to Jcplnce or rcp::~ir the f!'"!_~~i;--.P"''''nt e_f!( f"f f~) ~~~ti=:;fy Lc~~!:.:e:c-'s obli_sr:rinPs P1·dcr E:.'1id L.::•£/'4 lit. I.e--~~' ltG rC"r_,'..~c2t) )_cf.o~;.:.:! ~;!1~,1 Lu!'1it:h pro:1f of ~~aid insurPncc~ Le:;~::-c :!:hdl ke~:' d·.e erui;,;,,c-:-,t h<:l' and cknr of nil lcJi(!;;, liens; ,,d t"nu.:~:!;i:':lr-t :;, L~:::"ce ~lt::!l I'·'Y I'll ch:1r:;cs end r:1::cs (loc.:l, l'tr.te and h,d~;.::.l) ;v11i:.:!1 may ~O"':'J or Lc-reo:.'her be jmpo~:cd upon tl;~:! c~."l:lcr~Li:)) l:::I.sin,:), rc.:·u:~l, ~r.:.lc) purcL:"s~, po~;0e[..[.;ion or u::e ()f tbe t.'quip:nc·nt, e::- c:h:c~l:::-~, t.c}-.;-;c··..,.e.r, c.ll tn:~c-s on or mc-as:Jro::J by Le:;~·or':e, l!lCl •. --.1·;:. 13~ noj·!jE\~:~lTY. L<~S!.'CC s~.all forever ir .. dc·mnify, dcf.::.nd rn.d ~ave Lcs~:or h;;nr.J,:~S frc,·n P.ny Qnd all r!::ims, nctiO!lt;, procccJinr,5, e:.:t)Cfl!:H:~, d;.:r.Hlgt;:s nnd Jinbili.ti~s (incl\1ding r:nor:.cy:-.. ' fee~ ~~r~d court co:<.:t:-;) nti::oing in councc~ion v~·ith the cqnijH:-lent, including~ Y.·ithout limlt~.(ion, its ~.~ .• r!t:f~~cture, [;election, purc.h:-•se, deli--.(:ry, po~ses:..:1l•n, u~;c t~nd -oper~ ... tioa t.nd t.L~ll rcttHn the rccvvcry of clcim~ un~:r insu:-~.:.nce poli .... ·ie3 tbereof. 1-i. J,<::::;JGN~:-lf.NT. Lessee o;;rees not to as::>icn or ~ublct !PlY int:·~est in this Pf:r::r:uen~ 0r the equipw<"nt lensed herccnder withom Les~or's prior •:;ritten consent <:nd Les::.ee agrees not to remove .s·aid equipn<·nt from t·!le pl.:cc of installlltion ~;wcified thereiur ..-,·ithout Lessor's prior ~.,-::lt!f..-:n consent. 1'5. DEFAULT. If Lessee shv.ll fail to pay any rental as herein proy\d;,d v:hen t:1c s~rn'! i~> due and payable, or if Lessee shall ddut:lt in per- f<,rm:!..'lCC or ~hall fail to observe, keep or perfom1 rny provi;;ions of ,;:oid leas'!, ":·id upplicadon, and tl:ec;e Tcnns .:nd Cot!dirions, the remaining uniJ~id !ea~e payments sLall be flt once due and payable, and Le&~or, in r.\!~~id(\n t'J eny rcrncLiie~ it h'ls, m;.:y at its crtion terrnin·lt~ t~e :;r-id l '?:J?-"':.! £.nJ/or (nter t~r,on l.cs~ce, s premises r.nd rf'l -,~...-vc the cquiptncnt \"",ith or ,-.·ithvtn n-:Jtice to Le~::::ee, Le~~ce-;.13ree$ to pny ~·n cnp(lid l'2'3se p~:y;;;e-,:t,; nnd all cost;:; ::nd expen:.e~ (includiog I'Cr<coullhle at•om<:y::o' Lc~) lor t:nfc:ccng ~ny r~rt of <:C'.1d lc~~e. 10. ~<lSCELLAN'·-'IUS. l\oticc uncier said lc,.se r.1ay be 6ven to 1\ party hy I"·oi!inr, it to r-uch p:~rty nt its !'<'dress set fmth on s:1id lease or. at ~:~,c:J ct~H:r f~ddrct:;~; :-~s such pr.ny rnay give tbc otloer p~rty in writing, Thi<J J.t~HHLlcnt ~ hi~ll be f·..>vcr:H·d Ly und con:;tnL.::i in nccordnnce Vllth dlt: r~T,J of rice '.t:ae qf \';a·;L.in,t!!Orl, ') Lc C(;'Ujprncot j:;5 P.Hd :;h~:!l (( [,}:tka tv::;-··o~··~~hy (c·;"ll (H.)\!~~h it b2c ... rue~, ~ttached to r::::~llty) c.nd the prJp.crty ~of L~_-~; ... :or, J.~~-';t·c r;l~--·ll bavr.: 110 ri,~~ht, tide <H ir~tct"<-"'.t tb-::rcin or tht :·: :r•.J (·~.ct· •t a~; t .:pr2.·;::1y r:ct L.).rt~l in ::.:lid lease. Ph .. t ... •s or o~hcr m:.:.<~Lu:~·_; r:~r:y, ~:t }J~f~~,ur':t '~'l('ct.iou, Le nUL(ed ro or llh\((·d on sHid (~(l";i,mr·:lt ~H,·:~· .. tin.:; Lt·~;:.:.;r ic~ c.n·:nc:t. 17. rt;T!HE J\.1 .!{1'f·.f.1L:l'f, WAIVEH. This iH!,!lUHH'<It, tu;:ctl:'.'I \'lid· ,,,:c~ !(' , .. , ,.,_,,j ~-:->plin!tiou, con,aitutc:o the C!Jti.rc O~(rccment bcn·:ecn L~t.;~,.nr r.:1d L.r·•__.;.c-<·. 'J in1c i!J of the CfJ~~ncc r-.~:d no Y1r-.lv:.·r Ly Lc:r;.•.or <;f ouy d :-f.~~,.Jt ~Jl~Jl con.•;titure a v;~jt·c:· of nny o~:l~r d.:..-[ault on I.e~;·-(~-=~~s: l~~rt, or a v.•;:;;\Jc-r uf nny of Le!.:~.~>r' 3 ri~hts.