HomeMy WebLinkAbout505··-- ... f4f.J5 : J[ t 48 5671053 RESOLUTION N0 • .5'f?6 WHEREAS, on the 7th day of October, 1963, at a regular meeting assembled, the Kent City Council duly passed Kent City Ordinance No. 1218 directing and authorizing the Kent City Attor- ney to acquire through condemnation proceedings certain real property (the legal description of which is set forth in the copy of the Option for Sale of Real Estate which is attached hereto and the terms of which are incorporated by reference herein and which is herewith denominated "Exhibit"A" ") to be utilized for the public use and necessity and municipal purpose of future expansion of sewage treatment facilities for the City of Kent, and WHEREAS, thereafter, the Health and Sanitation Committee of the Kent City Council, with the advise and assistance of the Kent City Atto.rney, under the threat of condemnation, met with and negotiated terms for the purchase of said real property with the owner thereof, Nr. Yasuo Narita, a single man, and WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of November, 1963, said Yasuo Narita, for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) paid by the City of Kent, executed the "Option For Sale of Real Estate" (Exhibit "A" attached hereto) wherein he agreed to offer to the City of Kent a ninety (90) day option to purchase said real property for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00) cash on date of clos- ing of sale and in further consideration that on exercise of said option said Yasuo Narita would thereafter have the right to occupy and use said real property through December 31, 196~ with- out charge, and WHEREAS, after study and review of said actions as afore said, and after further discussion and studies the City Council of the City of Kent finds that the purchase of said Yasuo Narita real property in accordance with the terms of Exhibit "A" C":) 1 I,... _, -....... 2 (,. l'o. ;~(It; ~ 3 ,,..., .. ~ 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~OL 44~fj ?4J£l49 I attached hereto is for a public use and necessity and for a pro- per municipal purpose, and further, that the terms of said pur- chase are proper and in line with the fair market value of com- parable real property located in a similar area, NOW THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent in a regular meeting assembled: That all of the actions of the Health and Sanitation Committee of the Kent City Council and of the Kent City Attorney as aforsaid are hereby ratified and approved, and be it further, RESOLVED: That the Mayor and the City Clerk are author- ized and directed to exercise the option set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto within the option period as set forth therein; and the Mayor and City Clerk are further authorized and directed to execute a check to be drawn on the City of Kent Sewer Construc- tion Fund in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($124,500.00) in favor of said Yasuo Narita,a single man, and be it further, RESOLVED: That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to take such other steps as shall be in the best interests of the City of Kent and necessary to consum~ ... · .: mate the purchase of said real property from said Yasuo Narito as aforesaid, and be it further, RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution and Exhibit 11 A11 attached hereto, shall by the City Clerk be filed in the King County Auditor's Office. Passed by the City Council of the City of Kent on the 2. J day of (j)t! c t£-.. h.r~ , 1963. -2- ,, 1 t"'' . ' .... 2 r,:, ?-.. 3 ; ,., -) .,. 1.!, 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Attest: Approved as to Form: JOHN ~~ITER, CITY ATTORNEY G, . . Passed the/ir¢{ day of :>er 9-C--- Approved the3c=riday of ~~ ' 1963 ' 1963 -3-.··, ~~~4.485 fiA3£15f c~--~-ON FOR SALEtOF RE.P ESlAit:.. -. ; ,___,· ~ivu Hundred and no one hundred dol lors (1500.l "....._ .. , " ) , In cansirleratirm of the sum of-~~~!:'~~lL~~~~~!<_>l~~~.!li?:<F]Cx~~-I~~~~t;~).k!!>'~) ,' '''\·,,. '1ars, ,, , -~ in nanu paid tJlj _ _ ___ C:~_!:x_ _9_~_!\._<:_:_J::_!__~-~-~~~-C:~P-~!~_!L_~f-.i:!:J_e __ J'!lA rcL _ ---· ___ . __ _ ------_____ ~1_"': ~-::;-_ t?J~-~!~~-_f?_!5i_!~-------------------------of __ J'{_c:_!§_h.i.J:1Jlt9JL -~-----~--- the receipt zrhereof is hereby acknowledged, ___ J_ ________ hereby grant_ ___ to said_:'~::::-_·:::::.:-_:.::_-_ -~---:::-_-_ ~ ::-_-_~ _-_-_-:_-_~~---~~---=::_-_=:-_-_:::_-_:::_~: __ purchaser, and to __ _i:t.s_ _______ heirs and assigns the option of purchasing from_J!)~--------------------------------------------and_L ________ _ agree ____ to sell to the said purchaser at any time within ___ ~_0 __ 9_C!::f§ _________________ from date hereof, the fullowing cles('ribed real estate situated in __ lStf!.g ___________________________ county, l ,, ,, State of Wa~hington 1 to-wit:~~b9_~-p_~~.!.-i.~!1 __ ~!._-~~-<:.!i-_~~--~~-?--!~~!l-~~~E-12-~-.!1-~!:'.!~.l.£~~ge 4 east, ''11,11., 1n Kine County, Washington ,descr1bed as fol oh's:. _____ e~.zinf1 iPJ3 __ 2_ o Q J. ~ ~-_ :[~_c:.! __ ~~§_!_.?_t_J:_J:!~ __ l!s>£.!~1~-~~-~-~-~~!:1_~~ --~f __ ~ ~-c:!~-~1] __ 2_~.1 , township 22 nortJ1, range 4 east, W.M.; thence west 1517.36 feet; ______ th~n.ce _ ~-9\) i;)1_ 9_ ~ 5Ji~ __ G.9.?_L .£1 op_g __ t_1}~ __ <;9_1.!D.tY._F_QS!SL?~-~.! ~-LJ.~~-:ti __ ~b~_f!<:::~ :;;out!l 2ll 0 :l~S' Gd:::>t alonp, the east line of the County Road 115 1 ~.7 -----ii~.;~a~;~g";o~~~t~~miltR~:;-~r~i~{'-f.Q;;it~r;Pnf2:lJ1.-~ge-~~~-\i~-~~~-~-f4 9-£eet; · tneJic;J2 -past ~uu ;t epee. nq!'th to the oint 0 be~unnlnr:.. , . ,wr -------.:~=-agr~----fJ~Q-P'U1'€h&wHit 1"8pon~.saan...Jll.pli.l£JJ111Jl~ ~· v\ T'.is ''~-'tic:: i·v·:: :,;,,;,_,1-cor,.Jen:niJtion urdinance of K~.:nt lr'/21{;' <md condcrnnation at;n dition-of-tttl~. ~ r ur..>.J.! rJ i n r) :_; pr1 n d i n rJ <HJ a i n s t Sl rant or. Provided ::.aid title report shows good merchantable title in ____ ffiY§~_lf_ ____________________ _ ·----------------------------------------------------------the said purchaser is to pay for said property the sum of $': ~?~-·JSJ.!.~~~C;!CJ:-::-::..-_-:::-:-:-:::-:-_including the sum above receipted for as follows: ~--<?_~ ~ _ ::' ,:1_ -~'! ~ ~ _:;_f __ c_~·::~ l~1_:;__o_~_ ~9J.9_. ___ ~Ql1&LJ_q__bgy,9 __ o_~~ldND~-Y--iJ.Q.;j_.\,J~~_QLu.b.O.Y.J!. ______ _ _ r:..~~C:CJ _:J5:_<l_l ~ ~i~J-_t_:~cC2 ~ _l, __ J~r::.~ Qf,:,1l.9L-~LL_l2!i.:t.Y!.Ltbgyj__c_Q.Q[ (J&_~ ___ ------------------------- --------------------------~------------------------------------------------------~----------- with interest_ __________________________ at the rate of----------------per cent. per annum, from Whenever, with in the time specified above, the said purchaser has accepted tlte title, the said • vendor ____ shall execute a proper deed of conveyance for said property and deliver the same to_. to be held by _____________ in escrow and delivered to said purchaser ____ upon final payment. In case the title to said property is not good or cannot be made good within ____ 3_Q ________ days this agreement shall be void, and the earnest money herein receipted for shall be refunded. If the purclwse is made as aforesaid,. the earnest money shJ.ll be accredited on the purchase prir;c, b11 t if the purclwser ____ or ------~!3 __________ heirs or assigns sllall fail to make any further PfJ.1J7."L,:nt<; in the time a1Jove specified, then the earnest money herein receipted for slzall be forfeited to :;,_;_i'J. u;nrlur without notice, and the said premises shall be ab.~olutely disclzarged from any in- cumuranr_cs or cloud arising herefrom, and all parties released from further obliyations herein. The prapcrty ::,lwll be conveyed by good and sufficient_ __ Vj?_r:_J;:§l_f!!Y _________ deed, free from all liens and inC':nnbru nces of every nature_..G-X.Ciil~--t-hos-e-a.f--r-ec--GFe-.---fu.xes--ttt-'-1~-rn>--------"--~- r2L·ci ,:J'-cf Cclj,_. f closincJ' ------· ---------------------------------------------------~~-------------------. ' -------------· -~----~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------·---------- and rents and interc~t on mortgages, if any, shall be apportioned from date of final JW!Jment. IN WIT.Vf,',)'S W!JERFOF, _____ l. _______________ ha_'t..Q_ hereunto !it:L_!._rJy_ __________ hand_. __ _ and seaLlJt Viis __ -~ I ::..L ____ day of ____ JlQ~!:Uil.lJ:ir ________ -------·---------_ --, A.D. 19 Ii3. -· ·Signed. Sealed and <Ielive"<d in Presence of ~ ---------------\ -_ ---LJ-£<-o.;,vc_]w:t:_~ ______ r sw. J ___ , ________ .: ___ -·----. , ________ , ______ .. (SFA{,) --~---------·---~~! ·rd'_.-;-~,t.;;,;;;•:;·,,-.,r'·''•'l""''') ,.,.,,,.•,1 ''''l•',•.fotl ,,,,,.,,,"'''· wh••tr 'JOJdf·l!il)' 1•. 111\llrf'\J 111 I lOY!;"_,, loro.jun N•Jtdr~J'dl I''J-d !'IIIIo~ r •• ), ~ .... .tl!r u,l,)i•,li frH '.nl., ,,, ft, .. , ,,I,Jir) lwm N•J '/ .,(Sf:Al.J J ·J I ,, .. ,, t:..-.t'?tbl .,~J , .......... -___ ..... --·------ .. ·:~/' t;'"' ' .. -.~ ............. ..,..... I~.:.:_,.,.,. -·•- ,\ ,,, \ ,r f • i ' ,- VOL4485 PAJ£152 ' ' ' ' -- STATE OF WASHINGTON, 88 • (INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLJ<:l )flMENT i County of_-----~ j_ ~~~---____ ----------------------------- I, _____ 4~;Ji_r_I_~~~--!~I.S:'J_~~l~------------------------------· Notary Public In nnd for lht Stf\ll' or Wnshin•:L'n. r-' ,,.:· do hF>r('by cr,rtify that on thi<; _____ 2J..::>L---------~---day of ___ J:.fc;uLC'Lilic.r _________ ---·--_____ , 19.t .. <L, p('r~ona!ly ... appeared be 'fore me __ j_Qi-..!d.Q.Jl!:!LU_q__. __ Q._§_Lo~!&-' __ r.mtQ ______________________________ -_--.:. __ . __ ~--~------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to me known to be the individuaL ______ described In and who executed the within Instrument and acknowledgrd that -------~~-----signPd u.nd scaled the same as _____ ~i_~---------------free and voluntary ncl;.. ,rf rJror,d for thP u:;es and purposes herein menticned. ,' i GIVEN UNDEH. 1\ry HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL thls. ____ 21s.L _________________ . -----------_ _ day of . () ! r'? ./7 1 --cT'L ___ 0 --G!!-::_t_• :~q-"-------------·---- NoLary Public in and for the State' of Washington, residing at _______ JJ.~JltLle ________________________ in satd County. • ------____ U.u.vCJyb.tX ___________ --------· 19£..3 __ , ,.:)': 1 ~"'' ' :) . '{'"'"<'' .. ~~, ,:~ lJ. 0 l1J w -I ~ < < (/)~ 0:: (/) oW lL _J z < 0~ ~ D.. 0 2 0 a:: LL 0 1- -~--}"". t,~ r ' { .. . . ' -~ UO,l~U}'l\S~.l1· ',lU~)J ~~a1o ~~lQ~ ~ sa~p1~a sa1~e'l\o ·~w :dO J.S:ID03:~ 3HL J. V O~OO:nl ~Od O:!r!Id. 'i ,, ,_ I ,. en - ''·~,<· •. ' ... ,